81 research outputs found

    Relação da vegetação de caatinga com a condição geomorfométrica local

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    Objetivou-se, com o presente trabalho, avaliar o potencial das variáveis geomorfométricas extraídas de dados SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) para identificação de tipos vegetacionais da Reserva Particular do Patrimônio Natural de Serra das Almas, CE. Em estudo conduzido na escala de 1:100.000, as variáveis geomorfométricas (elevação, declividade, orientação de vertente, curvatura vertical e curvatura horizontal) foram confrontadas com o mapa de vegetação referência, através de análises de histogramas e análises discriminantes. As variáveis mais importantes na distinção entre os tipos vegetacionais, foram a elevação, a declividade e a curvatura vertical, embora se pudesse observar preferências de tipos mapeados em relação às demais variáveis. Apesar dos dados geomorfométricos mostrarem potencial indicativo das classes de vegetação pela interpretação dos padrões, as análises sob abordagem numérica resultaram em discriminação em um nível aquém do detalhamento temático do mapa referência. Concluiu-se que os dados geomorfométricos representaram significativos insumos para o mapeamento fitogeográfico, devendo ser explorados de forma integrada, em complementaridade às demais variáveis já utilizadas.The objective of this work was to assess the potential of geomorphometric variables, derived from SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) data, to help in identifying vegetation types in the Serra das Almas National Park (CE). A 1:100.000 survey vegetation map was used as reference and the geomorphometric variables (elevation, slope, aspect and profile and plan curvatures) were compared to the mapped units. The variables elevation, slope and profile curvature were shown as the most important for their high discrimination power of the vegetation types. Although geomorphometric data had strong potential for characterizing vegetation through map comparisons, the achieved thematic detail levels were under those of the reference map when data was analyzed under a numerical approach. It was concluded that geomorphometric data were important input for vegetation mapping, and should be employed together with currently used data

    Land-use and land-cover mapping of the Brazilian cerrado based mainly on Landsat-8 satellite images.

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    The Brazilian Cerrado is one of the world´s biodiversity hotspot and hosts some of the most intensive agricultural activities for food production in the world. The objective of this study was to produce a land-use and land-cover (LULC) map of the Cerrado based on Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) images. A set of 121 scenes from 2013 was processed using the image segmentation technique. The segments were exported in the shapefile format and interpreted visually in a geographical information system software using RGB/564 color composites. The following LULC classes were considered: annual croplands, perennial croplands, cultivated pasturelands, reforestation, mosaic of occupation, urban areas, mining areas, bare soil, forestlands, non-forestlands, water bodies, and non-identified (clouds and burned areas). The overall accuracy was estimated by an independent scientist with large experience in Cerrado´s image interpretation. The results showed that 43.4% of the study area (88.5 million hectares) were already converted into agricultural, urban and mining areas, 54.6% (111 million hectares) were still natural areas, and 1.9% (3.9 million hectares) was classified as non-identified. Cultivated pasturelands were the most representative land-use type (29.5%), followed by annual croplands (8.5%) and perennial croplands (3.1%). The overall accuracy of the final map was 80.2%.Título em português: Mapeamento de uso e cobertura de terras do cerrado com base principalmente em imagens do satélite Landsat-8

    Land-use and land-cover mapping of the Brazilian cerrado based mainly on Landsat-8 satellite images.

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    The Brazilian Cerrado is one of the world´s biodiversity hotspot and hosts some of the most intensive agricultural activities for food production in the world. The objective of this study was to produce a land-use and land-cover (LULC) map of the Cerrado based on Landsat-8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) images. A set of 121 scenes from 2013 was processed using the image segmentation technique. The segments were exported in the shapefile format and interpreted visually in a geographical information system software using RGB/564 color composites. The following LULC classes were considered: annual croplands, perennial croplands, cultivated pasturelands, reforestation, mosaic of occupation, urban areas, mining areas, bare soil, forestlands, non-forestlands, water bodies, and non-identified (clouds and burned areas). The overall accuracy was estimated by an independent scientist with large experience in Cerrado´s image interpretation. The results showed that 43.4% of the study area (88.5 million hectares) were already converted into agricultural, urban and mining areas, 54.6% (111 million hectares) were still natural areas, and 1.9% (3.9 million hectares) was classified as non-identified. Cultivated pasturelands were the most representative land-use type (29.5%), followed by annual croplands (8.5%) and perennial croplands (3.1%). The overall accuracy of the final map was 80.2%.Título em português: Mapeamento de uso e cobertura de terras do cerrado com base principalmente em imagens do satélite Landsat-8

    Contemporary Management of Stable Coronary Artery Disease.

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    Coronary artery disease (CAD) continues to be the leading cause of mortality and morbidity in developed countries. Assessment of pre-test probability (PTP) based on patient's characteristics, gender and symptoms, help to identify more accurate patient's clinical likelihood of coronary artery disease. Consequently, non-invasive imaging tests are performed more appropriately to rule in or rule out CAD rather than invasive coronary angiography (ICA). Coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) is the first-line non-invasive imaging technique in patients with suspected CAD and could be used to plan and guide coronary intervention. Invasive coronary angiography remains the gold-standard method for the identification and characterization of coronary artery stenosis. However, it is recommended in patients where the imaging tests are non-conclusive, and the clinical likelihood is very high, remembering that in clinical practice, approximately 30 to 70% of patients with symptoms and/or signs of ischemia, referred to coronary angiography, have non obstructive coronary artery disease (INOCA). In this contest, physiology and imaging-guided revascularization represent the cornerstone of contemporary management of chronic coronary syndromes (CCS) patients allowing us to focus specifically on ischemia-inducing stenoses. Finally, we also discuss contemporary medical therapeutic approach for secondary prevention. The aim of this review is to provide an updated diagnostic and therapeutic approach for the management of patients with stable coronary artery disease

    Índice texturais das áreas de exploração florestal na FLONA do Tapajós (Pará), utilizando imagens de média resolução espacial fusionadas.

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    The Amazon Biome has a wide variety of ecosystems, such as: flooded forests, dry land, igapós, open fields, floodplains and cerrado. And for forest studies what has been used in the scientific field are several methods of satellites images classification based on textural characteristics. The texture characteristics are an important source of information for the analysis and interpretation process of products that are generated by optical sensors. In this work we show results obtained through the application of the mapping methodology developed by DETEX (Detection of Selective Logging) and the textural measures using a co-occurrence matrix, in the study area of FNT (Tapajós National Forest) in Pará, having as a temporal cut the years of 2014, before the forest exploitation and 2015, the year post logging. The results obtained from the fused images of the Landsat 8 satellite (Sensor OLI) demonstrated a relation between some textural variables obtained by the Haralick texture and the forest exploitation degree applied, measured by the remaining basal area (G - m²/ha) . Based on the results, it was possible to establish that before the logging the trees from the dominant extract were important in the detection result, whereas when some individuals (2015) were extracted, the dominant trees were fundamental for the verification of low impact logging activity in the fores

    Detecção de padrões espaciais ligados à exploração florestal madeireira na Amazônia Legal: o caso da COOMFLONA, na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós.

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    For the protection of Amazon forest remnants, it is fundamental to know how the processes of forest exploitation occur. In this sense, it is necessary to formulate methodologies that aim at the optimization and accuracy of the mappings related to the selective cutting of forest individuals for commercial purposes. Thus, this work presents the results obtained through the application of the mapping methodology developed in DETEX project, allied to geotechnology and geostatistical methods, aiming at the identification of forest exploitation patterns related to wood selective cutting in COOMFLONA of 2013, 2014 and 2015. According to the results, logging began in 2013 with the installation of storage and infrastructure yards in the north of the area, demonstrating that the applied technique was effective in mapping the area''''''''s exploration dynamics. Subsequently, the infrastructure was installed towards the south of the area, followed by exploration. Finally, in 2015 one can see that the exploration activities were concentrated in the south of the area. During the analyzed period, results related to the spatial autocorrelation values of the Moran Local Index, as well as the surface map of forest exploitation density by interpolation by the Kernel method, showed an intense dynamics related to the implantation of storage yards and road infrastructure of forest exploitation

    Feições de exploração florestal de impacto reduzido na Flona do Tapajós utilizando imagens Landsat e filtros texturais.

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    In the Amazon, the suitable of natural forests is recurring theme in the last years on the world, considering if the same has a huge potential of contribution in products and services. In this context, the reduced impact logging is fundamental in the biodiversity conservation and their forest feedstock sustainable use. Thus, to evaluate a mapping the reduced impact logging in the National forest of Tapajós, Para State, a quantity of information?s and Landsat8 - OLI series merged to orbit-points 227/062 was used to apply in the DETEX methodology (Selective logging Detection), to detect forest exploitation. The results showed significant relationships at use of coherence matrixes of gray levels based on texture characteristics related with remained basal area in fields regarded as reduced impact logging, notably to contrast, entropy, homogeneity and angular second moment texture variables, for the majority of them after the forest exploitation in the area. In addition, the longest filters windows size obtained significant statistical results, aligned with specialized literature about the theme. In this way, is recommended the use of methodology in areas with higher exploitation intensity than used in this study, in order to stablish comparisons and identify levels of intensity in forest exploitation distinc

    A confiabilidade do PRODES: estimativa da acurácia do mapeamento do desmatamento no estado Mato Grosso.

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    PRODES is completing almost thirty years of uninterrupted monitoring of clear-cut deforestation over the Brazilian Amazon. Until now, no estimate of its mapping accuracy has been made. In this sense, this article brings a first approximation of mapping accuracy estimation of PRODES deforested areas, taking as example the state of Mato Grosso for the year 2014. For this, a random sampling panel was constructed, stratified with two strata, the deforestation of 2014 and the remaining forest. The sample size was calculated using the binomial function. In addition, a web platform was built to evaluate the points drawn by three independent evaluators. The global accuracy of the mapping of deforestation for the state of Mato Grosso, for the year 2014 was 94.5%, and may vary between 92.4% and 96.5%, in the evaluated scenario there was no class discordance to be found. Regarding the Forest class, the user accuracy was 90.5% and the producer's accuracy was 88.4%, this imbalance between user accuracy and producer accuracy indicates that there is a tendency for the forest class area to be underestimated for this mapping, in this year

    Seleção genômica ampla no melhoramento de Coffea canephora.

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    Neste trabalho, um grande número de indivíduos e marcadores foram selecionados, para se avaliar a aplicabilidade da SGA em termos de resposta de seleção das características alvo e precisão da predição em uma população de C. canephora.Título em inglês: Genome wide selection in Coffea canephora breeding

    Estudo de associação genômica ampla para importantes características agronômicas em Coffea canephora.

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    RESUMO: O Estudo de Associação Genômica Ampla (Genome-Wide Association Studies ? GWAS) surgiu com o intuito de capturar o efeito de genes na determinação de determinada característica fenotípica. Para isso, os indivíduos selecionados são genotipados em escala genômica e fenotipados para as características de interesse e então, a partir de análises estatísticas entre os polimorfismos de DNA e a variação no fenótipo, os genes que controlam essas características podem ser identificados. Por se tratar de uma espécie perene e de ciclo longo, os programas de melhoramento genético convencional do cafeeiro são demorados (vários anos) e de custo elevado. A geração de cultivares superiores via melhoramento genético ainda lida com o desafio de agregar simultaneamente diversas características quantitativas de relevância agronômica, assim como a qualidade de bebida. Neste contexto, na tentativa de identificar genes/regiões genômicas associadas à características agronômicas importantes, 1.319 indivíduos da Embrapa Cerrados foram genotipados e fenotipados, e posteriormente, realizou-se um estudo de GWAS com os softwares TASSEL e rrBLUP. Um número diferente de marcadores associados foi identificado com as duas estratégias utilizadas. Foram identificados marcadores tanto em regiões intergênicas como em regiões gênicas, sendo que, nesta última, os marcadores estavam presentes em genes já caracterizados e descritos na literatura para outras espécies como estando relacionados às características agronômicas aqui analisadas.Título em inglês: Genome-wide association studies for important agronomic traits in Coffea canephora