1,955 research outputs found

    Complex Curve of the Two Matrix Model and its Tau-function

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    We study the hermitean and normal two matrix models in planar approximation for an arbitrary number of eigenvalue supports. Its planar graph interpretation is given. The study reveals a general structure of the underlying analytic complex curve, different from the hyperelliptic curve of the one matrix model. The matrix model quantities are expressed through the periods of meromorphic generating differential on this curve and the partition function of the multiple support solution, as a function of filling numbers and coefficients of the matrix potential, is shown to be the quasiclassical tau-function. The relation to softly broken N=1 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories is discussed. A general class of solvable multimatrix models with tree-like interactions is considered.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, TeX; final version appeared in special issue of J.Phys. A on Random Matrix Theor

    Baxter's Q-operators and operatorial Backlund flow for quantum (super)-spin chains

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    We propose the operatorial form of Baxter's TQ-relations in a general form of the operatorial B\"acklund flow describing the nesting process for the inhomogeneous rational gl(K|M) quantum (super)spin chains with twisted periodic boundary conditions. The full set of Q-operators and T-operators on all levels of nesting is explicitly defined. The results are based on a generalization of the identities among the group characters and their group co-derivatives with respect to the twist matrix, found by one of the authors and P.Vieira [V.Kazakov and P.Vieira, JHEP 0810 (2008) 050 [arXiv:0711.2470]]. Our formalism allows a systematic and rather straightforward derivation of the whole set of nested Bethe ansatz equations for the spectrum of quantum integrable spin chains, starting from the R-matrix