283 research outputs found

    Propagating torsion in the Einstein frame

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    The Einstein-Cartan-Saa theory of torsion modifies the spacetime volume element so that it is compatible with the connection. The condition of connection compatibility gives constraints on torsion, which are also necessary for the consistence of torsion, minimal coupling, and electromagnetic gauge invariance. To solve the problem of positivity of energy associated with the torsionic scalar, we reformulate this theory in the Einstein conformal frame. In the presence of the electromagnetic field, we obtain the Hojman-Rosenbaum-Ryan-Shepley theory of propagating torsion with a different factor in the torsionic kinetic term.Comment: 10 pages; published versio

    Some Aspects of Rotational and Magnetic Energies for a Hierarchy of Celestial Objects

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    Celestial objects, from earth like planets to clusters of galaxies, possess angular momentum and magnetic fields. Here we compare the rotational and magnetic energies of a whole range of these celestial objects together with their gravitational self energies and find a number of interesting relationships. The celestial objects, due to their magnetic fields, also posses magnetic moments. The ratio of magnetic moments of these objects with the nuclear magnetic moments also exhibits interesting trends. We also compare their gyromagnetic ratio which appears to fall in a very narrow range for the entire hierarchy of objects. Here we try to understand the physical aspects implied by these observations and the origin of these properties in such a wide range of celestial objects, spanning some twenty orders in mass, magnetic field and other parameters.Comment: 12 pages, 37 equation

    Torsion induces Gravity

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    In this work the Poincare-Chern Simons and Anti de Sitter Chern Simons gravities are studied. For both a solution that can be casted as a black hole with manifest torsion is found. Those solutions resemble Schwarzschild and Schwarzschild-AdS solutions respectively.Comment: 4 pages, RevTe

    Nonsingular, big-bounce cosmology from spinor-torsion coupling

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    The Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble theory of gravity removes the constraint of general relativity that the affine connection be symmetric by regarding its antisymmetric part, the torsion tensor, as a dynamical variable. The minimal coupling between the torsion tensor and Dirac spinors generates a spin-spin interaction which is significant in fermionic matter at extremely high densities. We show that such an interaction averts the unphysical big-bang singularity, replacing it with a cusp-like bounce at a finite minimum scale factor, before which the Universe was contracting. This scenario also explains why the present Universe at largest scales appears spatially flat, homogeneous and isotropic.Comment: 7 pages; published versio

    Exotic Low Density Fermion States in the Two Measures Field Theory: Neutrino Dark Energy

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    We study a new field theory effect in the cosmological context in the Two Measures Field Theory (TMT). TMT is an alternative gravity and matter field theory where the gravitational interaction of fermionic matter is reduced to that of General Relativity when the energy density of the fermion matter is much larger than the dark energy density. In this case also the 5-th force problem is solved automatically. In the opposite limit, where the magnitudes of fermionic energy density and scalar field dark energy density become comparable, nonrelativistic fermions can participate in the cosmological expansion in a very unusual manner. Some of the features of such states in a toy model of the late time universe filled with homogeneous scalar field and uniformly distributed nonrelativistic neutrinos: neutrino mass increases as m ~ a^{3/2}; the neutrino gas equation-of-state approaches w=-1, i.e. neutrinos behave as a sort of dark energy; the total (scalar field + neutrino) equation-of-state also approaches w=-1; the total energy density of such universe is less than it would be in the universe filled with the scalar field alone. An analytic solution is presented. A domain structure of the dark energy seems to be possible. We speculate that decays of the CLEP state neutrinos may be both an origin of cosmic rays and responsible for a late super-acceleration of the universe. In this sense the CLEP states exhibit simultaneously new physics at very low densities and for very high particle masses.Comment: 47 pages, accepted for publication in Int.J.Mod.Phys.

    The Pioneer Anomaly and a Machian Universe

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    We discuss astronomical and astrophysical evidence, which we relate to the principle of zero-total energy of the Universe, that imply several relations among the mass M, the radius R and the angular momentum L of a "large" sphere representing a Machian Universe. By calculating the angular speed, we find a peculiar centripetal acceleration for the Universe. This is an ubiquituous property that relates one observer to any observable. It turns out that this is exactly the anomalous acceleration observed on the Pioneers spaceships. We have thus, shown that this anomaly is to be considered a property of the Machian Universe. We discuss several possible arguments against our proposal.Comment: 6 pages including front page. Publishe

    Do Spinors Frame-Drag?

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    We investigate the effect of the intrinsic spin of a fundamental spinor field on the surrounding spacetime geometry. We show that despite the lack of a rotating stress-energy source (and despite claims to the contrary) the intrinsic spin of a spin-half fermion gives rise to a frame-dragging effect analogous to that of orbital angular momentum, even in Einstein-Hilbert gravity where torsion is constrained to be zero. This resolves a paradox regarding the counter-force needed to restore Newton's third law in the well known spin-orbit interaction. In addition, the frame-dragging effect gives rise to a {\it long-range} gravitationally mediated spin-spin dipole interaction coupling the {\it internal} spins of two sources. We argue that despite the weakness of the interaction, the spin-spin interaction will dominate over the ordinary inverse square Newtonian interaction in any process of sufficiently high-energy for quantum field theoretical effects to be non-negligible.Comment: V2: published version, mostly minor clarifications from V

    Observable signals in a string inspired axion-dilaton background and Randall-Sundrum scenario

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    Rotation angle of the plane of polarization of the distant galactic radio waves has been estimated in a string inspired axion-dilaton background. It is found that the axion,dual to the field strength of the second rank antisymmetric massless Kalb-Ramond field in the string spectrum, produces a wavelength independent optical rotation which is much larger than that produced by the dilaton. Detection of such rotation has been reported in some recent cosmological experiments. The observed value has been compared with our estimated theoretical value following various cosmological constraints. The effects of warped extra dimensions in a braneworld scenario on such an optical rotation have been investigated.Comment: 17 Pages, Latex, article revised, To appear in Physical Review

    Bulk Kalb-Ramond field in Randall Sundrum scenario

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    We have considered the most general gauge invariant five-dimensional action of a second rank antisymmetric Kalb-Ramond tensor gauge theory, including a topological term of the form ϵABLMNBABHLMN\epsilon^{ABLMN}B_{AB}H_{LMN} in a Randall-Sundrum scenario. Such a tensor field BABB_{AB} (whose rank-3 field strength tensor is HLMNH_{LMN}), which appears in the massless sector of a heterotic string theory, is assumed to coexist with the gravity in the bulk. The third rank field strength corresponding to the Kalb-Ramond field has a well-known geometric interpretation as the spacetime torsion. The only non-trivial classical solutions corresponding to the effective four-dimensional action are found to be self-dual or anti-selfdual Kalb-Ramond fields. This ensures that the four-dimensional effective action on the brane is parity-conserving. The massive modes for both cases, lying in the TeV range, are related to the fundamental parameters of the theory. These modes can be within the kinematic reach of forthcoming TeV scale experiments. However, the couplings of the massless as well as massive Kalb-Ramond modes with matter on the visible brane are found to be suppressed vis-a-vis that of the graviton by the warp factor, whence the conclusion is that both the massless and the massive torsion modes appear much weaker than curvature to an observer on the visible brane.Comment: 15 Pages,2 figures,Late
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