20 research outputs found

    Exploring reader responses to young adult literature in the Malaysian English language classroom

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    This article presents the results of a study exploring the reader-responses of Malaysian young adults (YAs) to the literature texts used in Malaysian secondary schools, Dear Mr. Kilmer by Anne Schraff, Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford, and Sing to the Dawn by Minfong Ho. The study aimed to determine the extent to which the YAs found these texts engaging and relevant, and how they identified aspects of their own young adulthood in the novels. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods through questionnaires completed by 30 Malaysian YAs, semi-structured qualitative interviews with a sub-group of six participants, and their journal reflections. Using reader-response literary theory as the guiding framework, the data were analysed quantitatively through descriptive statistical analyses, and qualitatively through inductive thematic analysis, in order to examine the extent to which Malaysian YAs could identify with the main characters, themes, issues, or events in the novels and determine the relevance of the novels to their lives. The findings showed that the participants identified with the characters’ conflict between being true to one’s self and conforming to societal and gender expectations. The themes of standing up for one’s beliefs and right to education, combating social inequities, and family relationships were also relevant aspects that surfaced in responses towards the novels. This study provides recommendations for the selection of literary texts for the English language classroom that connect to the developmental phase of young adults and allow learners to see themselves reflected in what they read

    Assessment of Genetic Diversity in Guava (Psidium guajava) Germplasm Using Microsatellites

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    Although the varietal diversity is fairly rich in guava, most varieties lack one or more desirable characters. Hence, attempts were made for improving specific traits, viz., attractive pink pulp colour, soft seeds, medium fruit size, high TSS and high ascorbic acid. Genetic diversity analysis is a prerequisite for identifying potential parents in breeding programs and germplasm conservation. Molecular characterization helps discriminate closely-related genotypes, as, this technique is unaffected by environment, rendering it more reliable. In this study, 48 polymorphic SSRs screened from a total of 115 SSR markers were used for analyzing marker segregation in 72 guava accessions. Statistical analysis was done using IDENTITY1.0 and CERVUS 3.0 software. Cluster analysis was done with DARwin 5.0 software, using Wards Minimum Variance method, and weighted group neighbour joining method, to check reliability of grouping among clusters. The trend in grouping was found to be similar in both methods. Dendrograms generated showed that the hybrids clustered with their parents; exotic collections fell into two different sub-groups based on productivity; the wild species formed one group; and Navalar cultivars from Dharwad clustered together, reflecting similar origin

    Comparative effect of different sugars instigating non-enzymatic browning and Maillard reaction products in guava fruit leather

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    Browning is a major quality deterioration process affecting both visual colour and nutritional value of guava leather. The aim of the study was to determine the role of different sugars viz., sucrose, fructose, glucose and sorbitol in non-enzymatic browning and antioxidant activity of guava fruit leather. The total free amino acids, ascorbic acid and antioxidant activities were at significantly lower levels in glucose and fructose treated guava leather, while the sorbitol added samples had all of above parameters at the highest level; while a reverse trend was observed in browning index and non-enzymatic browning. Among the browning intermediate products, Hydroxymethylfurfural was present at higher concentration (12.80-32.32 ng/g) than furfural (0.29-0.95 ng/g) in guava leather samples. Among the treatments, hydroxymethylfurfural was found lowest in sorbitol (12.8 ng/g) and highest in fructose (32.3 ng/g). In brief, this paper describes a novel effort in bringing the in-vitro studies related to sugars and total free amino acids, influencing the biochemical and nutritional attributes which are responsible for browning in guava fruit leather

    Evaluation of intergeneric F1 hybrid progenies of papaya (Arka Prabhath x Vasconcellea cauliflora and Arka Prabhath x Vasconcellea cundinamarcencis) for morphological, fruit and yield traits coupled with PRSV tolerance

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    Papaya is one of the most important fruit crops of tropical and subtropical regions of the world including India. Though India stands first in production in the world, the productivity is low as compared to other countries due to high incidence of papaya ring spot virus (PRSV-P) attack. As all the cultivated varieties under genus Carica are susceptible to PRSV, investigations were carried out to evaluate fifteen intergeneric hybrid progenies of Arka Prabhath x V. cauliflora and eighty-five progenies of Arka Prabhath x V. cundinamarcencis for morphological, fruit and yield traits coupled with PRSV- P tolerance. Out of fifteen, seven progenies of ‘Arka Prabhath’ x V. cauliflora viz., IGHF1S4-1, IGHF1S4-12, IGHF1S4-13, IGHF1S4-14, IGHF1S4-15, IGHF1S4-17, IGHF1S4-18 and out of eighty-five, six progenies of ‘Arka Prabhath’ x V. cundinamarcensis viz., IGHF1S1-17, IGHF1S1-19, IGHF1S6-20, IGHF1S2-14, IGHF1S5-12 and IGHF1S5-14 recorded desirable traits such as days to first fruiting (240 to 250 days), bearing height (48 to 74 cm), plant height (175 to 200 cm), trunk circumference (37 to 48 cm), fruit weight (1133.67 to 2202.00 g), pulp thickness (2.45 to 4.05 cm), TSS (11.50 to 13.80 ÂșBrix), fruits/tree (40 to 58) and yield (45.00 to 78.20 kg/tree) coupled with PRSV tolerance with disease score1 (only a few tiny chlorotic spots on leaves). These progenies were selected and forwarded for next generation (F2). The hybridity was also confirmed using SSR marker (mCpCIR59)

    Appemidi The Specialty Pickling Mangoes of Karnataka

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    Aim: Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is about empowering and motivating learners to become active sustainability citizens who are capable of critical thinking and able to participate in shaping a sustainable future, (UNESCO, 2017). This study centres on how the teaching of photosynthesis in Science can help students understand sustainability issues. It looks at the relationship between sustainable development and Science education in the compulsory school (grades 1-9), in Sweden. It analyses how teaching of important ecological processes like photosynthesis can be connected to environmental sustainability. The aim of this study is to explore if, and in what ways, teaching photosynthesis at different grade levels is linked to sustainability issues. Theory: Constructivism is used to frame this study as it emphasizes on the learning experience and the active process of learning. Method: Semi-structured interview method involving five teachers from a compulsory school in Stockholm, Sweden, was incorporated. The compulsory school in Sweden consists of the primary section (grades 1-3 and 4-6) and the secondary section (grades 7-9). Questions regarding teaching methods, what the teachers perceive their students understand about photosynthesis and what they, as teachers, think could help them make the link to sustainability issues in their teaching, were asked. Results: The results showed that although the teachers are committed to making the link to sustainability issues in their teaching, constraints like time, lack of resources and a packed curriculum have an impact on their teaching. The teachers are also aware that photosynthesis is a difficult concept to grasp and their students hold misconceptions. However, they do not seem aware of how they could be contributing to some of those misconceptions

    Lean readiness factors for construction organizations

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    Application of the principles of the “Toyota Production Systems” and the advancements such as lean managementsystems for the construction projects are very beneficial. Implementation of lean systems in any organization is a journey oftransformation that requires an intrinsic recognition of the need and commitment towards improvement, driven with passionby the top management, changes to existing organizational cultures and practices before it can be implemented. Studies havebeen documented that more than 90% of the organizations fail in their journey of lean implementation and a majority ofthe organizations have failed to sustain the implementation and reap the benefits thereon. Research has been conducted inSMEs and manufacturing, healthcare & emergency, humanitarian & higher education domains to identify a set ofconditions/practices which indicate the state of readiness of organizations to embrace the lean journey. Currently, no studiesexist which have investigated the aspect of lean readiness of construction organizations. The present study has identified thelean readiness factors for construction organizations covering all the phases of construction projects, through literaturereview and experts’ opinions. The factors identified form the basis for the design of the framework which shall benefitconstruction organizations immensely for sustainable lean transformation

    Readiness Factors for Sustainable Lean Transformation of Construction Organizations

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    Despite significant research and development on lean construction over the last two decades, cases of sustained lean transformation are few. Readiness for lean transformation is considered an essential requirement. Several studies have been conducted to identify lean readiness factors and develop assessment frameworks in other sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, pharmaceutical, emergency, higher education, etc., but none in construction. The main objective of this study is to identify the lean readiness factors for the successful lean transformation of construction organizations. Mixed methods of research have been adopted. Factors initially identified from the literature in other sectors and lean construction were further validated by a large team of lean experts. Seventy-three factors were identified, and a questionnaire survey was conducted to identify the critical lean readiness factors for construction organizations. One hundred and two responses were collected from expert lean practitioners and academicians from all over the world. The factors were ranked based on the Importance Index (II). Reliability analysis and ANOVA tests have been conducted. Support from top management, the process of understanding customer requirements, emphasis on team-working, critical data analysis, and constraint removal were found to be the top-ranked lean readiness factors. The study opens up new research directions in lean readiness evaluation and ensures sustained lean transformation of construction organizations

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    Paper presented in XIX Agricultural Science Congress held at New Delhi on 20-23 February 2019Majority of horticultural crops including fruits, vegetables, spices and plantations are entomophilic and depend on different kinds of insects for pollination. Many a time the contribution of pollinators is overlooked and the production packages of commercial horticulture are not giving due attention to the safety and sustainability of pollinators in crop ecosystems. At ICAR-Indian Institute of HorticulturalMResearch, Bengaluru systematic studies are being conducted since 2010 to identify potential pollinators of mango, guava, onion and watermelon and their role in fruit/seed set. Besides documenting species diversity, shifts in pollinator community structure in relation to crop phenology, variety and climate variables were studied. In mango, pollinator profile across major mango belts of the country covering the Konkan region of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karanataka and Tamil Nadu was recorded. It was found that three Dipteran species viz., Chrysomya megacephala, Eristalinus arvorum and Stomorhina discolor and two wild bee species viz., Apis florea and Tetragonula iridipennis are important pollinators of mango compared to conventional hive bees. It was established that absence of insect pollinators lead to a reduction in fruit set ranging from 70-90 per cent in different mango varieties. Thermal tolerance of major pollinator species was also worked out and C. megacephala was found to forage at wider range of temperatures compared to other species. A mass multiplication technology was standardized to produce these pollinators in large numbers and augment natural populations in the field. In onion and watermelon, native honey bee species viz., Apis cerana, A. dorsata and A. florea are major pollinators. Impact of different species on seed and fruit set was worked out. Realising the economic importance and ecosystem services provided by native pollinator fauna, strategies for conservation and efforts needed to incorporate them as essential inputs of horticulture are discussed.Not Availabl

    Lean Readiness of Organizations – A Systematic Scientometric Review

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    This study identifies the lean readiness themes, factors/attributes, methodologies, frameworks & sectors of the study of lean readiness assessment. A systematic literature review (SLR) methodology was adopted. Fifty-three research articles indexed in the Scopus & Web of Science database were selected for review. Zotero software tool was used to consolidate a unified list of articles. The identified articles were further processed and a scientometric review was conducted in the VOSviewer software. Ninety-three attributes of lean readiness within nine themes were identified. Training & Education, Top Management Commitment, and Leadership were found to be the most important lean readiness attributes. Fuzzy logic, Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), DEMATEL, and Likert Scale Surveys have been largely adopted for the design of the Lean Readiness Assessment Frameworks. Studies relating to service industries are presently lacking and need to be taken up on a larger scale. Although there have been literature reviews on the subject, this is the first study holistically investigating the attributes of “lean readiness” and summarizing research gaps. The findings of this paper shall benefit the organizations in their readiness assessment and shall also pave way for further research in many service organizations, with easily implementable and scalable methodologies