298 research outputs found

    Typological analysis of influence of the Internet — space on the formation value orientations of youth

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    С целью исследования особенностей влияния IT- технологий на молодежь, был проведен социологический опрос, а также проведен факторный и кластерный анализ массива данных социологического исследования. В результате чего было выделено два фактора, дающих обобщённую характеристику отношения молодёжи к Интернету.To investigate the features of the influence of IT-technologies for young people, a sociological survey and conducted a factor and cluster analysis of the survey data set. As a result, it has been allocated two factors, giving a generalized characterization of young people's attitudes to the Internet

    The Kaliningrad Region: Challenges of the Exclave Position and the Ways to Offset Them

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    The recent geopolitical shifts and Russia’s response to them have had a significant impact on the Kaliningrad region. This has created new challenges and warranted a revision of the old ones. The article investigates the reaction of the region’s economy to the challenges of its exclave position and considers possible measures to offset related problems in the current geopolitical situation. The article employs statistics, regional strategies, cross-border cooperation programmes, and expert interviews conducted by the authors in Kaliningrad in 2012-2014. The vast body of empirical data is instrumental in analysing the views of different stakeholders and estimating the problems and prospects of the region’s development as either Russia’s military outpost in Europe or as a ‘cooperation laboratory.’ The analysis takes into account collaborations with the neighbouring states. In striving to identify the preferable regional development conception, the authors reveal low susceptibility of local cross-border cooperation actors to the belligerent rhetoric of national authorities on either side of the border. The study of the state of affairs in tourism, a promising area of regional specialization, demonstrates a dual effect of the exclave position, which can be considered both as a challenge and an opportunity

    Occupation as a factor of personality subjective well-being

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    This article examines personality subjective well-being and describes its psychological structure, general components and characteristics. An overview of foreign theories and studies on subjective well-being is presented. Correlations amongrelated concepts such as happiness, life satisfaction and subjective well-being are also described. Subjective well-being is seen as a multivariate construction of a stable nature in mobile equilibrium. It is argued that a type of professional activity can have great importance and a positive impact on an individual's social life, health, identity shaping and psychological wellness. This article's findings are substantiated by the survey administered to 2229 respondents divided into groups according to their area of business: students, psychologists, doctors, teachers, engineering and technical staff, representatives of service industries, workers, military men, and prisoners. The descriptors identified two types of natures: positive, directed to a person's inner world (happy, lucky, optimistic) and to the outer world (trustworthy, competent, successful), and negative (pessimistic, unhappy, envious). This division of nature type was categorized according to the participants' subjective well-being index. Empirical evidence has shown that occupational specificity influences a person's subjective well-being. A substantial difference was found in subjective well-being index of the respondents. A higher index is typical of students and military men. Educators and industrial intelligentsia also demonstrate an increased level of subjective well-being, whereas prisoners tend to have a low level of subjective well-being. The same low index is characteristic of servicing trade representatives and psychologists. © Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2015

    Self-similarity of rogue wave generation in gyrotrons: Beyond the Peregrine breather

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    Within the framework of numerical simulations, we study the gyrotron dynamics under conditions of a significant excess of the operating current over the starting value, when the generation of electromagnetic pulses with anomalously large amplitudes ("rogue waves") are realized. We demonstrate that the relation between peak power and duration of rogue waves is self-similar, but does not reproduce the one characteristic for Peregrine breathers. Remarkably, the discovered self-similar relation corresponds to the exponential nonlinearity of an equivalent Schr\"odinger-like evolution equation. This interpretation can be used as a theoretical basis for explaining the giant amplitudes of gyrotron rogue waves

    Polaron transformations in the realistic model of the strongly correlated electron system

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    Electron-phonon coupling, diagonal in a real space formulation, leads to polaron paradigm of smoothly varying properties. However, fundamental changes, namely the singular behavior of polarons, occur if non-diagonal pairing is involved into consideration. The study of polaron transformations and related properties of matter is of particular interest for realistic models, since competition between diagonal and non-diagonal electron-phonon contributions in the presence of other strong interactions can result in unconventional behavior of the system. Here we consider the multiband pd-model of cuprate superconductors with electron-phonon interaction and analyze the features of the systems that are caused by the competition of diagonal and non-diagonal electron-phonon contributions in the limit of strong electron correlations. Using the polaronic version of the generalized tight-binding method, we describe the evolution of the band structure, Fermi surface, density of states at Fermi level, and phonon spectral function in the space of electron-phonon parameters ranging from weak to strong coupling strength of the adiabatic limit. On the phase diagram of polaron properties we reveal two quantum phase transitions and show how electron-phonon interaction gives rise to Fermi surface transformation (i) from hole pockets to Fermi arcs and (ii) from hole to electron type of conductivity. We also demonstrate the emergence of new states in the phonon spectral function of the polaron and discuss their origin.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure


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    Arterial hypertension (HT) is a reason for raising a question about need for antithrombotic therapy. At the same time, increased blood pressure associated with an increased risk of hemorrhagic complications. Possible ways to minimize the hemorrhagic risk in different groups of hypertensive patients who need in antithrombotic therapy are discussed


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    The results of the comparative analysis of domestic and foreign experience in management organization of the defense industrial complex of innovative development are submitted in this article. Analysis was performed in emphasis of legal, organizational and methodological components of the military enterprises innovative activity. The necessity to create new strategy of innovative development for the defense industrial complex is promoted here. This strategy is based on the government regulation of military production pre-investment cycle and indirect regulation of the business environment for development of innovative activity in advance. The recommendations of a new strategy realization are presented in this article also

    «Сепсис-3»: новая редакция - старые проблемы. Анализ с позиции общей патологии

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    Sepsis-3 Guidelines defines sepsis as an organ dysfunction caused by dysregulated host response to infection. To record organ dysfunction, the SOFA/quick SOFA scales were recommended. In fact, in medical practice, sepsis is considered nothing more than a critical infection that requires intensive care. Therefore, sepsis is pathogenetically a non-homogeneous condition manifested by diverse nosologies and syndromes. Unlike the previous two editions, Sepsis-1 and Sepsis-2 Guidelines, the formal criteria provided in the Sepsis-3 are closer to the de facto position, describe more specific, but less sensitive features to predict mortality. However, the initial, latent manifestations of critical conditions, which can be relatively effectively controlled by intensive therapy, remain outside the Sepsis-3 criteria. Not all signs of multiple organ dysfunctions (according to the Sepsis-3 criteria) will require intensive care. Hence, obviously the presence or absence of formal criteria of Sepsis-3 will not be always taken into account while verifying sepsis. The only relatively pathogenetically homogeneous definition in Sepsis-3 is “septic shock”. However, it also does not fully consider the staging (according to the degree of compensation of hemodynamic disturbances) and the phasing (according to the severity of the pro-inflammatory response) of the dynamics of the shock condition. From our point of view, a positive result of the Sepsis-3 consensus would be in transition of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) from the main to additional (optional) verifying sepsis criteria. We also believe that the weak side of the Sepsis-3 Guidelines is in underestimated mechanisms of systemic inflammation as a general pathological process in the genesis of developing critical conditions of various origins. From the perspective of general pathology, sepsis is a combination of the three common fundamental pathological processes: classical (canonical) and systemic inflammation (SI), as well as chronic systemic low-grade inflammation (parainflammation), the latter can be considered as an unfavorable background for development of the former two processes. All three processes are characterized by any SIR signs and require to be differentiated on the basis of integral criteria, which reflect specific blocks of the SI complex process. The pathogenesis of the SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19) is a relevant example underlying inevitability of such approach. The systemic microvascular vasculitis, and its main clinical manifestations such as systemic microcirculatory disorders in the form of shockogenic conditions is the SI pathogenetic basis. Apparently, one of the modalities for further evolution of critical care medicine will be coupled to development of a more multilayered but effective methods for assessing pathogenesis of critical states and more differentiated methods of pathogenetic therapy. Therefore, it will require to modernize a number of fundamental premises in our knowledge about pathobiology, pathophysiology, and general pathology. © 2021 Saint Petersburg Pasteur Institute. All rights reserved.This work was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the Institute of Immunology and Physiology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (registration number NIOKTR No. АААА-А18-118020590108-7)

    Psychological security as the foundation of personal psychological wellbeing (analytical review)

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    Background. Security as a socio-cultural phenomenon requires a comprehensive approach and integrates a multitude of aspects of social reality, each of which is important both for an individual and society as a whole. It has been shown that there are certain universal desires and needs which are valued by all cultures and peoples as essential to providing a high quality of life; one of such universals is the need for security. Consequently, the status of people’s security in a society directly depends on the processes taking place in the society as a whole, and a craving for security and the need for it act as powerful stimulators of social changes. Aim. A theoretical analysis of studies on psychological security as a socio-cultural phenomenon. Method. Sources were selected according the following principles of scientific cognition: development, systematicity, and determinism. Result and discussion. It has been shown that, on the one hand, an individual’s security is the result of an effective political, economic, social, and cultural environment. On the other hand, a society’s security is a combination of individual people’s security. It has been proved that the strengthening of a society’s psychological security is key to achieving the wellbeing of different categories of people. It has been demonstrated that security is a dynamic process, since at every point in time we are dealing with a new type of danger. As a result, psychological security must constantly be created all over again. The latent character of security is shown by the fact that a person starts to strain after it only when an actual threat to life, health, and wellbeing emerges. What’s more, the use of an interdisciplinary approach (psychological and sociological, in particular) appears to be the most fruitful, especially with regard to such latent phenomena as security and wellbeing. It has been shown that all aspects of human behavior in all spheres of life can be interpreted in the context of both the sense of security and actual security, and in most cases it is the need for security that guides man’s action. It has also been demonstrated that people’s perceptions and assessment of their state of security are psychological processes, and thus, they are exposed to individual and group differences. Modern research has shown that, in the modern world, the link between a sense of wellb eing and sense of security is drawing increasing attention. Yet it should be noted that there is a tendency to interpret the concept of security restrictively as protection from harm and satisfaction of basic needs. In other words, the idea that psychological wellbeing and security are complementary and mutually conditioned concepts has not been dealt with so far