70 research outputs found

    Keijsers, Shklyarevskii and van Kempen Reply

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    Answer to the Comment on ``Point-Contact Study of Fast and Slow Two-Level Fluctuators in Metallic Glasses'' by Jan von Delft et al.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, accepted Phys. Rev. Letter

    Zero-bias anomalies of point contact resistance due to adiabatic electron renormalization of dynamical defects

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    We study effect of the adiabatic electron renormalization on the parameters of the dynamical defects in the ballistic metallic point contact. The upper energy states of the ``dressed'' defect are shown to give a smaller contribution to a resistance of the contact than the lower energy ones. This holds both for the "classical" renormalization related to defect coupling with average local electron density and for the "mesoscopic" renormalization caused by the mesoscopic fluctuations of electronic density the dynamical defects are coupled with. In the case of mesoscopic renormalization one may treat the dynamical defect as coupled with Friedel oscillations originated by the other defects, both static and mobile. Such coupling lifts the energy degeneracy of the states of the dynamical defects giving different mesoscopic contribution to resistance, and provides a new model for the fluctuator as for the object originated by the electronic mesoscopic disorder rather than by the structural one. The correlation between the defect energy and the defect contribution to the resistance leads to zero-temperature and zero-bias anomalies of the point contact resistance. A comparison of these anomalies with those predicted by the Two Channel Kondo Model (TCKM) is made. It is shown, that although the proposed model is based on a completely different from TCKM physical background, it leads to a zero-bias anomalies of the point contact resistance, which are qualitatively similar to TCKM predictions.Comment: 6 pages, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Transport properties and point contact spectra of Ni_xNb_{1-x} metallic glasses

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    Bulk resistivity and point contact spectra of Ni_xNb_{1-x} metallic glasses have been investigated as functions of temperature (0.3-300K) and magnetic field (0-12T). Metallic glasses in this family undergo a superconducting phase transition determined by the Nb concentration. When superconductivity was suppressed by a strong magnetic field, both the bulk sample R(T) and the point contact differential resistance curves of Ni_xNb_{1-x} showed logarithmic behavior at low energies, which is explained by a strong electron - "two level system" coupling. We studied the temperature, magnetic field and contact resistance dependence of Ni_{44}Nb_{56} point-contact spectra in the superconducting state and found telegraph-like fluctuations superimposed on superconducting characteristics. These R(V) characteristics are extremely sensitive detectors for slow relaxing "two level system" motion.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Overscreened Single Channel Kondo Problem

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    We consider the single channel Kondo problem with the Kondo coupling between a spin SS impurity and conduction electrons with spin jj. These problems arise as multicritical points in the parameter spaces of two- and higher-level tunneling systems, and some impurity models of heavy fermion compounds. In contrast to the previous Bethe-anstaz conjectures, it turns out that the dynamics of the spin sector is the same as that of a spin SS impurity coupled to k(j)k(j) channels of spin 1/21/2 electrons with k(j)=2j(j+1)(2j+1)/3k(j) = 2j(j+1)(2j+1)/3. As a result, for 2S<k(j)2S < k(j), the system shows non-Fermi liquid behavior with the same exponents for the thermodynamic quantities as those of k(j)k(j) channel Kondo problem. However, both the finite-size spectrum and the operator content are different due to the presence of the other sectors and can be obtained by conformal field theory techniques.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, no figures. Revised Versio

    Size Dependence In The Disordered Kondo Problem

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    We study here the role randomly-placed non-magnetic scatterers play on the Kondo effect. We show that spin relaxation effects (with time τso\tau_s^o)in the vertex corrections to the Kondo self-energy lead to an exact cancellation of the singular temperature dependence arising from the diffusion poles. For a thin film of thickness LL and a mean-free path \ell, disorder provides a correction to the Kondo resistivity of the form τso/(kFL2)lnT\tau_s^o/(k_FL\ell^2)\ln T that explains both the disorder and sample-size depression of the Kondo effect observed by Blachly and Giordano (PRB {\bf 51}, 12537 (1995)).Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 2 Postscript figure

    Inverse Geometric Approach to the Simulation of the Circular Growth. The Case of Multicellular Tumor Spheroids

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    We demonstrate the power of the genetic algorithms to construct the cellular automata model simulating the growth of 2-dimensional close-to-circular clusters revealing the desired properties, such as the growth rate and, at the same time, the fractal behavior of their contours. The possible application of the approach in the field of tumor modeling is outlined

    Linear Kondo conductance in a quantum dot

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    In a tunneling experiment across a quantum dot it is possible to change the coupling between the dot and the contacts at will, by properly tuning the trasparency of the barriers and the temperature. Gate voltages allow for changes of the relative position of the dot addition energies and the Fermi level of the leads. Here we discuss the two limiting cases: weak and strong coupling in the tunneling Hamiltonian. In the latter case Kondo resonant conductance can emerge at low temperature in a Coulomb blockade valley. We give a pedagogical approach to the single-channel Kondo physics at equilibrium and review the Nozieres scattering picture of the correlated fixed point. We emphasize the effect of an applied magnetic field and show how an orbital Kondo effect can take place in vertical quantum dots tuned both to an even and to an odd number of electrons at a level crossing. We extend the approach to the two-channel overscreened Kondo case and discuss recent proposals for detecting the non-Fermi liquid fixed point which could be reached at strong coupling.Comment: 31 pages, invited review articl

    Thermodynamics of the dissipative two-state system: a Bethe Ansatz study

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    The thermodynamics of the dissipative two-state system is calculated exactly for all temperatures and level asymmetries for the case of Ohmic dissipation. We exploit the equivalence of the two-state system to the anisotropic Kondo model and extract the thermodynamics of the former by solving the thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz equations of the latter. The universal scaling functions for the specific heat Cα(T)C_{\alpha}(T) and static dielectric susceptibility χα(T)\chi_{\alpha}(T) are extracted for all dissipation strengths 0<α<10<\alpha<1 for both symmetric and asymmetric two-state systems. The logarithmic corrections to these quantities at high temperatures are found in the Kondo limit α1\alpha\to 1^{-}, whereas for α<1\alpha< 1 we find the expected power law temperature dependences with the powers being functions of the dissipative coupling α\alpha. The low temperature behaviour is always that of a Fermi liquid.Comment: 24 pages, 32 PS figures. Typos corrected, final versio

    The evolution of the urinary bladder as a storage organ: scent trails and selective pressure of the first land animals in a computational simulation

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    The function of waste control in all living organisms is one of the vital importance. Almost universally, terrestrial tetrapods have a urinary bladder with a storage function. It is well documented that many marine and aerial species do not have an organ of such a function, or have one with very depressed storage functionality. Bladder morphology indicates it has evolved from a thin-walled structure used for osmoregulatory purposes, as it is currently used in many marine animals. It is hypothesised that the storage function of the urinary bladder allows for an evolutionary selective advantage in reducing the likelihood of successful predation. Random walks simulating predator and prey movements with simplified scent trails were utilised to represent various stages of the hunt: Detection and pursuit. A final evolutionary model is proposed in order to display the advantages over inter-generational time scales and illustrates how a bladder may evolve from an osmoregulatory organ to one of the storage. Data sets were generated for each case and analysed indicating the viability of such advantages. From the highly consistent results, three distinct characteristics of having a storage function in the urinary bladder are suggested: reduced scent trail detection rate; increased prey–predator separation (upon scent trail detection); and a reduced probability of successful capture upon scent detection by the predator. Furthered by the evolutionary model indicating such characteristics are conserved and augmented over many generations, it is concluded that prey–predator interactions provide a large selective pressure in the evolution of the urinary bladder and its storage function

    Stochastic dynamics and mean field approach in a system of three interacting species

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    The spatio-temporal dynamics of three interacting species, two preys and one predator, in the presence of two different kinds of noise sources is studied. To describe the spatial distributions of the species we use a model based on Lotka-Volterra equations. A correlated dichotomous noise acts on \beta, the interaction parameter between the two preys, and a multiplicative white noise affects directly the dynamics of each one of the three species. We study the time behaviour of the three species in single site for different values of the multiplicative noise intensity, finding noise-induced oscillations of the three species densities with an anticorrelated behaviour of the two preys. Afterwards, by considering a spatially extended system formed by a two-dimensional lattice with N sites and applying a mean field approach, we get the corresponding moment equations in Gaussian approximation. Within this formalism we obtain the time behaviour of the first and second order moments for different values of multiplicative noise intensity, with \beta(t) subject to the same dichotomous noise source. Finally, we compare our results with those obtained by using a coupled map lattice model, consisting of a time discrete version of the Lotka-Volterra equations.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Centr. Eur. J. Phy