73 research outputs found

    Микробиота и онкологические заболевания (обзор литературы)

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    Article presents current data on the contribution of the human microbiota to the development of oncological conditions, microbial impact on cell transformation, influence on chemotherapy outcome. Brief description of the methods used for studying microbiota in carcinogenesis as well as prospects of creating non-invasive diagnostic tools is given.Представлены современные данные о вкладе микробиоты человека в развитие неопластических заболеваний, механизмы клеточной трансформации и эффективность химиотерапии. Описаны методы изучения микробиоты при опухолевых заболеваниях, перспективы создания неинвазивных методов диагностики неоплазий


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    Human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2/neu, c ErbB2) is a protooncogene protein which is overexpressed in some oncological diseases including 30 % of breast cancers, tumors in the ovary, stomach and other organs of the human body as well. Since Her2tumor status testing is the essential part of successful cancer treatment, expression and purification of substantial amounts of the extracellular domain of the ECD HER2 is an important task. In this work sequence encoding HER2 extracellular domain was cloned and expressed in E.coli.Рецептор эпидермального ростового фактора человека (HER2/neu, c-ErbB2) представляет собой протоонкогенный белок и экспрессируется при ряде онкологических заболеваний, включающих 30 % случаев рака молочной железы, а также опухоли яичника, желудка и других органов. Получение значительных количеств экстраклеточного домена ECD HER2 в очищенном виде остается весьма актуальной задачей для иммунодиагностики и терапии. Клонирована последовательность, кодирующая экстраклеточный домен рецептора HER2 человека, и осуществлена эффективная наработка рекомбинантного белка в бактериях E.coli


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    The paper is devoted to the study of little-known and previously unknown bacteria isolated from patients with various diseases. Here we present the data on 22 strains that are little-known or previously unknown as human pathogens and isolated from patients with various diseases. Most of the isolates were found to have multiple antibiotic resistances. Moreover, in many conditions potentially pathogenic spore-forming bacteria were identified. Spore formation provides bacteria for survival in the environment and promotes high resistance to antiseptics and disinfectants. Spore-forming bacteria are high survival and especially dangerous as potential hospital-acquired infections because of its antibiotic resistance but the activity of this antibiotic therapy doesn’t concern microbial spores.Работа посвящена изучению малоизвестных и ранее не известных бактерий, изолированных у больных с патологиями различной локализации. Выделенные и изученные 22 штамма малоизвестных бактерий или вообще не описаны ранее как возбудители заболеваний человека, или обнаружены при патологии другой локализации. Большинство полученных бактерий обладает множественной  устойчивостью к различным  антибиотикам. При  разных  заболеваниях в материале обнаружено много потенциально-патогенных спорообразующих   бактерий. Спорообразование   обеспечивает бактериям  сохранение  жизнеспособности в окружающей среде и повышенную устойчивость к антисептикам и дезинфектантам. Спорообразующие бактерии хорошо   сохраняются   и особенно  опасны  в качестве потенциальных  возбудителей внутрибольничных   инфекций,   поскольку резистентны к антибиотикотерапии, активность которой не распространяется на микробные споры

    A viral expression factor behaves as a prion

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    Prions are proteins that can fold into multiple conformations some of which are self-propagating. Such prion-forming proteins have been found in animal, plant, fungal and bacterial species, but have not yet been identified in viruses. Here we report that LEF-10, a baculovirus-encoded protein, behaves as a prion. Full-length LEF-10 or its candidate prion-forming domain (cPrD) can functionally replace the PrD of Sup35, a widely studied prion-forming protein from yeast, displaying a [PSI+]-like phenotype. Furthermore, we observe that high multiplicity of infection can induce the conversion of LEF-10 into an aggregated state in virus-infected cells, resulting in the inhibition of viral late gene expression. Our findings extend the knowledge of current prion proteins from cellular organisms to non-cellular life forms and provide evidence to support the hypothesis that prion-forming proteins are a widespread phenomenon in nature

    A new biological definition of life

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    Here we have proposed a new biological definition of life based on the function and reproduction of existing genes and creation of new ones, which is applicable to both unicellular and multicellular organisms. First, we coined a new term “genetic information metabolism” comprising functioning, reproduction, and creation of genes and their distribution among living and non-living carriers of genetic information. Encompassing this concept, life is defined as organized matter that provides genetic information metabolism. Additionally, we have articulated the general biological function of life as Tetz biological law: “General biological function of life is to provide genetic information metabolism” and formulated novel definition of life: “Life is an organized matter that provides genetic information metabolism”. New definition of life and Tetz biological law allow to distinguish in a new way living and non-living objects on Earth and other planets based on providing genetic information metabolism

    Effect of DNase and Antibiotics on Biofilm Characteristics▿

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    The role of extracellular DNA in the maintenance of biofilms formed by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria was studied. This study evaluated all the bacterial strains that were tested for the presence of extracellular DNA with an average size of 30 kb in the matrix. Our results indicate changes in community biomass, architecture, morphology, and the numbers of CFU in the presence of DNase. This effect seems to be common to biofilms established by various unrelated gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. The cleavage of extracellular DNA leads to the formation of an altered biofilm that permits the increased penetration of antibiotics. Thus, the addition of DNase enhances the effect of antibiotics, resulting in decreased biofilm biomass and numbers of CFU

    Seed dressing with M451 promotes seedling growth in wheat and reduces root phytopathogenic fungi without affecting endophytes

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    Fungal plant infections result in substantial losses to the agricultural sector. A range of fungicide seed dressings are available to control seed-borne fungal diseases; however, they lack sufficient efficacy because of intrinsic tolerance and acquired resistance. Moreover, many fungicide seed dressings can also penetrate plants, negatively affecting plant growth owing to their toxic effects on endophytes, as well as contributing to the spread of antibiotic resistance. Here, we evaluated the efficacy of M451, a member of a new class of antimicrobial agents that are not relevant to human healthcare. As a seed dressing for wheat seeds, M451 exhibited significant antifungal activity against one of the most devastating plant fungal pathogens, Fusarium spp. Furthermore, M451 was more active than the commercially used fungicide Maxim XL against both seed-borne and soil-borne F. oxysporum infection. Importantly, and unlike other antifungals, M451 seed dressing did not inhibit any of the major characteristics of wheat grains and seedlings, such as germination percentage, germination time, grain vigor, shoot- and root weight and length, but rather improved some of these parameters. The results also demonstrated that M451 had no negative impacts on endophytes and did not accumulate in grains. Thus, M451 may have potential applications as an antifungal agent in wheat cultivation