20,155 research outputs found

    C-reactive protein a better indicator of inflammation after third molar extraction

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relation between pre-operative pain and pre-operative levels of C-reactive and post-operative pain and swelling in impacted third molar surgery.Materials and Methods: In this prospective study subjects were patients indicated for mandibular third molar extraction. Patients were assessed for certain inclusion and exclusion criteria’s. A standard surgical extraction procedure was followed to reduce the bias. Hematological investigation of C-reactive protein levels were recorded pre-operatively and post-operatively. Pain, swelling and trismus in patients were assessed pre-operatively and post-operatively in an interval of 24 hours, 48 hours and 7 days. Pain and swelling were measured using verbal analogue scale and thread length measurement respectively. The mouth opening was recorded, too.Results: Post-operative C-reactive protein levels were seen consistency raised in those cases which showed high pre-operative levels. Peak levels of C-reactive protein were seen at 48 hours post operatively. It was observed that preoperative pain swelling and mouth opening were seen to be variable in all the cases having high C-reactive protein levels.Conclusion: C-reactive protein was found to be a better indicator of inflammation than pre-operative pain, swelling and mouth opening for post-operative discomfort.Key words: C-reactive protein, inflammation, third molar extraction

    Quantum state transfer in optomechanical arrays

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    Quantum state transfer between distant nodes is at the heart of quantum processing and quantum networking. Stimulated by this, we propose a scheme where one can achieve quantum state transfer with a high fidelity between sites in a cavity quantum optomechanical network. In our lattice, each individual site is composed of a localized mechanical mode which interacts with a laser-driven cavity mode via radiation pressure, while photons hop between neighboring sites. After diagonalization of the Hamiltonian of each cell, we show that the system can be reduced to an effective Hamiltonian of two decoupled bosonic chains, and therefore we can apply the well-known results in quantum state transfer together with an additional condition on the transfer times. In fact, we show that our transfer protocol works for any arbitrary joint quantum state of a mechanical and an optical mode. Finally, in order to analyze a more realistic scenario we take into account the effects of independent thermal reservoirs for each site. By solving the standard master equation within the Born-Markov approximation, we reassure both the effective model and the feasibility of our protocol

    Migration and Sexual Resocialisation: The Case of Central and East Europeans in London

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    Based upon a survey of more than three thousand respondents and forty in-depth interviews, the aim of this article is to examine the impact of migration on sexual resocialisation. In particular, we show how living in London influenced the attitudes of Central and East European migrants towards pre-marital sex and homosexuality. While the general acceptability of pre-marital sex was not affected by time spent in London, differences were noted in the meaning attached to sex outside marriage in the United Kingdom compared with Central and Eastern Europe. Particularly significant changes were observed in our respondents? attitudes towards homosexuality, with a greater liberalisation the result of extrication from mechanisms of social control, re-socialisation into new social norms regarding sex and sexuality, greater visibility of sexual difference in London and, in particular, inter-personal contacts with gays and lesbians. Limitations to the general liberalisation of attitudes were also noted

    Galactic-Cosmic-Ray-Produced in a Ferromanganese Crust: Any Supernova Excess on Earth

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    An excess of 60 Fe in 2.4– 3.2 × 10 6 year old ferromanganese crust (237KD) from the deep Pacific Ocean has been considered as evidence for the delivery of debris from a nearby supernova explosion to Earth. Extremely high 3 He / 4 He (up to 6.12 × 10 − 3 ) and 3 He concentrations (up to 8 × 10 9     atoms / g ) measured in 237KD cannot be supernova-derived. The helium is produced by galactic cosmic rays (GCR) and delivered in micrometeorites that have survived atmospheric entry to be trapped by the crust. 60 Fe is produced by GCR reactions on Ni in extraterrestrial material. The maximum 3 He / 60 Fe of 237KD (80–850) is comparable to the GCR 3 He / 60 Fe production ratio (400–500) predicted for Ni-bearing minerals in iron meteorites. The excess 60 Fe can be plausibly explained by the presence of micrometeorites trapped by the crust, rather than injection from a supernova source

    Mach-Zehnder FOPA for Dual Polarization Wavelength-Division-Multiplexed 100G Signal Amplification

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    We demonstrate amplification of 17x100 GHz-spaced channel in C-band by a PI-FOPA based on Mach-Zehnder architecture with net gain >10 dB and confirmed its robustness over time. A commercial 100G-PDM-QPSK transponder was used to measure/compare the bit-error-rate versus received power with a commercial EDFA

    Evaluation de la qualité nutritive des laits pasteurisés et des yaourts fabriqués au Burkina Faso

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    L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer la valeur nutritive des laits crus, des laits pasteurisés et des yaourts fabriqués dans la zone péri-urbaine de Bobo-Dioulasso, au Burkina Faso de Juin à Aout 2012. Au total, 108 échantillons de lait cru, 216 échantillons de laits pasteurisés et de yaourts fabriqués au laboratoire et 216 échantillons de laits pasteurisés et de yaourts fabriqués par les laiteries ont été analysés. La valeur nutritive des laits crus et pasteurisés ont été déterminées par la méthode infrarouge (FMA, Miris AB, Sweden, 2001). Un calibrage de la machine a été faite pour l’analyse des laits pasteurisés. Pour les yaourts, les méthodes de Kjeldahl, de Gerber et de la dessiccation ont été utilisées pour déterminer la proportion des matières azotées, grasses, sèches, minérales et calculer la proportion de lactose du lait. L’analyse des variances a été appliquée sur les variables à l’aide du logiciel XL-Stat version 6.1.9. Les résultats indiquent une légère variation entre la composition des laits crus et celle des laits pasteurisés. Il en était de même pour les laits pasteurisés conservés pendant 05 et 10 jours à +4°C. Quant à la valeur nutritive des yaourts analysés le jour de la fabrication, les résultats ont montré une variation notable sur le taux de glucides (9,85-10,21%) et de matières sèches (12,80-14,97%) expliqué par un ajout de matières sèches au niveau des laiteries. Pour les yaourts gardés à +4°C pendant 15 et 30 jours, on a noté une diminution non significative sur les paramètres du lait. La pasteurisation ne change pas significativement la qualité nutritionnelle du lait. Les yaourts fabriqués par les laiteries artisanales au Burkina Faso sont de bonne qualité nutritionnelle. Un yaourt fabriqué dans les conditions des laiteries locales et gardé immédiatement à +4°C au réfrigérateur peut séjourner pendant 30 jours sans se détériorer. Enfin, une étude complémentaire sur les paramètres microbiologiques dans les mêmes conditions est à envisager.Mots-clés: lait cru, lait pasteurisé, yaourts, Burkina Faso.Assessment of nutritional quality of pasteurized milks and yoghurts made in Burkina Faso The aim of the study was to assess the nutritional quality of raw milks, pasteurized milks and yoghurt made in the city of Bobo-Dioulaso, in Burkina Faso. The study was carried out from June to august 2012 on 108 raw milks samples, 216 pasteurized milks and yoghurts samples made in the laboratory and 216 pasteurized milks and yoghurts samples made by the dairy processing units. Milks samples were determined for fat, protein, lactose, sugar, dry matter and solids non-fat contents using mid-infra-red spectroscopy (FMA, Miris AB Sweden). The equipment was calibrated for determination of pasteurized milk content. Methods of Kjeldahl, Gerber and drying were used to determine percentage of protein, fat, dry matter and solids non-fat contents respectively. Lactose content was calculated. The data was subjected to ANOVA using XL-Stat software version 6.1.9. The results showed very little variation of milk components between raw milk and pasteurized milk. No significant variation was also got between 5 and 10 days when pasteurized milks were stored at +4°C. It was found high sugar content in yoghurt (9.85-10.21%) and dry matter content was up to 14.97% which means dry matter was added to raw milk during the processing a the dairy unit level. When yoghurts were stored at +4°C, milk components contents decreased without any significant variation after 15 to 30 days. It was concluded that, pasteurization has no effect on milk nutritional value of milk. Furthermore, yoghurts made by local dairy processing units in Burkina Faso showed good nutritional value. Finally, yoghurt made in local conditions of Burkina Faso could be stored in the refrigerator at +4°C during 30 days without any significant damage of its nutritional value. Finally, an additional study on microbiological quality of dairy products in the same conditions ought to be carried out.Keywords: raw milk, pasteurized milk, yoghurt, Burkina Faso

    Distinct Fibroblast Lineages Give Rise to NG2+ Pericyte Populations in Mouse Skin Development and Repair.

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    We have examined the developmental origins of Ng2+ perivascular cell populations that adhere to the basement membrane of blood vessels, and their contribution to wound healing. Neural/glial antigen 2 (Ng2) labeled most perivascular cells (70-80%) in developing and adult mouse back skin, a higher proportion than expressed by other pericyte markers Tbx18, Nestin and Pdgfrβ. In adult mouse back skin Ng2+ perivascular cells could be categorized into 4 populations based on whether they expressed Pdgfrα and Pdgfrβ individually or in combination or were Pdgfr-negative. Lineage tracing demonstrated that although Ng2+ cells in embryonic and neonatal back skin contributed to multiple cell types they did not give rise to interfollicular fibroblasts within the dermis. Lineage tracing of distinct fibroblast populations during skin development showed that papillary fibroblasts (Lrig1+) gave rise to Ng2+ perivascular cells in the upper dermis, whilst Ng2+ perivascular cells in the lower dermis were primarily derived from reticular Dlk1+ fibroblasts. Following wounding of adult skin, Ng2+ dermal cells only give rise to Ng2+ blood vessel associated cells and did not contribute to other fibroblast lineages. The relative abundance of Ng2+ Pdgfrβ+ perivascular populations was comparable in wounded and non-wounded skin, indicating that perivascular heterogeneity was maintained during full thickness skin repair. In the wound bed Ng2+ perivascular populations were primarily derived from Lrig1+ papillary or Dlk1+ reticular fibroblast lineages, according to the location of the regenerating blood vessels. We conclude that Ng2+ perivascular cells represent a heterogeneous lineage restricted population that is primarily recruited from the papillary or reticular fibroblast lineages during tissue regeneration

    A novel mutation in SACS gene in a family from southern Italy

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    A form of autosomal recessive spastic ataxia (ARSACS) has been described in the Charlevoix and Saguenay regions of Quebec. So far a frameshift and a nonsense mutation have been identified in the SACS gene. The authors report a new mutation (1859insC), leading to a frameshift with a premature termination of the gene product sacsin, in two sisters from consanguineous parents. The phenotype is similar to previously described patients with ARSACS


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    Paramètres de reproduction des vaches Kouri au Lac Tchad

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    Objectif : évaluer les performances de reproduction des vaches de la race Kouri au Tchad et proposer les actions d’amélioration.Méthodologie et résultats : une enquête longitudinale a été réalisée sur 101 vaches durant 10 ans, allant de novembre 2003 à avril 2013 au Centre de Sauvegarde de cette race taurine en pleine zone sahélienne du Tchad. Les performances de reproduction de la vache Kouri ont été: l’âge au premier vêlage de 41,43 ± 0,66 mois (n=70), une durée de gestation moyenne de 298,74 ± 5,11 jours avec un poids moyen des veaux à la naissance de 22,87 3,53 kg, l’intervalle entre vêlages moyen de 477,23 ±118,58 jours (n=126) et a varié en fonction de rang de vêlage, un taux de fécondité moyen de 76,48%, la fertilité en première saillie de 80,77%, un indice coïtal moyen de 1,53 ± 0,14. Les vêlages ont eu lieu toute l’année mais les périodes de forte concentration se situent entre les mois de février et avril.Conclusion et perspectives : Les performances de reproduction de la vache Kouri ont été faibles et ne permettent pas d’atteindre l’objectif d’un intervalle entre vêlages classique de 365 jours. L’intervalle entre vêlages a été plus long que l’intervalle standard d’un an. Ces performances ne peuvent être améliorées que par la mise en place d’une meilleure conduite des pratiques d’élevage et d’un programme de suivi de la reproduction. Ces actions permettront la remise en reproduction des vaches dans les 3 mois après vêlageMots clés : Vache Kouri, Reproduction, Lac-Tchad
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