391 research outputs found

    Effetto dei sistemi di estrazione e della denocciolatura sulla conservabilità di un olio extravergine di oliva (cv. Bosana)

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    Comparison between oils two-phase and three-phase extracted pointed out a better stability to oxidation and higher antioxidant activity for the two-phase oils. Destoned oils showed a higher antioxidant activity, stability to oxidation and α-tocopherol content, with respect to the whole oil. Exposure to the dark is better for all oils analyzed, as expected. Il raffronto tra i campioni di olio della cv Bosana ottenuti dal separatore a due e tre fasi evidenziano per i primi una maggiore stabilità all’ossidazione e una più alta attività antiossidante, maggior conservazione del patrimonio fenolico ma decrementi più intensi dei pigmenti. Gli oli ottenuti da olive denocciolate evidenziano, dopo 16 mesi di conservazione, una maggiore stabilità all’ossidazione, maggiore attività antiossidante e più alti valori di α-tocoferolo. Nelle quattro tesi l’esposizione al buio ha fornito gli attesi migliori risultati

    Influenza del periodo e dei metodi di conservazione sulla shelf-life di un olio monovarietale ottenuto con tecnologie differenti

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    Stability of olive oil during shelf-life depends on several factors, such as cultivar, technology, and storage conditions. In this research the influence of different processing parameters and of packaging and storage conditions on some quality parameters was studied, in order to evaluate the shelf-life of a mono-varietal oil. The oil samples have been extracted with a two-phase decanter from whole or destoned olives, and with a three-phase decanter from whole olives (Bosana cv.). The oils have been hermetically packaged in glass bottles, half of them with a 3 mL headspace, and the other half filled up. Containers have been stored at ambient temperature and under diffused light or in the dark. Data show that oil degradation is not always affected by storage conditions. Moreover, due to the very high original content in antioxidants, the oil keeps its high quality characteristics. La stabilità degli oli extra vergini di oliva durante la shelf-life dipende da fattori primari di tipo varieta1e, colturale e tecnologico e dai parametri di conservazione. In questo lavoro si è voluta studiare l'influenza di differenti condizioni di processo e di confezionamento/stoccaggio su alcuni parametri di qualità, al fmine di valutare la shelf-life di un olio monovarietale. L'olio, ottenuto da olive della varietà "Bosana", è stato estratto con il sistema a due fasi, utilizzando olive intere o denocciolate, e con il sistema a tre fasi con olive intere. E' stato confezionato ermeticamente in contenitori di vetro trasparente, la metà con uno spazio di testa di 3 mL, l'altra metà colmi, e poi esposto a luce diffusa o al buio a temperatura ambiente. I dati mostrano che non sempre le condizioni di conservazione hanno influito significativamente sulla degradazione dell'olio. Inoltre, dato l'alto contenuto iniziale in antiossidanti, l'olio mantiene le sue caratteristiche di alta qualità

    Prognostic impact of coronary microcirculation abnormalities in systemic sclerosis: a prospective study to evaluate the role of non-invasive tests

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    INTRODUCTION: Microcirculation dysfunction is a typical feature of systemic sclerosis (SSc) and represents the earliest abnormality of primary myocardial involvement. We assessed coronary microcirculation status by combining two functional tests in SSc patients and estimating its impact on disease outcome. METHODS: Forty-one SSc patients, asymptomatic for coronary artery disease, were tested for coronary flow velocity reserve (CFR) by transthoracic-echo-Doppler with adenosine infusion (A-TTE) and for left ventricular wall motion abnormalities (WMA) by dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE). Myocardial multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) enabled the presence of epicardial stenosis, which could interfere with the accuracy of the tests, to be excluded. Patient survival rate was assessed over a 6.7- ± 3.5-year follow-up. RESULTS: Nineteen out of 41 (46%) SSc patients had a reduced CFR (≤2.5) and in 16/41 (39%) a WMA was observed during DSE. Furthermore, 13/41 (32%) patients showed pathological CFR and WMA. An inverse correlation between wall motion score index (WMSI) during DSE and CFR value (r = -0.57, P <0.0001) was observed; in addition, CFR was significantly reduced (2.21 ± 0.38) in patients with WMA as compared to those without (2.94 ± 0.60) (P <0.0001). In 12 patients with abnormal DSE, MDCT was used to exclude macrovasculopathy. During a 6.7- ± 3.5-year follow-up seven patients with abnormal coronary functional tests died of disease-related causes, compared to only one patient with normal tests. CONCLUSIONS: A-TTE and DSE tests are useful tools to detect non-invasively pre-clinical microcirculation abnormalities in SSc patients; moreover, abnormal CFR and WMA might be related to a worse disease outcome suggesting a prognostic value of these tests, similar to other myocardial diseases

    The personal and interpersonal components of perfectionism: the Italian validation of “Multidimensional Inventory of Perfectionism in Sport”

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    The present research focused on the general theme of perfectionism in the sport domain, and it provided the first empirical validation of the original 72-item “Multidimensional Inventory of Perfectionism in Sport” (MIPS) among Italian athletes. The study, specifically, also focused on the relations linking personal and interpersonal components of perfectionism to athletes’ competitive anxiety. The research overall relied on data from 644 Italian sport science students and professional athletes and included both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. Data analyses primarily focused on structural equation modeling, and the findings overall supported the psychometric and construct validity of the Italian version of the MIPS, also highlighting the key role of the personal components of perfectionism

    Albumin nanoparticles for glutathione-responsive release of cisplatin: new opportunities for medulloblastoma treatment

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    Redox-responsive nanoparticles were synthesized by desolvation of bovine serum albumin followed by disulfide-bond crosslinking with N, Nʹ-Bis (acryloyl) cystamine. Dynamic light scattering and transmission electron microscopy studies revealed spherical nanoparticles (mean diameter: 83 nm, polydispersity index: 0.3) that were glutathione-responsive. Confocal microscopy revealed rapid, efficient internalization of the nanoparticles by Daoy medulloblastoma cells and healthy controls (HaCaT keratinocytes). Cisplatin-loaded nanoparticles with drug:carrier ratios of 5%, 10%, and 20% were tested in both cell lines. The formulation with the highest drug:carrier ratio reduced Daoy and HaCaT cell viability with IC50 values of 6.19 and 11.17 μg mL-1, respectively. The differential cytotoxicity reflects the cancer cells’ higher glutathione content, which triggers more extensive disruption of the disulfide bond-mediated intra-particle cross-links, decreasing particle stability and increasing their cisplatin release. These findings support continuing efforts to improve the safety and efficacy of antineoplastic drug therapy for pediatric brain tumors using selective nanoparticlebased drug delivery systems

    Circulating MicroRNAs in Elderly Type 2 Diabetic Patients

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    The circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) associated with type 2 diabetes (T2D) in elderly patients are still being defined. To identify novel miRNA biomarker candidates for monitoring responses to sitagliptin in such patients, we prospectively studied 40 T2D patients (age > 65) with HbA1c levels of 7.5–9.0% on metformin. After collection of baseline blood samples (t0), the dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) inhibitor (DPP-IVi) sitagliptin was added to the metformin regimen, and patients were followed for 15 months. Patients with HbA1c0.5% after 3 and 15 months of therapy were classified as “responders” (group R, n = 34); all others were classified as “nonresponders” (group NR, n = 6). Circulating miRNA profiling was performed on plasma collected in each group before and after 15 months of therapy (t0 and t15). Intra- and intergroup comparison of miRNA profiles pinpointed three miRNAs that correlated with responses to sitagliptin: miR-378, which is a candidate biomarker of resistance to this DPP-IVi, and miR-126-3p and miR-223, which are associated with positive responses to the drug. The translational implications are as immediate as evident, with the possibility to develop noninvasive diagnostic tools to predict drug response and development of chronic complications

    Variazione dei flavonoidi glicosilati e dell'acido ascorbico durante la conservazione di agrumi minimamente trasformati

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    Fruits and vegetables are subjected to processing and storage prior to consumption, thus leading to nutritional changes. Minimally processed citrus derivatives are noteworthy because of their high nutritional value and antioxidant properties. Therefore, the variability of ascorbic acid and flavonoids, responsible for the antioxidant capacity of citrus fruits, was studied after minimal processing and during storage. Diversi prodotti ortofrutticoli sono sottoposti, prima del consumo, ad operazioni di trasformazione e conservazione che possono portare a variazioni di carattere nutrizionale. Sicuramente degni di nota, sia in prospettiva di sviluppo futuro, sia perché già diffusi, sono i derivati degli agrumi ottenuti con minimi interventi tccnologici (segmenti, succhi freschi). Tali prodotti si caratterizzano dal punto di vista nutrizionale specialmente per il loro contenuto in acido ascorbico e flavonoidi glicosilati, responsabili pressoché in toto delle proprietà antiossidanti dell'alimento. Data la particolare importanza, pertanto, è stato verificato il destino di tali frazioni in seguito alla preparazione minima ed alla conservazione

    The effects of chronic lifelong activation of the AHR pathway by industrial chemical pollutants on female human reproduction

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    Environmental chemicals, such as heavy metals, affect female reproductive function. A biological sensor of the signals of many toxic chemical compounds seems to be the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). Previous studies demonstrated the environmental of heavy metals in Taranto city (Italy), an area that has been influenced by anthropogenic factors such as industrial activities and waste treatments since 1986. However, the impact of these elements on female fertility in this geographic area has never been analyzed. Thus, in the present study, we evaluated the AHR pathway, sex steroid receptor pattern and apoptotic process in granulosa cells (GCs) retrieved from 30 women, born and living in Taranto, and 30 women who are living in non-contaminated areas (control group), who were undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) protocol. In follicular fluids (FFs) of both groups the toxic and essential heavy metals, such as chromiun (Cr), Manganese (Mn), iron (Fe), cobalt (Co), nickel (Ni), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), were also analyzed. Higher levels of Cr, Fe, Zn and Pb were found in the FFs of the women from Taranto as compared to the control group, as were the levels of AHR and AHR-dependent cytochrome P450 1A1 and 1B1; while CYP19A1 expression was decreased. The anti-apoptotic process found in the GCs of women fromTaranto was associated with the highest levels of progesterone receptor membrane component 1(PGRMC1), a novel progesterone receptor, the expression of which is subjected to AHR activated by its highest affinity ligands (e.g., dioxins) or indirectly by other environmental pollutants, such as heavy metals. In conclusion, decreased production of estradiol and decreased number of retrieved mature oocytes found in women from Taranto could be due to chronic exposure to heavy metals, in particular to Cr and Pb

    Maml1 acts cooperatively with Gli proteins to regulate Sonic hedgheog signaling pathway

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    Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling is essential for proliferation of cerebellar granule cell progenitors (GCPs) and its misregulation is linked to various disorders, including cerebellar cancer medulloblastoma. The effects of Shh pathway are mediated by the Gli family of transcription factors, which controls the expression of a number of target genes, including Gli1. Here, we identify Mastermind-like 1 (Maml1) as a novel regulator of the Shh signaling since it interacts with Gli proteins, working as a potent transcriptional coactivator. Notably, Maml1 silencing results in a significant reduction of Gli target genes expression, with a negative impact on cell growth of NIH3T3 and Patched1−/− mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs), bearing a constitutively active Shh signaling. Remarkably, Shh pathway activity results severely compromised both in MEFs and GCPs deriving from Maml1−/− mice with an impairment of GCPs proliferation and cerebellum development. Therefore Maml1−/− phenotype mimics aspects of Shh pathway deficiency, suggesting an intrinsic requirement for Maml1 in cerebellum development. The present study shows a new role for Maml1 as a component of Shh signaling, which plays a crucial role in both development and tumorigenesis

    NOTCH3 inactivation increases triple negative breast cancer sensitivity to gefitinib by promoting EGFR tyrosine dephosphorylation and its intracellular arrest.

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    Notch dysregulation has been implicated in numerous tumors, including triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC), which is the breast cancer subtype with the worst clinical outcome. However, the importance of individual receptors in TNBC and their specific mechanism of action remain to be elucidated, even if recent findings suggested a specific role of activated-Notch3 in a subset of TNBCs. Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is overexpressed in TNBCs but the use of anti-EGFR agents (including tyrosine kinase inhibitors, TKIs) has not been approved for the treatment of these patients, as clinical trials have shown disappointing results. Resistance to EGFR blockers is commonly reported. Here we show that Notch3-specific inhibition increases TNBC sensitivity to the TKI-gefitinib in TNBC-resistant cells. Mechanistically, we demonstrate that Notch3 is able to regulate the activated EGFR membrane localization into lipid rafts microdomains, as Notch3 inhibition, such as rafts depletion, induces the EGFR internalization and its intracellular arrest, without involving receptor degradation. Interestingly, these events are associated with the EGFR tyrosine dephosphorylation at Y1173 residue (but not at Y1068) by the protein tyrosine phosphatase H1 (PTPH1), thus suggesting its possible involvement in the observed Notch3-dependent TNBC sensitivity response to gefitinib. Consistent with this notion, a nuclear localization defect of phospho-EGFR is observed after combined blockade of EGFR and Notch3, which results in a decreased TNBC cell survival. Notably, we observed a significant correlation between EGFR and NOTCH3 expression levels by in silico gene expression and immunohistochemical analysis of human TNBC primary samples. Our findings strongly suggest that combined therapies of TKI-gefitinib with Notch3-specific suppression may be exploited as a drug combination advantage in TNBC treatment