54 research outputs found

    Incidence and prevalence analysis of non-small-cell and small-cell lung cancer using administrative data

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    Treatment of lung cancer depends on the stage of the tumor and the histological type. In recent years, the histological confirmation of lung non-small-cell lung cancer has become crucial since the availability of selective target therapeutic approaches. The aim of the study was to develop a validated procedure to estimate the incidence and prevalence of non-small-cell and small-cell lung cancer from healthcare administrative data. A latent class model for categorical variables was applied. The following observed variables were included in the analysis: ICD-9-CM codes in the Hospital Discharge Registry, ATC codes of medications dispensed present in the Drugs Prescriptions Registry, and the procedure codes in the Outpatient Registry. The proportion of non-small-cell lung cancer diagnoses was estimated to be 85% of the total number of lung cancer on the cohort of incident cases and 89% on the cohort of prevalent cases. External validation on a cohort of 107 patients with a lung cancer diagnosis and histological confirmation showed a sensitivity of 95.6% (95%CI: 89–98.8%) and specificity of 94.1% (95%CI: 71.3–99.9%). The procedure is an easy-to-use tool to design subpopulation-based studies on lung cancer and to better plan resource allocation, which is important since the introduction of new targeted therapies in non-small-cell lung carcinoma

    Colovesical fistulae in the sigmoid diverticulitis

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    Nella maggior parte dei casi le fistole colovescicali rappresentano una complicanza della malattia diverticolare e sono la tipologia più comune di fistola colodigestiva; meno comuni sono le fistole colovaginali, colocutanee, coloenteriche e colouterine. Nel presente lavoro abbiamo effettuato una review della letteratura riguardante le fistole colovescicali in chirurgia colorettale per diverticolite del sigma. Decriviamo anche due casi che hanno richiesto un trattamento chirurgico, in uno in elezione e nell’altro in urgenza. In entrambi i casi abbiamo eseguito una resezione colica con anastomosi primaria e minimaresezione vesvicale con posizionamento di catetere di Foley in media per 10 giorni

    Fitting Early Phases of the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Comparison of the Performances of Used Models

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    The COVID-19 outbreak involved a spread of prediction efforts, especially in the early pandemic phase. A better understanding of the epidemiological implications of the different models seems crucial for tailoring prevention policies. This study aims to explore the concordance and discrepancies in outbreak prediction produced by models implemented and used in the first wave of the epidemic. To evaluate the performance of the model, an analysis was carried out on Italian pandemic data from February 24, 2020. The epidemic models were fitted to data collected at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 98 days (the entire time series). At each time step, we made predictions until May 31, 2020. The Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) were calculated. The GAM model is the most suitable parameterization for predicting the number of new cases; exponential or Poisson models help predict the cumulative number of cases. When the goal is to predict the epidemic peak, GAM, ARIMA, or Bayesian models are preferable. However, the prediction of the pandemic peak could be made carefully during the early stages of the epidemic because the forecast is affected by high uncertainty and may very likely produce the wrong results

    Opportunistic screening for type 2 diabetes in community pharmacies. Results from a region-wide experience in Italy

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS:Given the paucity of symptoms in the early stages of type 2 diabetes, its diagnosis is often made when complications have already arisen. Although systematic population-based screening is not recommended, there is room to experience new strategies for improving early diagnosis of the disease in high risk subjects. We report the results of an opportunistic screening for diabetes, implemented in the setting of community pharmacies. METHODS AND RESULTS:To identify people at high risk to develop diabetes, pharmacists were trained to administer FINDRISC questionnaire to overweight, diabetes-free customers aged 45 or more. Each interviewee was followed for 365 days, searching in the administrative database whether he/she had a glycaemic or HbA1c test, or a diabetologists consultation, and to detect any new diagnosis of diabetes defined by either a prescription of any anti-hyperglycaemic drug, or the enrolment in the register of patients, or a hospital discharge with a diagnosis of diabetes. Out of 5977 interviewees, 53% were at risk of developing diabetes. An elevated FINDRISC score was associated with higher age, lower education, and living alone. Excluding the number of cases expected, based on the incidence rate of diabetes in the population, 51 new cases were identified, one every 117 interviews. FINDRISC score, being a male and living alone were significantly associated with the diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS:The implementation of a community pharmacy-based screening programme can contribute to reduce the burden of the disease, particularly focusing on people at higher risk, such as the elderly and the socially vulnerable
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