46 research outputs found

    Women's rowing in the last century in Europe

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    Rowing perfectly complements swimming and it can besaid that it should be introduced into women's education, as it is hygienic and healthy. When rowing, you exercise your muscles, develop strength, expand your chest, make your legs and arms work – therefore you need to, so that all young girls are engaged in it.Гребля прекрасно дополняет плавание и можно сказать, что она должна быть введена в женское воспитание, так как гигиенична и здорова. При гребле вы упражняете мускулы, развиваете силу, расширяете грудь, заставляете работать ноги и руки, следовательно, нужно, чтобы ею занимались все молодые девушки

    Differentiation of morphological and psychomotor indicators of boxers 13-16 years old

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    The modern level of sports achievements in boxing imposes specific and rather strict requirements on the morphotype of boxers. In accordance with this, the development of selection criteria and forecasting the prospects of young boxers is an urgent problem in the preparation of high-class athletes.Современный уровень спортивных достижений в боксе предъявляет специфические и довольно жесткие требования к морфотипу боксеров. В соответствии с этим, разработка критериев отбора и прогнозирование перспективности юных боксеров является актуальной проблемой при подготовке спортсменов высокого класса

    Morphofunctional charactersitics of strongest qualified swimmers aged 11-18

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    In the contemporary conditions of elite sport allocation of the most gifted and perspective athletes is of special importance, since record achieve-ments are specific for athletes with the most optimal characteristics for the given sport. On the one hand, athletes differ by their morphological, functional and psychological character-istics, adapt differently to various work conditions and, on the other hand, targeted activity affects selection of the most gifted athletes and formation of their specific morphofunctional status. Body build characteristics take one of the main plac-es among the indices determining success of perfor-mance in swimming, that are taken into account at sport selection on different stages of the long-term training; the choice of the method and swimming distance. The purpose of the present study was to analyze mor-phofunctional characteristics of elite swimmers and work recommendations for correction of the training process. The carried out study provides for assessment of the level of morphofunctional development of junior male reserve in swimming and give practical recommenda-tion to trainers regarding individual correction of the training process. There were established the parameters of total, longitu-dinal and circumference body measures, indices of the components of the body mass composition and func-tional indices of the strongest qualified athletes aged 11-18

    Development of the basic systems of the body of young athletes engaged in swimming

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    One of the key conditions for the optimal construction of long-term training of athletes is the knowledge of the age patterns of the development process of the body’s basic systems, which limit the level of sports victories.Одним из ключевых условий оптимального построения многолетней подготовки спортсменов является знание возрастных закономерностей процесса развития основных систем организма, которые лимитируют уровень спортивных побед

    The longitudinal sizes of a body of highly skilled sportsmen specialising in rowing on kayaks and a canoe

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    This article discusses a comparative analysis of the longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the body highly skilled paddlers in kayaks and canoes, exposed to various competition distances.В данной статье рассматривается сравнительный анализ продольных и поперечных размеров тела высококвалифицированных гребцов на байдарках и каноэ, выступающих на различных соревновательных дистанциях

    Model characteristics of specific morphofunctional indices of multidiscipline acrobats

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    The purposeful long-term training and education of elite athletes is a complex process with the quality determined by numerous factors. One of the principal ones is revelation of children with motor endowments for sports occupations. Modern acrobatics makes a list of various demands to qualitative characteristics of the ones involved due to available 7 types of acrobatics and variety of in-traspecific specializations. So an expert in the field of theory and methods of teaching acrobatics is to have intimate professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of sports orientation and qualification. The body build indices were examined in 7–18-year-old athletes specialized in group exercises, different specializations and inground tumbling at the phase of specialized training.The studies resulted in the design of the model characteristics of male and female acrobats in group exercises, different specializations and in ground tumbling at the phase of specialized training

    Complex estimation of sports potential of young boar-racers

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    The problem of sports selection is one of the basic theoretical and applied medical and biologic problems of physical training and sports. the Development of the theory of sports selection influences the level of achievements in sport and the development of the sports science as a whole. The purpose of sports activity is the achievement of the greatest possible sports result for a concrete individual. In this connection the researches of the individual opportunities of athletes are acute. This article is devoted to the results of the complex inspections of the strongest and young boar-racers

    Morphological indicators of athletes engaged in rowing

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    The article presents the results of the analysis of morphological indicators of athletes aged 13-16 years engaged in rowing. It is shown that the most active increase in both the length and body weight of girls occurs at the age of 15 years. There was a stabilization of muscle and fat mass in girls aged 13-14 years and an increase in these indicators in 15 years. In 16-year-old female athletes, adverse changes in the component composition of body weight were observed, manifested in a decrease in muscle and an increase in fat mass. The strength indicators of the athletes naturally increased with age.В статье представлены результаты анализа морфологических показателей спортсменок 13–16 лет, занимающихся академической греблей. Показано, что наиболее активно увеличение как длины, так и массы тела девушек происходит в возрасте 15 лет. Отмечена стабилизация мышечной и жировой массы у девушек в возрасте 13–14 лет и прирост данных показателей в 15 лет. У 16-летних спортсменок наблюдались неблагоприятные изменения компонентного состава массы тела, проявляющиеся в снижении мышечной и повышении жировой массы. Силовые показатели спортсменок закономерно увеличивались с возрастом