4 research outputs found

    Dy8SnS13.61O0.39 from single-crystal data

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    Crystals of the title dysprosium tin sulfide oxide, Dy8SnS13S1−xOx [x = 0.39 (4)], were obtained unintentionally from the Dy–Sn–S system. A statistical mixture of sulfur and oxygen was assumed for one position in the structure. S and O atoms surround each of the eight symmetrically non-equivalent dysprosium atoms. The Sn atoms are located in tetra­hedral surroundings of sulfur atoms. Trigonal prisms and tetra­hedra are connected to each other by their edges. All atoms are situated in mirror planes

    Investigation of the Dy2S3-Cu2S-SnS2 and Dy2Se3-Cu2Se-SnSe2 Systems at 870 K.

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    Взаємодія між компонентами в системах Dy2S3–Cu2S–SnS2 та Dy2Se3–Cu2Se–SnSe2 при 870 К досліджена методами рентгенівської порошкової дифрактометрії. За температури відпалу в системах Dy2S3–Cu2S-SnS2 та Dy2Se3–Cu2Se–SnSe2 виявлено існування тетрарних сполук Dy3CuSnX7 (X – S, Se). Взаимодействие между компонентами в системах Dy2S3–Cu2S–SnS2 и Dy2Se3–Cu2Se–SnSe2 при 870 К исследовано методами ренгтгеновской порошочной дифрактометрии. При температуре отпала в системах Dy2S3–Cu2S-SnS2 и Dy2Se3–Cu2Se–SnSe2 выявлено наличие тетраных соединений Dy3CuSnX7 (X – S, Se). The interactions between components in the Dy2S3-Cu2S-SnS2 and Dy2Se3-Cu2Se-SnSe2 systems at 870 К were determined using X-ray powder diffraction. The existence of the compounds with composition Dy 3CuSnX7 (X – S, Se) was confirmed in the Dy2S3–Cu2S–SnS2 and Dy2Se3–Cu2Se–SnSe2 system