954 research outputs found

    Black Hole as a Point Radiator and Recoil Effect on the Brane World

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    A small black hole attached to a brane in a higher dimensional space emitting quanta into the bulk may leave the brane as a result of a recoil. We construct a field theory model in which such a black hole is described as a massive scalar particle with internal degrees of freedom. In this model, the probability of transition between the different internal levels followed by emission of massless quanta is identical to the probability of thermal emission calculated for the Schwarzschild black hole. The discussed recoil effect implies that the thermal emission of the black holes, which might be created by interaction of high energy particles in colliders, could be terminated and the energy non-conservation can be observed in the brane experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Letter

    Econometrics of the Basu Asymmetric Timeliness Coefficient and Accounting Conservatism

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    A substantial literature investigates conditional conservatism, defined as asymmetric accounting recognition of economic shocks (“news”), and how it depends on various market, political, and institutional variables. Studies typically assume the Basu [1997] asymmetric timeliness coefficient (the incremental slope on negative returns in a piecewise-linear regression of accounting income on stock returns) is a valid conditional conservatism measure. We analyze the measure's validity, in the context of a model with accounting income incorporating different types of information with different lags, and with noise. We demonstrate that the asymmetric timeliness coefficient varies with firm characteristics affecting their information environments, such as the length of the firm's operating and investment cycles, and its degree of diversification. We particularly examine one characteristic, the extent to which “unbooked” information (such as revised expectations about rents and growth options) is independent of other information, and discuss the conditions under which a proxy for this characteristic is the market-to-book ratio. We also conclude that much criticism of the Basu regression misconstrues researchers’ objectives

    Stability of the spiral phase in the 2D extended t-J model

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    We analyze the t-t'-t''-J model at low doping by chiral perturbation theory and show that the (1,0) spiral state is stabilized by the presence of t',t'' above critical values around 0.2J, assuming t/J=3.1. We find that the (magnon mediated) hole-hole interactions have an important effect on the region of charge stability in the space of parameters t',t'', generally increasing stability, while the stability in the magnetic sector is guaranteed by the presence of spin quantum fluctuations (order from disorder effect). These conclusions are based on perturbative analysis performed up to two loops, with very good convergence.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Scattering of Straight Cosmic Strings by Black Holes: Weak Field Approximation

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    The scattering of a straight, infinitely long string moving with velocity vv by a black hole is considered. We analyze the weak-field case, where the impact parameter (bimpb_{imp}) is large, and obtain exact solutions to the equations of motion. As a result of scattering, the string is displaced in the direction perpendicular to the velocity by an amount Δb2πGMvγ/c3π(GM)2/(4c3vbimp)\Delta b\sim -2\pi GMv\gamma/c^3 -\pi (GM)^2/ (4c^3 v b_{imp}), where γ=(1(v/c)2)1/2\gamma=(1-(v/c)^2)^{-1/2}. The second term dominates at low velocities v/c<(GM/bimp)1/2v/c<(GM/b_{imp})^{1/2} . The late-time solution is represented by a kink and anti-kink, propagating in opposite directions at the speed of light, and leaving behind them the string in a new ``phase''. The solutions are applied to the problem of string capture, and are compared to numerical results.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Soliton binding and low-lying singlets in frustrated odd-legged S=1/2 spin tubes

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    Motivated by the intriguing properties of the vanadium spin tube Na2V3O7, we show that an effective spin-chirality model similar to that of standard Heisenberg odd-legged S=1/2 spin tubes can be derived for frustrated inter-ring couplings, but with a spin-chirality coupling constant alpha that can be arbitrarily small. Using density matrix renormalization group and analytical arguments, we show that, while spontaneous dimerization is always present, solitons become bound into low-lying singlets as alpha is reduced. Experimental implications for strongly frustrated tubes are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Interaction of higher-dimensional rotating black holes with branes

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    We study interaction of rotating higher dimensional black holes with a brane in space-times with large extra dimensions. We demonstrate that in a general case a rotating black hole attached to a brane can loose bulk components of its angular momenta. A stationary black hole can have only those components of the angular momenta which are connected with Killing vectors generating transformations preserving a position of the brane. In a final stationary state the null Killing vector generating the black hole horizon is tangent to the brane. We discuss first the interaction of a cosmic string and a domain wall with the 4D Kerr black hole. We then prove the general result for slowly rotating higher dimensional black holes interacting with branes. The characteristic time when a rotating black hole with the gravitational radius r0r_0 reaches this final stationary state is Tr0p1/(Gσ)T\sim r_0^{p-1}/(G\sigma), where GG is the higher dimensional gravitational coupling constant, σ\sigma is the brane tension, and pp is the number of extra dimensions.Comment: Version published in Class. Quant. Gra