9 research outputs found


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    Background. Assessment of life quality while carrying out a vitrectomy in children with detached retina. Material and Methods. Twenty three patients (23 eyes) aged from 10 up to 17 years from with detached retina were examined. Surgery included carrying out a standard three-port vitrectomy and laser endocoagulation of retina vessels. All patients have been divided by method of casual selection into 3 groups. In the I group (n = 8) during the surgery the balanced salt solutions (Balansed Salt Solution – BSS) without antioxidants were used and additional purpose of the antioxidant medicines per os was not carried out; in the II group (n = 8) at performing surgery BSS with antioxidants (glutathione) – BSS plus were used; in the III group (n = 7) in the postoperative period in addition per os antioxidant medicines were administered for 3 months. In all patients the research of life quality on the basis of the reduced Russified version of the questionnaire VFQ-25 was conducted. The control group consisted of 10 children of the corresponding age and sex, the welfare and national identity, without contraindications to surgery in the area of a vitrealny cavity. Statistical processing of the received findings has been executed by means of a package of application programs of the statistical analysis AnalystSoft, BioStat 2007. Results. In a week after surgery increase in visual acuity was not observed. Six months later reliable increase in visual acuity was noted. The highest final rates of a vasometry were observed in the II group, patients of the I group had minimum values. The minimal progressing of a cataract was observed in patients of the II group.Conclusion. Surgery for detached retina positively influenced rates of life quality in children in the early and long-term postoperative period


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    Aim. The study was designed for the evaluation of the quality of life of children with retinal detachment during vitrectomy.Materials and methods. 23 children with retinal detachment aged from 10 to 17 years were treated. Surgical treatment consisted of a three-port vitrectomy and a laser endocoagulation of the retina. 3 groups were formed with the help of a random sampling. During the surgical treatment of group I (n=8), only balanced non-oxidant solutions of salts (Balsed Salt Solution − BSS) were used. Tablets of antioxidant preparations were not assigned. Saline solutions with antioxidants (BSS plus) were used to carry out surgery for group II (n=8). Group III (n=7) was additionally taking antioxidant preparations peros for 3 months in the postoperative period . The quality of life was studied using the abridged Russian version of the VFQ-25 questionnaire. 10 children of the same age with no indications of surgical treatment of retinal detachment were selected for the control group. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out using a set of programs for applied statistical analysis Analyst Soft, Bio Stat 2007. Results. A week after the surgical treatment, no increase in visometric data was observed. Six months later, a significant increase in visual acuity was revealed. The highest visometric data were observed in group II due to the minimal progression of lens opacities. Group I patients had the lowest values of this index.Conclusion. The positive effect of the surgical treatment of retinal detachment positively influenced the patients’ quality of life in the early and late postoperative period


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    Aim. To explore ocular microcirculation in patients with intraocular hemorrhage.Material and Methods. Microcirculation was investigated in 26 patients after subtotal posterior vitrectomy with the use of a laser blood analyzer LAK-01 and a computer program to carry out spectral analysis of the signal. Statistical processing of the results was performed using AnalystSoft software package, BioStat 2007.Results of the study. Ocular microcirculation in the control group was characterized by high levels of blood perfusion and metabolic activity, symmetrical distribution of arterial inflow and venous outflow. Evaluation of microcirculation parameters in patients with intraocular hemorrhage demonstrated a significant fall of these figures.Conclusion. Surgical removal of intraocular hemorrhage leads to a signficant improvement of ocular microcirculation

    Effectiveness of the Cataract Prevention in Patients with Epiretinal Membrane after Vitrectomy

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    Purpose: tо evaluate effectiveness of cataractogenesis prophylaxis in patients with epiretinal membrane (ERM) after vitrectomy based on the pirenoxin use.Patients and мethods. The study included 72 patients (64.5 ± 6.4 years old; 31 men, 41 women) with ERM before and after 25G microinvasive vitrectomy with removal of ERM. The 1-st group patients (36 eyes) received pirenoxin instillation (Catalin®; 3 times a day, 6 months) in addition to the standard pharmacological support. The 2-nd group patients received only standard therapy. All patients underwent: standard ophthalmologic examination; lens state photoregistration with an assessment of lens opacities intensity (LOCS-III classification) with the calculation of the cataract development index (CDI). These were control points: examination before vitrectomy and 5 months after surgery. At control points, the incidence of lens opacities in the observation groups was also evaluated. Statistical analysis included: calculation of the mean and its standard deviation (M ± s); assessment of the significance of differences in control points with each group (Wilcoxon's T-test) and between groups (Mann—Whitney U-test); Pearson xi-square test.Results: In the 1-st group (pirenoxin instillation), 6 months after vitrectomy and ERM removal, the following indicators were noted: the initial cataract incidence was 5.6 %; CDI — 0.36 ± 0.03 points, increasing the maximum corrected visual acuity (MCVA) from 0.31 ± 0.03 to 0.6 ± 0.05. In the 2-nd group similar indicators significantly differed from the 1-st group data: the initial cataract incidence was 36.1 % (Pearson xi-square test > 3; p < 0.05); CDI — 3.1 ± 0.3 points (p < 0.01); the MCVA increase from 0.3 ± 0.05 to 0.43 ± 0.1 (p < 0.05).Conclusion. Pirenoxin (Catalin®) has demonstrated quite high efficacy in the cataract prevention in patients after vitrectomy with ERM removal

    Dry Eye Epidemiology in Patients before Cataract Surgery

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    Purpose. To evaluate the prevalence, clinical and pathogenetic variants and statistically significant risk factors of dry eye (DE) in patients before cataract surgery. Patients and Methods. 600 age-related and complicated cataract patients (70.6 ± 7.8 years old; 269 men, 331 women) were examined. Visometry and biomicroscopy with photographic recording of the lens state and assessment of its opacities according to the LOCS III classification were used to cataract revealing. OSDI testing, lipid interferential test, TBUT, Shirmer-1, -2 tests, visual and OCT meniscometry, evaluation of epitheliopaty and microerosion (with vital staining), compression Norn test in Korb modification, visual and OCT LIPCOF assessment, lid viper epitheliopathy evaluation, anterior segment of the eye photoregistration with computer morphometry were performed to assess the ocular surface condition. The structure of the DE risk factors, was studied both in DE patients and non-DE subjects with calculation of the Pearson xi-square test. To estimate the strength of the connection between the etiological condition and the DE, the normalized value of the Pearson coefficient (C´) was used. Results. The dry eye prevalence was 53.2 % (of them, 25.5 % was mild, 27.7 % — moderate, by Brzhesky). Subclinical DE prevalence was 27 %. Clinical and pathogenetic variants of mild DE included: isolated lipid deficiency (71.9 %), lipid-mucin deficiency (28.1 %). In patients with moderate DE were identified: aqueous-lipid-mucin deficiency (54.8 %), aqueous-lipid deficiency (37.95 %), isolated aqueous deficiency (7.2 %). The most significant systemic-organ DE risk factors were: diabetes mellitus (C´ = 0.302; in 18.8 % DE patients), female sex (C´ = 0.240; in 62.1 % de patients), allergy (С´ = 0.233; in 23.2 % DE patients). Local risk factors most significantly associated with DE were: meibomian glands dysfunction (С´ = 0.58; in 77.7 % DE patients), chronic blepharitis (С´ = 0.233; in 23.2 % DE patients), pterygium (С´ = 0.276; in 13.2 % DE patients), allergic conjunctivitis (С´ = 0.21; in 21.3 % DE patients). Among the exogenous risk factors, the most significant were: the use of medication affecting tear production or tear film stability (С´ = 0.485; in 89.03 % DE patients), preservative eye drops instillation (С´ = 0.2975; in 56.1 % DE patients). Conclusion. In our opinion, data on the high DE prevalence in cataract patients (53.2 %) should be taken into account when planning cataract surgery, since perioperative correction of the ocular surface condition can increase the surgical treatment efficiency, predictability and safety. The data on the structure of significant risk factors and clinical and pathogenetic DE variants in cataract patients can be the basis for the development of measures to ensure timely DE detection and implementation of reasonable therapy. The risk factor most significantly associated with DE in cataract patients was the meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) (Pearson xi-square test = 88.542, p < 0.001, С´ = 0.58; “relatively strong” strength). Considering the modifiability of this risk factor (MGD), as well as its high prevalence (77.7 %), it can be considered that eye lids hygiene may be a reasonable therapy in most DE and cataract patients before phacoemulsification

    Narcotism among young people

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    В статье обращается внимание на сложный социально-экономический феномен современности– молодежный наркотизм. Наркотизм – это латентное явление, характеризующееся эпизодическим потреблением наркотических средств некоторой частью населения. Теоретическую основу статьи составляют теории девиантного поведения и социальной аномии. В России после распада СССР резко выросла преступность в сфере незаконного оборота наркотиков, что повлекло за собой повышение потребления наркотических средств, преимущественно среди молодежи. Сегодня в Тюменской области так же, как и в целом в стране, отмечается увеличение преступлений в данной сфере. Представлены результаты социологических исследований наркотической ситуации Тюменского региона, проведенные в период 2010-2013 годов. Четверть респондентов призналась в том, что сталкивалась с проблемой наркомании. Молодежь отлично информирована по различным аспектам наркотизма. Ценности современного поколения позволяют нам увидеть, что ее влечет сегодня сильнее, чем соблюдение установленных в обществе норм.The article draws attention to the complex socio-economic phenomenon of our time, that of youth narcotism. Narcotism is a latent phenomenon characterized by episodic use of drugs by a certain part of the population. The theoretical framework of the article is presented by the theories of deviant behavior and social anomy. Following the breakup of the Soviet Union, the 1990-2000s saw a dramatic increase in drug-related crimes which resulted in a growth of drug use, particularly among youth. Currently in Tyumen region, as well throughout the country, one can observe an increase in drug-related crimes. The article presents the results of sociological studies of drug addiction in Tyumen region carried out within the period of the 2010-2013s. A quarter of the respondents admitted to having faced with the problem of drug abuse. Young people appear well informed on various aspects of narcotism. The set of core values of the current generation allows us to see what appeals to them more than the observance of the established norms of society

    Experience with Karmolis liquid administration for rheumatic diseases local therapy (data of multicenter clinical examination)

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    Objective. To assess clinical efficacy and tolerability of "Karmolis" liquid (KL) in pts with osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Material and methods. 230 RA pts and 123 OA pts were included. KL was applied on the most damaged joint surface 10 ml 4-5 times a day with subsequent massage. The course of the treatment continued for three weeks. Joint pain at rest, at movement and at palpation so as joint swelling were used as efficacy measures. Treatment efficacy was assessed at day 1, 7, 14 and 21. Possibility of NSAID dose decrease was also recorded. Results. KL administration provided significant decrease of joint pain at rest, at movement and at palpation already to day 7 as in RA as in OA pts. The improvement then persisted during the rest period of treatment. Joint swelling disappeared to the end of the treatment in 141 from 209 RA pts having such changes at baseline. 74% of RA pts considered KL efficacy very good and good. Synovitis signs disappeared after the treatment with KL in 52 from 65 OA pts. Vfcry good and good results were achieved in 102 (83%) of OA pts. 76 RA pts (33%) and 73 OA pts (53%) could decrease NSAID dose. Adverse events were very seldom and did not require treatment termination. Conclusion. KL in effective in complex treatment of RA and OA. It decrease pain and inflammation and may be recommended for wide administration in the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases