103 research outputs found


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    The possibility of anomalous low.temperature diffusion in steels under cold deformation as a result of nucleation and migration of internode atoms is shown, which leads, in particular, to the dissolution of intermetallides during deformation at 77 K.Показана возможность развития аномальной низкотемпературной диффузии в сталях при холодной деформации в результате зарождения и миграции междоузельных атомов, что приводит, в частности, к растворению интерметаллидов в процессе деформации при 77 К.Работа выполнена по теме «Структура», № АААА-А18-118020190116-6. Электронно-микроскопические исследования проведены в ОЭМ ЦКП ИФМ УрО РАН

    Short-range order and precipitation in Fe-rich Fe-Cr alloys: Atomistic off-lattice Monte Carlo simulations

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    Short-range order (SRO) in Fe-rich Fe-Cr alloys is investigated by means of atomistic off-lattice Monte Carlo simulations in the semi-grand canonical ensemble using classical interatomic potentials. The SRO parameter defined by Cowley [Phys. Rev. B 77, 669 (1950)] is used to quantify the degree of ordering. In agreement with experiments a strong ordering tendency in the Cr distribution at low Cr concentrations (~< 5%) is observed, as manifested in negative values of the SRO parameters. For intermediate Cr concentrations (5% ~< c_Cr ~< 15%) the SRO parameter for the alpha-phase goes through a minimum, but at the solubility limit the alpha-phase still displays a rather strong SRO. In thermodynamic equilibrium for concentrations within the two-phase region the SRO parameter measured over the entire sample therefore comprises the contributions from both the alpha and alpha-prime phases. If both of these contributions are taken into account, it is possible to quantitatively reproduce the experimental results and interpret their physical implications. It is thereby shown that the inversion of the SRO observed experimentally is due to the formation of stable (supercritical) alpha-prime precipitates. It is not related to the loss of SRO in the alpha-phase or to the presence of unstable (subcritical) Cr precipitates in the alpha-phase.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Investigation of Quantum Chaos in the Parametric Dependent System of Interacting oscillators

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    Formation of chaos in the parametric dependent system of interacting oscillators for the both classical and quantum cases has been investigated. Domain in which classical motion is chaotic is defined. It has been shown that for certain values of the parameters from this domain, form of the classical power spectrum is in a good agreement with the quantum band profile. Local density of states is calculated. The range in which application of perturbation theory is correct has been defined.Comment: 9 figures. to be published in Mod.Phys.Lett.


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    The study of structural.phase transformations at different velocities and temperatures of shock.wave loading in austenitic steel 04N–20Cr–6Ni–11Mn– 2Mo–V–Nb was carried out by methods of metallography, transmission electron microscopy and EBSD analysis.Методами металлографии, трансмиссионной электронной микроскопии и EBSD анализа определены особенности структурно.фазовых превращений при различных температурах ударно.волнового нагружения в аустенитной стали 04N–20Cr–6Ni–11Mn–2Mo–V–Nb.Работа выполнена по теме «Структура», № АААА-А18-118020190116-6. Электронно-микроскопические исследования проведены в ОЭМ ЦКП ИФМ УрО РАН


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    As a result of mechanical alloying with oxygen in consequence of surface oxides dissolution during processing of pre.oxidized iron powder in the mill, bulk iron samples containing FexO strengthening oxides of 2.5 nm size were obtained. It is shown that the samples of ODS.iron have increased strength characteristics (.0.2 ~ 570 MPa, .B ~ 632 MPa).В результате механического легирования кислородом вследствие растворения поверхностных окислов при обработке в мельнице предварительного окисленного порошка железа были получены объемные образцы железа, содержащие упрочняющие оксиды FexO размером 2,5 нм. Показано, что образцы ДУО.железа обладают повышенными прочностными характеристиками (.0,2~570 МПа, .В~632 МПа).Работа выполнена по темам «Структура», № АААА-А18-118020190116-6, при частичной поддержке РФФИ № 18-03-00216. Электронно-микроскопические исследования проведены в ОЭМ ЦКП ИФМ УрО РАН


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    Установлено, что при деформации сплава Fe–36Ni–9Al во вращающихся наковальнях Бриджмэна в интервале температур от криогенных до 573 К происходит смена направления фазовых переходов от атомного разупорядочения и растворения интерметаллидов к их дополнительному ускоренному выделению. Процессом, влияющим на кинетику «растворения – выделения» интерметаллидов в металлической матрице, является динамическое старение.It was found that the deformation of the alloy Fe–36Ni–9Al in rotating anvils of Bridgman in the temperature range from cryogenic to 573 K there is a change of direction of phase transitions from the atomic disordering and dissolution of intermetallic compounds to their additional accelerated selection. Process affecting the kinetics of the “dissolution- precipitation” of intermetallics in the metal matrix is a dynamic aging.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Российского научного фонда (проект № 14-13-00908)

    Safety Study of an Original Mesenchymal Stromal Cell Secretome-Based Medicinal Product for Spermatogenesis Restoration

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    Currently, there are no effective and safe medicinal products for idiopathic male infertility. Previous studies in two animal models of infertility (short-term cryptorchidism in rats and doxorubicin-induced testicular injury in mice) have shown the effectiveness of an originator medicinal product based on the mesenchymal stromal cell (MSC) secretome.The aim of the study was to evaluate the toxicity profile of the MSC secretome-based medicinal product in rats after local intratesticular or intramuscular administration.Materials and methods. The MSC secretome is a combination of factors secreted by MSCs in low-glucose Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM-LG) for MSC conditioning. In the single-dose toxicity study, the MSC secretome-based medicinal product was injected under the testicular tunica albuginea of male Wistar rats (15 per group) at doses of 15 and 25 relative units (RU) per animal, which are 1.5 and 2.5 times higher than the therapeutic dose (10 RU). In the repeat-dose toxicity study, male Wistar rats (10 per group) received intramuscular thigh injections of the medicinal product on days 1, 6, and 12 at doses of 15 and 25 RU per animal. The local tolerance study involved histopathological examination of the testes and thighs at the injection site. All studies included control groups of intact animals and animals similarly injected with blank DMEM-LG. The early follow-up period was 14 days, and the late follow-up period was 42 days.Results. The rats showed no changes in the general condition after single and repeated doses of the MSC secretome-based medicinal product. Single subtunical doses induced moderate irritation; its signs included pathological changes in individual seminiferous tubules: epithelial atrophy (70% of the animals on day 14; 55% at late follow-up) and sperm stasis (70% of the animals). Similar changes were observed in the blank DMEM-LG group (up to 80% of the animals). There were no pathological changes in the tissues after repeated injections. A transient increase in alkaline phosphatase activity was detected in animals after their third intramuscular injection at a dose of 25 RU; the other biochemical parameters were normal in all study groups.Conclusions. The MSC secretome-based medicinal product has a favourable safety profile following both intratesticular and intramuscular administration, as it does not cause any permanent changes in the studied organs and tissues

    Determining the Amount of Phenylpropanoids in Belowground Organs of Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench., Asteraceae)

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    От эхинацеи пурпурной получают виды лекарственного растительного сырья: траву свежую и высушенную, корневища с корнями. В них содержится сумма фенилпропаноидов (ранее «оксикоричные кислоты», «гидроксикоричные кислоты») и их производные, обеспечивающие иммуностимулирующий эффект препаратов, основным из которых является настойка. Накопление суммы фенилпропаноидов в корневищах с корнями эхинацеи наименее изучено. Цель – изучение влияния сроков и кратности удаления надземной части на содержание суммы фенилпропаноидов в корневищах с корнями эхинацеи, полученных от растений разных возрастов при культивировании, а также определение содержания изучаемых веществ в настойке при разной степени измельчения сырья. Исследованы корневища с корнями эхинацеи пурпурной, заготовленные в Москве в 2008–2010 гг. в фазу окончания вегетации растений 2-го, 3-го, 4-го, 5-го, 7-го гг. развития. Побеги скашивали в фазы стеблевания (однократно и многократно в течение вегетации), бутонизации, цветения. Контроль – получение сырья без удаления надземной части. В 2008–2009 гг. наибольшее накопление суммы фенилпропаноидов в подземных органах наблюдали при многократном и однократном скашивании побегов в период стеблевания, независимо от возраста растений. Удаление побегов в фазах бутонизации и цветения привело к значительному снижению содержания суммы фенилпропаноидов. В июле-августе 2010 г. в регионе была засуха. Наименьшее содержание изучаемых веществ в сырье отмечено при многократном удалении побегов. В лучшем положении оказалось сырье растений, у которых надземную массу срезали однократно в фазу стеблевания. При сравнении растений разных возрастов установлено, что в сырье растений 2–4 гг. вегетации накопление веществ, независимо от срока удаления надземной части и года проведения опыта, достоверно выше, чем в сырье от растений старших возрастов. Рекомендовано дополнить «Агрорекомендацию по возделыванию эхинацеи пурпурной» при выращивании для получения корневищ с корнями агроприемом многократного скашивания надземной части в фенологической фазе стеблевания. Влияние размера частиц измельченного сырья (от 0,25 мм до 1,0 мм) на содержание биологически активных веществ в настойке не наблюдалосьEchinacea purpurea (L.) Moench plants serve as a source of medicinal raw materials: fresh and dried aboveground parts and rhizomes with roots (Rhizomata cum radicibus). They contain total phenylpropanoids (formerly “oxycinnamic acids”, “hydroxycinnamic acids”) and their derivatives, which underlie the immunostimulatory effect of the preparations. Tincture is the most common preparation. Accumulation of total phenylpropanoid derivatives in Echinacea rhizomes with roots is the least studied aspect. The purpose of the present work is to study the effect of the timing and frequency of removal of the aboveground part on total phenylpropanoids in Echinacea rhizomes with roots collected from cultivated plants of different ages. Another aim was to determine total phenylpropanoids in the tincture prepared from raw material ground to various degrees. Echinacea purpurea rhizomes with roots harvested in Moscow in 2008–2010, at the end of the growing period of plants aged 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 years, were studied. The shoots were cut down during the stem formation (by single and repeated mowing during the growing period), budding, and flowering stages. The intact raw material was used to provide control samples. In 2008–2009, the highest accumulation of phenylpropanoid derivatives in rhizomes with roots was observed in groups with both repeated and single shoot removals performed during the shoot development stage at all plant ages. The shoot removals during the budding and flowering stages resulted in a significant reduction in phenylpropanoids. During the regional drought in July and August 2010, the raw material samples in the group with repeated shoot removals demonstrated the lowest accumulation of phenylpropanoids. The samples in the group with single shoot removal during the shoot development stage showed greater phenylpropanoid accumulation compared with the repeated mowing group. The content of phenylpropanoids in raw material from 2–4-year-old plants, regardless of the period of shoot removal and the year of the experiment, was significantly higher than in the raw material from older plants. It is recommended to supplement the “Agro-recommendation for the cultivation of Echinacea purpurea” with the agricultural method of repeated mowing of the aboveground part in the phenological phase of shoot development when the plant is grown as a source of rhizomes with roots. No effect of the particle size of the ground raw material (from 0.25 to 1.0 mm) on total phenylpropanoids in the tincture has been reveale