19 research outputs found

    Estimation of errors in determination of main parameters of earthquake hypocenter, recorded by the national seismic network of Vietnam

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    In this paper the authors present the error estimation in determining main parameters of earthquake hypocenter based on solving the system of linear equations, expressing the relationship between earthquake coordinates and the coordinates of the seismic stations. The results of the error estimation in determining the epicenter coordinates and the focus depth of the earthquakes recorded by the system of 30 seismic stations in Vietnam are presented, interpreted and compared with the results of the previous studies.The results show that the operation of the seismic network of Vietnam is not really optimal, particularly when determining the epicenter coordinates and the focus depth of the earthquakes in the East Vietnam Sea region.The national seismic network of Vietnam allows determination of the epicenter coordinates and the focal depth of earthquakes for most of the Vietnam territory with the errors ∆h ≤ 20 km, ∆φ ≤ 4 km, ∆ ≤ 5 km. The errors of the determination of the epicenter coordinates and the focal depth of the earthquakes are increasing to the south and southwest areas of the territory of Vietnam and reach the maximum in these areas. Particularly, errors of the determination of the epicenter coordinates (∆φ, ∆λ) and the focal depth (∆h) of earthquakes increase very rapidly toward the East Sea of Vietnam and reach the maximum in the region between the longitudes of 116-118°E.The Vietnam seismic network allows determining the epicenter coordinates and the focal depth of earthquakes in the Northern Vietnam with the smaller errors than in Central and Southern Vietnam, and this fact proves that the distribution of seismic network in Northern Vietnam is more optimal than the station networks in the Central and Southern Vietnam. Therefore, in order to improve the effectiveness of the Vietnam seismic network, more seismic stations need to be added to the Central and Southern Vietnam.References Aranovich Z.I., 1980. On the method of selecting the optimal positions of seismic stations in the local network. //Methodologies and assessment results of the effectiveness of the regional seismic network. Tbilisi: Mesnhiereba, 150-157 (in Russian).Aranovich Z.I., Akhalbedasvili А.М., Gosadze О.D. et al., 1977. The methodologies of evaluating the effectiveness of regional seismic network, in case of the Caucasus region.//The issues of optimization and automation of seismic observations. Tbilisi: Mesnhiereba, 27-57 (in Russian). Bui Van Duan, Nguyen Cong Thang, Nguyen Van Vuong, Pham Dinh Nguyen, 2013. The magnitude of the largest possible earthquake in the Muong La-Bac Yen fault zone. J. Sci. of the Earth, 35, 53-49.Burmin V. Yu.,  1976. 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    The structure of the lithosphere of the Cameroon fault zone according to deep seismic sounding

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    Two models of the lithosphere structure are being compared corresponding to two variants of interpretation of DSS wave fields registered on the intersection of the Angola-Brazil geotraverse with Cameroon fracture zone in the area of transition between the east flank of middle ridge and the Angola basin. Special features of the fields have been revealed and interpreted by the authors, which prove the model with subvertical low-velocities intrusions into high-velocity layered mantle with really reached depth of seismic waves penetration about 40 km opposite the previously published model with the alternation of the high-velocity and low-velocity subhorizontal layers with relatively increased and decreased velocities and the depth of the lighting the section up to 80 km

    Parameters of the fault planes for the Crimean Black Sea region by averaged mechanism of close earthquakes

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    A modern field of stress of the Crimean Black Sea region was constructed. A method of averaged mechanisms was used to construct the field of stress, which uses the earthquakes of varying intensity, including weak ones that prevail in the region. The research allowed allocating 15 blocks in the areas with different pairs of forces compression-stretching. It has been shown that nodal plane, formed under the influence of these forces describes the planes of rupture of tectonically active faults. Types of movements within the faults, which occur in the Crimean Black Sea region, were found. It has been shown that the faults and types of movements along them are related to the relief of Moho surface, and subcrustal mantle is a source of movement into the faults. Non-double-dipole model of the source of stresses was used to solve averaged mechanism. It makes possible to show that the Yalta-Alushta seismo-focal zone was formed by rotating the surrounding blocks counterclockwise. The axis of rotation corresponds to cross-section of the Salgir-Oktyabr’ and Orehovo-Pavlograd faults