13 research outputs found


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    ACL  tears  are the  most  widespread  lesions  among  isolated  trauma  of knee  ligaments  that  require  early  surgical treatment especially in young active patients. There  are various ACL reconstruction techniques where femur and tibia tunnels are formed and graft is fixed by cannulated interference screws. One of the possible complications is the formation of a postoperative soft tissue cyst in the projection of tibial tunnel.  The nature  as well as mechanism of cyst formation  is still unclear.A relevant  clinical case of cyst formation  in a patient five years after ACL grating  is described  in this publication. MRI findings demonstrated that  the origin of the cyst was hole of the tibial interference screw.Conclusion. The authors  observed that  synovial cyst was formed due to use of cannulated interference screws where synovial  fluid was leaking  from joint  cavity  through screw holes. Cystectomy and  autografting of tibial  bone tunnel allowed to reduce such complication

    The rationale for the development of new drinking yoghurt based on the technology of fermented milk drink functional purpose

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    The aim of this work is to study and develop new varieties of drinking yogurt based on the technology of fermented milk drinks with added wild plant ingredients. In this case the wild plant ‘actinidia kolomikta’ (A. kolomikta) which grows in the southern Far East of Russia was used. Research on the product range and consumer preferences in retail networks was conducted in the cities of Khabarovsk and Vladivostok allowing to justify the introduction of the new yogurts. The study shows that among the available yogurts only one fifth is produced in the far East and more than half of the yogurts are produced in the Central part of Russia. Although, yogurt from local raw materials was found in isolated cases, there was no yogurt preparation that uses wild plants. A vast majority of the respondents were interested in and were willing to buy enriched yogurt with functional food ingredients such as those present in fermented milk products prepared with traditional technologies which are used for the preparation of the yogurt of our study. The paper also presents the formulation and technological scheme of the new drink, their physicochemical and organoleptic characteris-tics, and safety performance. The new drinkable yogurt that contains the ‘actinidia kolomik-ta’ fruit complies with the properties of functional food. This type of yogurts are eligible as functional food because they meet the requirements of the operating normative documenta-tion (GOST R 52409-2005) and are probiotic. The functional ingredients providing these properties to the yogurt are the vitamin and mineral components. The study concludes that is viable to obtain high-quality drinking yogurt with functional purposes using the Far Eastern herbal raw ingredient ‘actinidia kolomikta’

    Физиологические аспекты энтерогепатической циркуляции желчных кислот в контексте определения механизмов возникновения и развития патологий гепатобилиарной системы

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    Enterohepatic circulation of bile acids is a highly regulated process of secretion of these compounds, intestinal reabsorption and reverse transport to the liver. Violation of this process has significant consequences for the homeostasis of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and the whole organism. This process is tightly controlled by regulatory enzymatic reactions with negative feedback, which leads to the maintenance of a pool and adequate homeostasis of bile acids. The main purpose of this article is to consider the mechanism of enterohepatic circulation of bile acids and evaluate their role both in the formation of pathologies of the hepatobiliary system of various origins, and as a predictor of such processes. We searched for original studies in the scientific databases PubMed, Elsevier Science (Scopus) and Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) over the past 20 years to identify the features of the above processes, after which a formalized content analysis of the found publications was carried out. Theoretically, every factor that disrupts the enterohepatic circulation leads to pathologies of the hepatobiliary system. However, there are still many unknown aspects when it comes to the regulation of bile acid homeostasis in the enterohepatic circulation. In the last few decades, it is believed that the most important prerequisites for the occurrence of hepatopathy are hypersecretion of bile cholesterol and supersaturation of bile with it. An equally important problem is the change in the pool of bile acids, since its various representatives differ both in chemical activity and in the mechanism of action (from cytotoxicity to cytoprotection).Энтерогепатическая циркуляция жёлчных кислот представляет собой строго регулируемый процесс секреции данных соединений, кишечной реабсорбции и обратного транспорта в печень. Нарушение этого процесса имеет значительные последствия для гомеостаза желудочно-кишечного тракта, печени и всего организма. Данный процесс жёстко контролируется регуляторными ферментативными реакциями с отрицательной обратной связью, что приводит к поддержанию пула и адекватного гомеостаза жёлчных кислот. Основная цель данной статьи – рассмотреть механизм энтерогепатической циркуляции жёлчных кислот и оценить их роль как в формировании патологий гепатобилиарной системы различного генеза, так и в качестве предиктора подобных процессов. Нами был проведён поиск оригинальных исследований в научных базах PubMed, Elsevier Science (Scopus) и Clarivate Analytics (Web of Science) за последние 20 лет для выявления особенностей протекания вышеописанных процессов, после чего был проведён формализованный контент-анализ найденных публикаций. Теоретически каждый фактор, нарушающий энтерогепатическую циркуляцию, приводит к патологиям гепатобилиарной системы. Тем не менее все еще остается много неизвестных аспектов, когда речь идет о регуляции гомеостаза жёлчных кислот в энтерогепатическом кровообращении. В последние несколько десятилетий считается, что наиболее важными предпосылками возникновения гепатопатий являются гиперсекреция жёлчного холестерина и перенасыщение им желчи. Не менее важной проблемой является изменение пула жёлчных кислот, так как разные его представители различаются как по химической активности, так и механизмом действия (от цитотоксичности до цитопротекции)

    Overexpression of DNA Polymerase Zeta Reduces the Mitochondrial Mutability Caused by Pathological Mutations in DNA Polymerase Gamma in Yeast

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    In yeast, DNA polymerase zeta (Rev3 and Rev7) and Rev1, involved in the error-prone translesion synthesis during replication of nuclear DNA, localize also in mitochondria. We show that overexpression of Rev3 reduced the mtDNA extended mutability caused by a subclass of pathological mutations in Mip1, the yeast mitochondrial DNA polymerase orthologous to human Pol gamma. This beneficial effect was synergistic with the effect achieved by increasing the dNTPs pools. Since overexpression of Rev3 is detrimental for nuclear DNA mutability, we constructed a mutant Rev3 isoform unable to migrate into the nucleus: its overexpression reduced mtDNA mutability without increasing the nuclear one

    Effect of the Interdomain Basic Region of Cytochrome f

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