435 research outputs found

    On role of symmetries in Kelvin wave turbulence

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    E.V. Kozik and B.V. Svistunov (KS) paper "Symmetries and Interaction Coefficients of Kelvin waves", arXiv:1006.1789v1, [cond-mat.other] 9 Jun 2010, contains a comment on paper "Symmetries and Interaction coefficients of Kelvin waves", V. V. Lebedev and V. S. L'vov, arXiv:1005.4575, 25 May 2010. It relies mainly on the KS text "Geometric Symmetries in Superfluid Vortex Dynamics}", arXiv:1006.0506v1 [cond-mat.other] 2 Jun 2010. The main claim of KS is that a symmetry argument prevents linear in wavenumber infrared asymptotics of the interaction vertex and thereby implies locality of the Kelvin wave spectrum previously obtained by these authors. In the present note we reply to their arguments. We conclude that there is neither proof of locality nor any refutation of the possibility of linear asymptotic behavior of interaction vertices in the texts of KS

    Forming of precision thin-wall hollow electron beams for microwave generators

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    The electron gun producing the precision hollow relativistic electron beam for coherent microwave generator applications has been developed and tested. It is based on the large non-adiabatic compression of the beam emitted by ring-shaped cathode with an active surface big enough to produce a wanted current level. Further improvement of beam quality is possible by decreasing of the width of the annular emitter and increasing its emissive power

    Design of a gas cell for laser wakefield acceleration of electrons

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    Laser-wakefield acceleration of electrons in a gas cell is considered. The OpenFOAM package is used to study the influence of the parameters of the cell on the density profile. Particle-in-cell simulations of laser wakefield aсceleration are performed for a 150 TW laser pulse, accelerated electrons with energies above 1 GeV are observed. A two-stage gas cell is investigated.Розглянуто лазерно-плазмове прискорення електронів у газовій комірці. За допомогою пакета OpenFOAM досліджено вплив параметрів середовища на профіль густини. Проведено моделювання методом «частинок у комірці» лазерно-плазмового прискорення для лазерного імпульсу потужністю 150 ТВт, при цьому спостерігалися прискорені електрони з енергією більше 1 ГеВ. Досліджена двостадійна газова комірка.Рассмотрено лазерно-плазменное ускорение электронов в газовой ячейке. При помощи пакета OpenFOAM исследовано влияние параметров ячейки на профиль плотности. Проведено моделирование методом «частиц в ячейках» лазерно-плазменного ускорения для лазерного импульса мощностью 150 ТВт, при этом наблюдались ускоренные электроны с энергией более 1 ГэВ. Исследована двухстадийная газовая ячейка

    Symmetries and Interaction coefficients of Kelvin waves

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    We considered symmetry restriction on the interaction coefficients of Kelvin waves and demonstrated that linear in small wave vector asymptotic is not forbidden, as one can expect by naive reasoning.Comment: 4 pages, submitted to J. of Low Temp. Phy

    Эндоскопический гемостаз при язвенных гастродуоденальных кровотечениях

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    In this article the analyses of different ways of endoscopic hemostasis is given. The most perspective variant to the authors weuw is the combined one, what is proved by the large clinical material.В работе проведен анализ различных способов эндоскопического гемостаза при язвенных гастродуоденальных кровотечениях. При всем многообразии эндоскопических вмешательств ни одно из них не лишено недостатков и ограничений. Перспективным направлением эндоскопического гемостаза следует считать его комбинированное использование. Комбинация аргоноплазменной коагуляции с инъекционным гемостазом позволяет снизить частоту возникновения рецидивов язвенного гастродуоденального кровотечения

    Analysis and optimization of photonics devices manufacturing technologies based on carbon nanotubes

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    The analysis and optimization of optical devices manufacturing technologies based on carbon nanotubes intended for work in the terahertz range were carried out. These processes studied in the work have practical application for the deposition of carbon nanotubes and their subsequent use as materials for prototypes of the waveguide and sensor of the terahertz range. To obtain a layer of carbon nanotubes, a chemical vapor deposition chamber was used. Various aspects of the synthesis and growth of the mechanism of CNT are considered in this article. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were grown on a sandwich structure based on a silicon wafer, where a layer of aluminum and copper 100 nm thick was deposited, then an iron catalyst was applied about 5 nm thick, and then copper and aluminum were deposited again, but with a thickness of 10 nm layer is also using magnetron sputtering. The growth was carried out with two variable parameters: flow rate and flow duration

    Development of a detector based on a CVD-diamond for the use in radiotherapy facilities

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    High radiation hardness, chemical resistance, high temperature operation capabilities stimulate a growing interest to use diamond materials as detectors of ionizing radiation. Samples of CVD-diamond materials in sizes 4×3 mm and 4×1 mm with thickness from 50 microns up to 500 microns have been grown in INR RAS using a DC glow discharge in a mixture of gases CH4/H2 on molybdenum substrates.Высокая радиационная стойкость, стойкость к химическим воздействиям, температурная стабильность вызывают повышенный интерес к использованию алмазных материалов в качестве детекторов ионизирующих излучений. Образцы CVD-алмазных материалов размерами 4×3 и 4×1 мм толщиной от 50 до 500 мкм выращены в ИЯИ РАН методом газофазного осаждения в тлеющем разряде в смеси газов СН4/Н2 на подложках из молибдена.Висока радіаційна стійкість, стійкість до хімічних впливів, температурна стабільність викликають підвищений інтерес до використання алмазних матеріалів як детектори іонізуючих випромінювань. Зразки CVD-алмазних матеріалів розмірами 4×3 та 4×1 мм товщиною від 50 до 500 мкм вирощені в ІЯІ РАН методом газофазного осадження в жевріючому розряді в суміші газів СН4/Н2 на підкладках з молібдену

    Interaction of Reggeized Gluons in the Baxter-Sklyanin Representation

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    We investigate the Baxter equation for the Heisenberg spin model corresponding to a generalized BFKL equation describing composite states of n Reggeized gluons in the multi-color limit of QCD. The Sklyanin approach is used to find an unitary transformation from the impact parameter representation to the representation in which the wave function factorizes as a product of Baxter functions and a pseudo-vacuum state. We show that the solution of the Baxter equation is a meromorphic function with poles (lambda - i r)^{-(n-1)} (r= 0, 1,...) and that the intercept for the composite Reggeon states is expressed through the behavior of the Baxter function around the pole at lambda = i . The absence of pole singularities in the two complex dimensional lambda-plane for the bilinear combination of holomorphic and anti-holomorphic Baxter functions leads to the quantization of the integrals of motion because the holomorphic energy should be the same for all independent Baxter functions.Comment: LaTex, 48 pages, 1 .ps figure, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    New Strong-Field QED Effects at ELI: Nonperturbative Vacuum Pair Production

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    Since the work of Sauter, and Heisenberg, Euler and K\"ockel, it has been understood that vacuum polarization effects in quantum electrodynamics (QED) predict remarkable new phenomena such as light-light scattering and pair production from vacuum. However, these fundamental effects are difficult to probe experimentally because they are very weak, and they are difficult to analyze theoretically because they are highly nonlinear and/or nonperturbative. The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project offers the possibility of a new window into this largely unexplored world. I review these ideas, along with some new results, explaining why quantum field theorists are so interested in this rapidly developing field of laser science. I concentrate on the theoretical tools that have been developed to analyze nonperturbative vacuum pair production.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures; Key Lecture at the ELI Workshop and School on "Fundamental Physics with Ultra-High Fields", 29 Sept - 2 Oct. 2008, Frauenworth Monastery, Germany; v2: refs updated, English translations of reviews of Nikishov and Ritu