28 research outputs found

    Образы и смыслы текстового пространства литературы русского севера в контексте православно-сакральной топографии

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    En el presente artículo se estudia la literatura del Norte de Rusia en sus relaciones con la tradición literaria regional precedente y posterior sobre la base de las estructuras del concepto de “memoria”, que se considera como el punto de unión de todos los niveles del texto. Desde este punto de vista se investigan las imágenes y los signifi cados de la esfera simbólica del espacio del texto del Norte ruso. En el artículo se formula los conceptos siguientes: “texto de memoria”, “memoria histórica”, “memoria histórica colectiva”, paisaje cultural”.Главная тема статьи – становление локального Северного текста русской литературы в его отношениях с предшествующей и последующей региональной литературной традицией на основе структур памяти как онтологической связи всех уровней текста. С этих позиций рассматриваются образы и смыслы символической сферы текстового пространства Русского Севера. В статье формулируется понятие «текста памяти», оговаривается понимание его основных категорий как текстового пространства культуры: “историческая память”, “коллективная историческая память”, “культурный ландшафт”

    Использование нанодисперсий, полученных из экстракта бересты, для солюбилизации плохо растворимых в воде веществ.

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    The method of poor soluble substances solubilization with the use of nanodispersions prepared from birch bark extract is proposed. Optimal substance/carrier ratios for methylpheophorbide A, doxorubicin, silymarin and silibinin have been determined.Предложен способ солюбилизации плохо растворимых субстанций с помощью нанодисперсий, полученных из тритерпеноидов бересты. Определены оптимальные соотношения субстанция/носитель для метилфеофорбида А, доксорубицина, силибинина и силимарина


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    Analysis of the anamnestic data, of laboratory parameters and instrumental findings in 189 patients with toxic goiter, who had been operated on because of the lack of the disease remission, showed that during the period from 1970 to 2010, the number of relapses of hyperthyroidism after conservative surgery had increased seven times. The conclusion suggests further search for criteria of prognosing the results of surgical managementАнализ анамнестических данных, лабораторных показателей и данных инструментальных методов обследования 189 больных диффузным токсическим зобом, которые были оперированы в связи с отсутствием ремиссии заболевания, показал, что за период с 1970 по 2010 гг. число рецидивов тиреотоксикоза после органосохраняющих операций увеличилось в семь раз. Данное заключение делает необходимым проведение исследований, направленных на поиск критериев, позволяющих прогнозировать результаты оперативного лечени

    The use of nanodispersions prepared from birch bark extract for poor soluble substances solubilization.

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    The method of poor soluble substances solubilization with the use of nanodispersions prepared from birch bark extract is proposed. Optimal substance/carrier ratios for methylpheophorbide A, doxorubicin, silymarin and silibinin have been determined

    Agronomic and Economic Aspects of Biodiesel Production from Oilseeds: A Case Study in Russia, Middle Volga Region

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    Emissions from fossil fuels are expected to increase in accordance with the global economy, which causes the development of alternative non-hydrocarbon sources in energy production. Biodiesel is one of the best options, among other sources, due to its low footprint. Russia does not have a smart policy of state support for biofuel production. The work objective was to determine whether it is necessary to develop equipment for biodiesel production, taking into account the structure of cultivated areas and available technologies; to calculate economic indicators of biodiesel production for agricultural needs; to compare the options for spring rape cultivation; as well as calculate the government support optimal level. As research methods, the authors used the apparatus of economic and mathematical modeling, and the method of absolute, relative and average values. Statistical tables are used to present the research results. Based on our study results, it is proven that the homemade biodiesel production by agricultural enterprises is economically justified. The equipment needed for its production was determined, the main economic indicators of the fuel production type and the optimal value of monetary and labor costs were calculated, and the gross and market biofuel values were obtained. The optimum level of government support for biofuel production in the Middle Volga region should be EUR 13.223 million, and the area planted with oil crops should be increased by 47.1 thousand ha

    Diagnostic score of malignancy risk in the people having a node in thyroid gland (Petrov Thyroid Cancer Score, PTCS)

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    A method for assessing the likelihood of finding a differentiated thyroid cancer based on the use of the Petrov Thyroid Cancer Score (PTCS) is proposed. The individual components of the score are divided into 4 groups in terms of their diagnostic significance. PTCS reflects  the opinions of specialists working in the different areas of oncology and needs further approbation based on retro- and prospective studie