116 research outputs found

    How can the principles of learning be used to select the best ICT tools for computer-based chemistry instruction in high school?

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    The role of information and communication technology as well as teaching aids in specialized chemistry instruction was examined in the article. One of the key outcomes of specialized instruction in chemistry is the development of research skills in high school students. To ensure conformity with the principles of specialized chemistry teaching, ICT tools have been analyzed and systematized. The decision to use ICT tools to implement specialized chemistry training and strengthen the research skills of high school students in specialized chemistry training had supported. The findings of a study to assess the feasibility of implementing certain ICT tools to strengthen the research skills of high school students in specialized chemistry training are provided


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    Abstract. The article presents results of a prospective randomized study of reactogenicity, safety and immunogenicity of the polysaccharide pneumococcal vaccine “Pneumo 23” in the group of medical workers. The vaccine was characterized by the high profile of safety (absence of clinical symptoms of allergy, changes in blood and urine), low reactogenicity and sufficient immunogenicity

    Distance learning during COVID-19 pandemic: mobile information and communications technology overview

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    The research is aimed at the theoretical justification, development and experimental verification of methods of using mobile technologies for teaching students of higher education institutions in the conditions of quarantine caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the study is the adaptation of mobile ICT to distance learning during quarantine. The object of the study is the use of mobile ICT for distance learning. The subject of the study: the use of mobile ICT for distance learning during quarantine. Ukrainian and foreign research on the application of mobile ICT (Audience Response Systems; Mobile Multimedia Authoring Tools development; Mobile Learning Management Systems; Mobile Modeling and Programming Environments; Mobile Database Management Systems) for the training of higher education applicants has been analyzed. The author's method of using the mobile modeling and programming tool in the Pydroid environment is presented. A comparative assessment of the functionality of five mobile ICT distance learning systems in the conditions of COVID-19 was carried out. A survey of the importance of using mobile ICT for distance learning in quarantine conditions was developed and analyzed

    Вибір хмарних сервісів для побудови ER-діаграм у навчанні баз даних ІТ-спеціалістів

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    One of the main aspects of studying databases in higher education institutions by future IT specialists is database design and software product development. This, in turn, is the most important problem of the developer’s interaction with the customer. To facilitate the process of database design, ER-diagrams are used, which are based on the concepts of “Entity” and “Relationship”. An ER diagram allows you to present a database in the form of visual graphical objects that define a specific subject area. The article considers the available cloud services for the construction of ER-diagrams for learning databases of future IT specialists and their selection the method expert evaluation. For this purpose, the criteria and indicators for the selection of cloud services for the construction of ER-diagrams of databases by future information technology specialists have been determined. As a result, it was found that the cloud services Dbdesigner.net and Lucidchart are the most convenient to learn. It is determined that for a teacher of a higher education institution the use of cloud services is an opportunity to use licensed software in education without additional costs.Одним із основних аспектів вивчення майбутніми спеціалістами баз даних у вищих навчальних закладах є проектування баз даних та розробка програмного продукту. Це, в свою чергу, є найважливішою проблемою взаємодії розробника з клієнтом. Для полегшення процесу проектування бази даних використовуються ER-діаграми, які ґрунтуються на поняттях "сутність" та "відносини". Діаграма ER дозволяє представити базу даних у вигляді наочних графічних об’єктів, які визначають певну предметну область. У статті розглянуто доступні хмарні сервіси для побудови ER-діаграм для навчання баз даних майбутніх ІТ-спеціалістів та їх вибір методом експертної оцінки. Для цього були визначені критерії та показники відбору хмарних сервісів для побудови ER-діаграм баз даних майбутніми спеціалістами з інформаційних технологій. В результаті було виявлено, що хмарні сервіси Dbdesigner.net та Lucidchart є найбільш зручними для вивчення. Визначено, що для викладача вищого навчального закладу використання хмарних сервісів - це можливість використовувати в освіті ліцензійне програмне забезпечення без додаткових витрат