17 research outputs found

    New generation refueling machine information and control system

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    The main distinctive feature in the creation of the new nuclear fuel handling complex at the Novovoronezh NPP is the deep integration of the information and control system (ICS) and the electrical equipment complex of the refueling machine (RM) into a single complex. The structure of the multi-level multi-processor and multi-network ICS provides high fault-tolerance and functional safety and fully corresponds to the principle of no single point of failure, even when operating in single-channel mode. Control of the RM during refueling is carried out with the participation of a human operator, who is supported by an intelligent interface. The operator makes decisions on certain actions to control the RM and the complex as a whole, monitors the control process and takes decisions on preventing abnormal or emergency situations. In fact, the ICS is a distributed system that implements the entire control cycle and contains information, processing and control parts. In each part, communication devices realize data connections between the components on the entire graph or on a common bus. The development result is a new generation RM ICS that differs from the existing ones by innovative methodical, algorithmic, hardware–software and design-technological solutions, which reduce the time and increase the safety of nuclear fuel handling in VVER reactors. At the same time, the introduction of the RM ICS increases the installed capacity utilization factor (ICUF) of the power unit by about 1.66%, which ensures additional electricity generation and supply for consumers

    Depolarization of X-ray laser radiation in plasmas due to various microscopic fluctuations

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    Two mechanisms of a depolarization of X-ray laser radiation in plasmas are studied. The first mechanism is produced by fluctuated magnetic microfield. Small areas (domains) of definited microfield amplitudes are working as elementary rotators of propagated radiation polarization plane. Passing a sequence of such domains, the radiation asquires a depolarized component. The second mechanism of depolarization is connected with different changes of the normal and tangential projections of the electric field vector of X-ray wave while the X-laser radiation passes the boundary between two media with different refractive indices N. Regions with different refractive indices exist due to the density fluctuations in plasmas (including microturbulence)