4 research outputs found

    Women's participation in Jewish public work

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    Jevrejska ženska društva putem kojih su se jevrejske žene prvi put uključile u javni rad, organizovana su u našoj zemlji kao i u drugim krajevima Evrope u drugoj polovini XIX veka. Prva ženska društva nastala su u Vojvodini, zatim u Zagrebu, Beogradu i Sarajevu. Mnoga od njih delovala su decenijama proširujući kasnije svoje aktivnosti i na kulturno i vaspitno polje. I Jevrejska ženska omladina je zajedno sa vršnjacima učestvovala u radu niza jevrejskih organizacija.Jewish women's societies through which Jewish women first became involved in public work were organized in our country as in other parts of Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century. The first women's societies were created in Vojvodina, then in Zagreb, Belgrade, and Sarajevo. Many of them worked for decades, later expanding their activities to the cultural and educational fields. Jewish women's youth, together with their peers, participated in the work of a number of Jewish organizations

    About Jewish children's kindergarten

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    Malobrojna jevrejska zajednica u Jugoslaviji koja je preživela II svetski rat i, nakon njega i grupna iseljenja u Izrael, u želji da se održi jevrejski identitet, morala je misliti na buduće generacije. Kao važan zadatak postavilo se prenošenje kulturnog nasleđa na decu i omladinu. Kada su se jevrejske porodice vratile az Narodno-oslobodilačke borbe, iz zarobljeničkih i koncentracionih logora ili izbeglištva, dovele su sa sobom samo vrlo mali broj dece pa se na svako jevrejsko dete gledalo kao na neki lepi egzotični cvet. Ali uskoro su se stvorila nova ognjišta, deca su se rađala tako da je je u vreme izlaženja ovog broja “Jevrejskog almanaha” na celoj teritoriji Jugoslavije bilo oko 1.000 dece do 16 godina starosti. Većina ove dece živi u Beogradu, Zagrebu i Sarajevu. Članovi naše zajednice su se posle oslobođenja relativno brzo uključili u ekonomsku i društvenu izgradnju zemlje. Mlade majke u novoj Jugoslaviji su pored ravnopravnosti dobile i široku mogućnost za lični razvoj, pa su se i zbog materijalnih razloga sve više zapošljavale ili studirale. Nemajući kome da ostave decu, one su počele isticati potrebu osnivanja dečjeg zabavišta gde bi deca pod stručnim nadzorom korisno provodila vreme, a uz to dobivala tradicionalna jevrejska znanja koja majke često nisu bile u mogućnosti da im pruže jer ih ni same nisu imale u dovoljnoj meri.The small Jewish community in Yugoslavia who survived World War II and, afterward, the group emigration to Israel, in order to maintain its Jewish identity, had to think of future generations. The transfer of cultural heritage to children and young people has been an important task. When Jewish families returned from the National Liberation Struggle, they brought with them only a very small number of children from prison and concentration camps or refugees, so that every Jewish child was looked upon as some beautiful exotic flower. But soon, new hearths were created, children were born, so that at the time of this issue of the Jewish Almanac, there were about 1,000 children under the age of 16 in the whole territory of Yugoslavia. Most of these children live in Belgrade, Zagreb, and Sarajevo. After the liberation, members of our community quickly became involved in the economic and social construction of the country. In addition to equality, young mothers in New Yugoslavia were also given wide opportunities for personal development, and for material reasons were increasingly employed or studied. With no one to leave their children, they began to emphasize the need to establish a children's kindergarten where children under professional supervision would usefully spend time, with traditional Jewish knowledge that mothers were often unable to provide because they did not have enough knowledge themselves

    Some open questions and prospects for co-operation of the Danube-basin countries

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    The author points to the fact that the basic problem in the field of co-operation among the Danube-basin countries is the insufficiency of mutual economic relations between them. It is necessary to encourage creation of bilateral and multilateral forms of co-operation among the Danube-basin countries and establishment of their common approach to the other regions of the world. There is also a need for inflow of world capital, considering that the principles of sustainable exploitation of natural resources (sustainable development) are respected. All these efforts should be directed towards achievement of more accelerated economic development, to attain growth of labour productivity, to increase employment rate and the standard of living, to achieve development of national cultures and their mutual interweaving, and thus to ensure growth of material and cultural wealth of any defined community and the region as a whole

    Sociology of Migration in Yugoslavia

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