51 research outputs found

    On the critical mass of greenhouse gas

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    In recent years, changes in the Earth’s climate have raised concern all around the globe. Climatologists have been drawing connections between global warming and a growing number of natural disasters, unexpected temperature fluctuations in some regions of the world and a number of other climatic aberrations. Within the scientific community, the opinions as to the nature and mechanism of the Earth’s climate change have split. Some contend that since the beginning of the industrial revolution, the carbon dioxide levels in the air have been steadily rising due to human production activities. Along with other gases, carbon dioxide has been inculpated for the greenhouse effect. In connection with this, a number of recent international conferences have adopted resolutions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Another group of climatologists bases its findings on observations of solar activity, arguing that global warming is caused by a recurring spike in solar activity, with the current increase due to end soon, potentially giving way to a new ice age down the road. In the following work, we put forth yet another hypothesis regarding global warming. The influence of four main positive feedback loops caused by the secondary emission of water vapor, ÑÎ2, ÑÎ4, and decreased albedo on the earth climate system is shown on the basis of the general theory of feedback. If the present level of primary anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gas (GhG) keeps, the total mass of atmospheric greenhouse gas can run up to such a critical value that the mentioned feedbacks, which give rise to self-amplification of the greenhouse effect, can cause the bifurcation transition of the climate system to the state of self-heating tending to the unlimited rise of mean temperature of the earth surface.В останні роки змінення клімату Землі непокоїть громадськість світу. Зростання стихійних лих, раптові температурні коливання в окремих регіонах світу та інші відхилення клімату від традиційної поведінки кліматологи пов'язують з глобальним потеплінням. Наукова громадськість з кліматології розділилася щодо питання механізму природи потепління клімату Землі. Одні дослідники вважають, що з моменту початку промислової революції виробнича діяльність людства з кожним роком збільшує кількість вуглекислого газу у повітрі. Як установлено, поряд з іншими газами він відповідає за парниковий ефект. У зв'язку з цим останнім часом відбулося кілька міжнародних конференцій, на яких ухвалено рішення про скорочення викидів вуглекислого газу в атмосферу

    High resolution infrared absorption spectra, crystal field, and relaxation processes in CsCdBr_3:Pr^3+

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    High resolution low-temperature absorption spectra of 0.2% Pr^3+ doped CsCdBr_3 were measured in the spectral region 2000--7000 cm-1. Positions and widths of the crystal field levels within the 3H5, 3H4, 3F2, and 3F3 multiplets of the Pr^3+ main center have been determined. Hyperfine structure of several spectral lines has been found. Crystal field calculations were carried out in the framework of the semiphenomenological exchange charge model (ECM). Parameters of the ECM were determined by fitting to the measured total splittings of the 3H4 and 3H6 multiplets and to the observed in this work hyperfine splittings of the crystal field levels. One- and two-phonon relaxation rates were calculated using the phonon Green's functions of the perfect (CsCdBr_3) and locally perturbed (impurity dimer centers in CsCdBr_3:Pr^3+) crystal lattice. Comparison with the measured linewidths confirmed an essential redistribution of the phonon density of states in CsCdBr_3 crystals doped with rare-earth ions.Comment: 16 pages, 5 tables, 3 figure

    S-band electron linac with beam energy of 30…100 MeV

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    The S-band electron linac has been designed at NSC KIPT to cover an energy range from 30 to 100 MeV. The linac consists of the injector based on evanescent oscillations and the two four-meter long piecewise homogeneous accelerating sections. Each section is supplied with RF power from the KIU-12AM klystron. Variation of mean energy of the beam over a wide range is produced by placing bunches out of the wave crest in the second accelerating section. The report presents layout of the linac as well as simulation results of self-consistent particle dynamics in the linac and its present status.Лінійний прискорювач електронів 10 см - діапазону було розроблено в ННЦ ХФТІ з метою перекрити діапазон енергій 30…100 MeВ. Прискорювач складається з інжектора, основаного на коливаннях, що не розповсюджуються, і двох шматково-однорідних чотириметрових прискорювальних секцій. Кожна секція забезпечується НВЧ-потужністю від клістрона KІУ-12AM. Зміна середньої енергії пучка в широких межах забезпечується прискоренням згустків не на гребені хвилі в другій прискорювальній секції. Представлено структурну схему прискорювача, результати моделювання динаміки частинок в прискорювачі і його поточний стан.Линейный ускоритель электронов 10 см - диапазона был разработан в ННЦ ХФТИ с целью перекрытия диапазона энергий 30…100 MэВ. Ускоритель состоит из инжектора, основанного на не распространяющихся колебаниях и двух кусочно-однородных четырехметровых ускоряющих секций. Каждая секция питается СВЧ-мощностью от клистрона KИУ-12AM. Изменение средней энергии пучка в широких пределах обеспечивается ускорением сгустков не на гребне волны во второй ускоряющей секции. Представлены структурная схема ускорителя, результаты моделирования динамики частиц в ускорителе и его текущее состояние

    Development of technology for the process of neutralization of pickling solution of metallurgical production

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    The leading branch of territorial-production complex of Russia - mechanical engineering. Companies of the industry throw dirt in the form of used organic solvents, toxic compounds of metals with waste galvanic and etching solutions, cutting fluids (coolant) and emulsions. you need to create complex regeneration treatment system of the most valuable components for these liquids. Reset electroplating and etching solutions can lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in the bio-organisms of the coastal zone and to enter them through the food chain to humans. To prevent contamination, a scheme neutralizing acid waste, accompanied by a reduction in the hazard class of the etching solution to IV class with the ability to accommodate long-term storage solid industrial waste in landfills

    The composition and structure of cluster local controller in an automated management system of oil production

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    Рассмотрен состав и структура локального кустового контроллера, работающего в автоматизированной системе нефтедобычи. Описаны основные функции, реализуемые контроллером как при обмене с программным обеспечением "верхнего" уровня, так и с абонентами локальной кустовой сети. Рассмотрены вопросы состава информационной базы, позволяющей вести историю параметров и событий в системе для контролируемого технологического оборудования.Розглянуто склад і структура локального кущового контролера, що працює в автоматизованій системі нафтовидобутку. Описані основні функції, реалізовані контролером як при обміні з програмним забезпеченням "верхнього" рівня, так і з абонентами локальної кущовий мережі. Розглянуті питання складу інформаційної бази, яка дозволяє вести історію параметрів і подій в системі для контрольованого технологічного обладнання.The composition and structure of the local controller of cluster operating in the automated system for oil production. Describes the main functions performed by the controller as an exchange with the software "top" level, and to subscribers of the local network. The problems of the infobase, allowing to keep a history of parameters and events in the system for the controlled production equipment are consider

    EPR spectroscopy of <sup>53</sup>Cr monoisotopic impurity ions in a single crystal of yttrium orthosilicate Y<inf>2</inf>SiO<inf>5</inf>

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    © 2020 Elsevier B.V. The electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of 53Cr monoisotopic impurity ions in yttrium orthosilicate single crystals (Y2SiO5) were studied by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) in the X-band. The directions of the principal magnetic axes and the parameters of the effective spin Hamiltonian, which describes magnetic characteristics of the impurity centers of chromium are determined. It is shown that the orientation dependencies of the EPR spectra are described by the second-order spin Hamiltonian corresponding to the rhombic symmetry of the local crystal field acting on the impurity ion. It was assumed that the g-tensor and A-tensor describing the Zeeman energy of electron levels in a magnetic field and the hyperfine interaction of electron and nuclear spins are isotropic, and the entire anisotropy of the EPR spectra is due to the anisotropy of the D-tensor, which describes the fine structure of electron levels in crystal electric field. A strong dependence of the probability of forbidden transitions between hyperfine sublevels of electron levels on the orientation of an external magnetic field is established. Moreover, for some orientations, the probability of forbidden transitions becomes comparable to the probability of allowed transitions

    EPR Spectroscopy of <sup>53</sup>Cr <sup>3 +</sup> Monoisotopic Impurity Ions in a Single Crystal of Scandium Orthosilicate Sc <inf>2</inf>SiO <inf>5</inf>

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    Monoisotopic 53Cr 3 + impurity ions in scandium orthosilicate single crystal (Sc 2SiO 5) are studied by the method of electron paramagnetic resonance in the X-band frequencies. The directions of the main principal magnetic axes and the parameters of the effective spin Hamiltonian that describe the magnetic characteristics of the impurity centers of chromium, which replaces scandium in two structurally nonequivalent positions, are determined. It is shown that the orientation dependencies of the EPR spectra are well described by the second-order spin Hamiltonian corresponding to the orthorhombic symmetry of the local crystal field acting on the impurity ion. It was assumed that the g-tensor and the A-tensor determining the Zeeman energy of electronic levels in a magnetic field and the hyperfine interaction of electron and nuclear spins are isotropic, and the entire anisotropy of the EPR spectra is due to the anisotropy of the D-tensor, which describes the fine structure of electronic levels in a crystalline electric field. A strong dependence of the probability of “forbidden” transitions between hyperfine sublevels of electronic levels on the orientation of an external magnetic field is established. Moreover, for some orientations, the probability of “forbidden” transitions exceeds the probability of “allowed” transitions