87 research outputs found

    Фонд университетской библиотеки в XXI в.: основные тенденции и факторы успешного комплектования

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    The necessity for studies and sharing the experience of Russian academic university libraries in collection development is substantiated. The main trends for the collection development in the 21-st century are revealed and examined as the case study of Novosibirsk State University Library.NovosibirskUniversityis among the nation’s leading research universities. The authors specify the trends of modernization, globalization, collection development with digital publications, and the increasing share of the latter in the Library’s acquisitions and, correspondingly, in the collection, on the whole. They also emphasize the relations and mutual dependence of these and other trends within the collection development process. The factors of successful collection development at the Library are recommended to be implemented by other libraries. High professional competences of collection development specialists and other librarians, the wide range of the collection development sources and their stability, and university administration’s special care of the library collections are specified among these factors. The authors conclude that Novosibirsk State University Library has accumulated great experience in collection development in the circumstances of information society, advance of information technologies, expanding globalization, university integration into the global education, science and research environment. This experience can be shared with many other university libraries.Обоснована необходимость изучения и распространения положительного опыта, накопленного отдельными научными библиотеками российских университетов, по комплектованию своих фондов. Выявлены основные тенденции комплектования фонда университетской библиотеки в XXI в. и рассмотрены их проявления на примере Научной библиотеки Новосибирского государственного университета, входящего в число лидеров исследовательских вузов страны. Отмечены тенденции модернизации, глобализации, активного комплектования фонда электронными изданиями и возрастания их доли в общем количестве вновь приобретаемых изданий и, соответственно, в фонде в целом. Подчёркнуты взаимосвязь и взаимозависимость этих и других тенденций в процессе комплектования фонда. Представлены и проанализированы факторы, которые позволяют сотрудникам НБ НГУ следовать современным тенденциям и успешно решить задачи по комплектованию фонда, а также опыт, который могут перенять другие библиотеки. Особого внимания заслуживают высокий профессионализм сотрудников отдела комплектования и всей библиотеки в целом, созданный ими широкий стабильный круг источников пополнения фонда, забота ректората о состоянии библиотечного фонда. Результаты исследования показывают, что сотрудники НБ НГУ накопили положительный опыт комплектования библиотечного фонда в условиях развития информационного общества, внедрения информационных технологий, нарастающей глобализации, интеграции вуза в мировое образовательное и научно-исследовательское пространство. Этот опыт может быть использован другими вузовскими библиотеками

    Phenotypic effects of the dwarfing gene Rht-17 in spring durum wheat under two climatic conditions

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    Alleles of the genes, conferring a dwarfing phenotype, play a crucial role in wheat breeding, as they not only reduce plant height, ensuring their resistance to lodging, but also have a number of positive and negative pleiotropic effects on plant productivity. Durum wheat carries only two subgenomes (A and B), which limits the use of the D-subgenome genes and requires the expansion of the arsenal of dwarfing alleles and the study of their effects on height and agronomically important traits. We studied the effect of the gibberellin-insensitive allele Rht-B1p in the B2F2:3 families, developed by crossing Chris Mutant /#517//LD222 in a field experiment in Moscow and Krasnodar. In our experiments, plants homozygous for Rht-B1p were shorter than those homozygous for the wild-type allele Rht-B1a by 36.3 cm (40 %) in Moscow and 49.5 cm (48 %) in Krasnodar. In the field experiment in Krasnodar, each plant with Rht-B1p had one less internode than any plant with Rht-B1a, which additionally contributed to the decrease in plant height. Grain weight per main spike was lower in plants with Rht-B1p than in plants with Rht-B1a by 12 % in Moscow and by 23 % in Krasnodar due to a decrease in 1000 grain weight in both regions of the field experiment. The number of grains per main spike in plants with Rht-B1p was higher in comparison to that with Rht-B1a by 6.5 % in Moscow due to an increase in spikelet number per main spike and by 11 % in Krasnodar due to an increase in grain number per spikelet. The onset of heading in plants with Rht-B1p in comparison with the plants with the wild-type allele Rht-B1a was 7 days later in Krasnodar. The possibility and prospects for the use of Rht-B1p in the breeding of durum wheat are discussed


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    Despite the widespread introduction of primary percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) and the use of new powerful antiplatelet drugs for the management of patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) at high risk, the relapse rate of coronary events associated with atherothrombosis remains sufficiently high. In the CURE [1] study the prevalence of myocardial infarction (MI), cere-brovascular accident (CVA) and cardiovascular death (CVD) among patients with ACS without ST elevation, who received aspirin and clopidogrel within 12 months, was 9.3%, and in the PLATO [2] study the frequency of above complications in a group of high-risk patients with ACS, who received a new P2Y12 inhibitor tikagrelor, amounted to 9.8%.Несмотря на широкое внедрение ранних чрескожных коронарных вмешательств (ЧКВ) и применение новых мощных антитромбоцитарных препаратов для лечения больных острым коронарным синдромом (ОКС) высокого риска, частота рецидивов ишемических событий, связанных с атеротромбозом, остается достаточно высокой. В исследовании CURE [1] среди больных ОКС без подъема ST, получавших аспирин и клопидогрел, частота инфаркта миокарда (ИМ), инсульта (ИИ) и сердечно-сосудистой смерти (ССС) в течение 12 мес. наблюдения составила 9,3%, а в исследовании PLATO [2] в группе больных ОКС высокого риска, получавших новый ингибитор Р2У12 — тикагрелор, — 9,8%

    Ionospheric gas dynamics of satellites and diagnostic probes

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    The gas dynamics of interactions of a tenuous ionosphere with moving satellites and probes that have bearings on the diagnostics of the ionosphere are discussed. Emphasis is on the cases where the body is moving at mesothermal speeds, namely intermediate between the thermal speeds of ions and electrons of the ambient ionosphere. Methods of collision-free plasma kinetics with self-consistent field are used. The development of the topics for discussion starts with stationary Langmuir probe which entails the basic mechanism of body-plasma interaction that becomes further intricated as the body moves at a higher and higher speed. Applications of the theory of plasma interaction to meteors which move in the ionosphere are also presented.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43801/1/11214_2004_Article_BF00212707.pd


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    On the basic of the long-term experiments and study of morpho-biologic traits of triticale we determined the parameters of the model varieties of grain-fodder, fodder and bread-making triticale. According to the data the potential productivity of the model variety of the bread-making type should be 95 hwt per hectare. The variety must have good grain (8 points) with the test weight of 760 g/l and more, protein content from 12,5 to 14,5% and gluten up to 28%, good rheological properties of dough; it must form the loaves with the volume of 750 cm3, porosity of 3-4 points with the general bread-making assessment of 4-4,2 points. The leaf rust infection should be less than 10%. The variety ‘Khleborob’ was developed by the method of intervarietal hybridization within Triticale and the double individual selection in the hybrid population (Fahad-3/Erizo-15)/Mudrets// 98-115т3. The spring sample of Mexican selection ‘Fahad-3/Erizo-15’ possesses high indexes of the test weight, 1000-grain weight and wheat proportions of grain. ‘Mudrets’ is a frost tolerant sample with smooth large, vitreous grain. The variety ‘Khleborob’ is characterized with high productivity, adaptive properties, drought tolerance, and resistance to diseases. The main advantage of the variety is the grain of wheat type: the ratio of length to width (1:2,1); the ratio of length to thickness (1:2,3). The grain is of red color, with 1000-grain weight of 45-55 g, with high test weight of 750-782 g/l. The variety is later maturing; it produces spikes 3-5 days earlier than the standard variety ‘Soyuz’. It has a middle length of 110 to 130 cm depending on growing conditions, stable to lodging. The results of the variety-testing after four ancestors during the years of 2011-2013 showed that the average productivity of the variety was 76,1 hwt per ha, which was on 20,6 hwt more than the standard variety ‘Soyuz’ and on 8,4 hwt more than the variety ‘Valentin-90’. The variety showed high resistance to such diseases as yellow rust, powdery mildew and smut, leaf and stem rust. It possesses average stability to pirenoforoz (Pyrenophora tritici-repentis) of leaves and fusariosis of head


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    Assessment data as for how isolation forces counteract illegal forces in isolation area that have further purpose to infiltrate it, are given. The level of meeting tactical requirements in conducting isolating actions that was demonstrated by the  Interior Troops patrolling unit is estimated.Проаналізовано результати польових досліджень експериментального бойового порядку, атакож реалізації запропонованого способу протидії сил ізоляції району спеціальної операціїпослідовним спробам прориву смуги ізоляції протиправними силами з подальшим просочуваннямкрізь неї. Наведено показники тактичних дій патрульного підрозділу військової частини 3005Управління Східного територіального командування внутрішніх військ у ході реалізаціїможливостей експериментального бойового порядку в рамках запропонованого способу дій силізоляції, які можуть бути використані у процесі розроблення відповідних оперативно-тактичнихвимог щодо ізоляційних дій


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    The new winter triticale variety ‘Uralan’ for the arid zone of the Republic of Kalmykia

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    The scheme of the winter triticale breeding at the National Center of grain named after P. P. Lukiyanenko provides for extensive ecological variety trials in various soil and climatic zones of the Russian Federation that makes it possible to reliably estimate the adaptability of promising breeding material and more reasonably and accurately select varieties for the State Variety Testing (Kovtunenko et al., 2017). The breeding material developed in the department of wheat and triticale breeding and seed production at the NCG named after P. P. Lukiyanenko (Krasnodar) was tested on the experimental plot of the KNIISKh, a branch of the FGBNU “PAFNTs RAS” in the SPOK “Agroniva” of the Tselinny district of the Republic of Kalmykia. The purpose of the current study was to identify the most highly productive breeding lines adaptable to local conditions and, on their basis, to develop new varieties. In the course of joint work begun in 1996, KNIISKh, a branch of the FGBNU “PAFNTs RaS” and the NCG named after P P Lukiyanenko (Krasnodar) developed highly productive joint varieties of winter triticale ‘Khongor', ‘Barun', ‘Bogdo' and ‘Khot'. In 2018 a new variety of winter triticale ‘Uralan', which meets the best world achievements in breeding, has been sent to the State Variety Testing. In 2019 at the Elista GSU, the productivity of the variety ‘Uralan' was 5.37 t/ha, exceeding the standard variety ‘Valentin 90' on 1.4 t/ha. In 2016, the productivity of the new winter triticale variety ‘Uralan' was 6.43 t/ha, which was the absolute maximum identified in the long-term ecological variety trials of this grain crop on the experimental plots of the KNIISKh, a branch of the FGBNU “PAFNTs RAS” in arid conditions of the Republic of Kalmykia. The current paper has presented the productivity data and investigated the feed advantages of the new winter triticale variety ‘Uralan' in 2017-2019