7,145 research outputs found

    Pulse-pumped double quantum dot with spin-orbit coupling

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    We consider the full driven quantum dynamics of a qubit realized as spin of electron in a one-dimensional double quantum dot with spin-orbit coupling. The driving perturbation is taken in the form of a single half-period pulse of electric field. Spin-orbit coupling leads to a nontrivial evolution in the spin and charge densities making the dynamics in both quantities irregular. As a result, the charge density distribution becomes strongly spin-dependent. The transition from the field-induced tunneling to the strong coupling regime is clearly seen in the charge and spin channels. These results can be important for the understanding of the techniques for the spin manipulation in nanostructures.Comment: 6 figure

    Low-Frequency Quantum Oscillations due to Strong Electron Correlations

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    The normal-state energy spectrum of the two-dimensional tt-JJ model in a homogeneous perpendicular magnetic field is investigated. The density of states at the Fermi level as a function of the inverse magnetic field 1B\frac{1}{B} reveals oscillations in the range of hole concentrations 0.08<x<0.180.08<x<0.18. The oscillations have both high- and low-frequency components. The former components are connected with large Fermi surfaces, while the latter with van Hove singularities in the Landau subbands, which traverse the Fermi level with changing BB. The singularities are related to bending the Landau subbands due to strong electron correlations. Frequencies of these components are of the same order of magnitude as quantum oscillation frequencies observed in underdoped cuprates.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, Proc. NSS-2013, Yalta. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1308.056

    Piezoelectric mechanism of orientation of a bilayer Wigner crystal in a GaAs matrix

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    A mechanism for orientation of bilayer classical Wigner crystals in a piezoelectric medium is considered. For the GaAs system the piezoelectric correction to the electrostatic interaction between electrons is calculated. It is shown that taking into account the correction due to the piezoelectric effect leads to a dependence of the total energy of the electron crystal on its orientation with respect to the crystallographic axes of the surrounding matrix. A generalization of Ewald's method is obtained for calculating the anisotropic interaction between electrons in a Wigner crystal. The method is used to calculate the energy of bilayer Wigner crystals in electron layers parallel to the crystallographic planes (001), (0-11), and (111) as a function of their orientation and the distance between layers, and the energetically most favorable orientation for all types of electron lattices in a bilayer system is found. It is shown that phase transitions between structures with different lattice symmetry in a Wigner crystal can be accompanied by a change of its orientation.Comment: 11 pages, 4 eps figures include

    Temperature behavior of the magnon modes of the square lattice antiferromagnet

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    A spin-wave theory of short-range order in the square lattice Heisenberg antiferromagnet is formulated. With growing temperature from T=0 a gapless mode is shown to arise simultaneously with opening a gap in the conventional spin-wave mode. The spectral intensity is redistributed from the latter mode to the former. For low temperatures the theory reproduces results of the modified spin-wave theory by M.Takahashi, J.E.Hirsch et al. and without fitting parameters gives values of observables in good agreement with Monte Carlo results in the temperature range 0 <= T < 0.8J where J is the exchange constant.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Suppression of the ferromagnetic state in LaCoO3 films by rhombohedral distortion

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    Epitaxially strained LaCoO3 (LCO) thin films were grown with different film thickness, t, on (001) oriented (LaAlO3)0.3(SrAl0.5Ta0.5O3)0.7 (LSAT) substrates. After initial pseudomorphic growth the films start to relieve their strain partly by the formation of periodic nano-twins with twin planes predominantly along the direction. Nano-twinning occurs already at the initial stage of growth, albeit in a more moderate way. Pseudomorphic grains, on the other hand, still grow up to a thickness of at least several tenths of nanometers. The twinning is attributed to the symmetry lowering of the epitaxially strained pseudo-tetragonal structure towards the relaxed rhombohedral structure of bulk LCO. However, the unit-cell volume of the pseudo-tetragonal structure is found to be nearly constant over a very large range of t. Only films with t > 130 nm show a significant relaxation of the lattice parameters towards values comparable to those of bulk LCO.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figure

    Evidence for ammonium-bearing minerals in Ceres

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    Evidence for ammonium-bearing minerals was found on the surface of the largest asteroid Ceres. The presence of ammonium-bearing clays suggests that Ceres has experienced a period of alteration by substantial amounts of an ammonium-bearing fluid. The presence of the ammonium-bearing clays does not preclude Ceres maintaining a volatile inventory in the core or in a volatile-rich zone at some distance below the surface. Telescopic observations of Ceres, using the 3.0 meter NASA Infrared telescope facility prompted this reevaluation of its surface mineralogy
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