85 research outputs found

    Integral criterion for estimation the effectiveness of lithotripsy-treated urolithiasis

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    Introduction. Various criteria are used to assess the quality of lithotripsy-treated urolithiasis, the main of which is the stone free rate (SFR). Along with this criteria, the risk of complications, the duration of lithotripsy, the amount of retropulsion, the length of hospital bed-days and others are also considered when comparing lithotripsy methods. However, each of these criteria evaluates only one side of lithotripsy-treated urolithiasis.Objective. To develop a universal integral criterion for the effectiveness of urolithiasis treatment using lithotripsy.Materials and methods. The method of expert assessments was used to determine the factors affecting the overall effectiveness of lithotripsy. Expert survey was carried out using the questionnaire method. Mathematical methods of the operations research theory and the criteria importance theory were used to construct an integral efficiency criterion.Results. It is suggested that a weighted sum of factors determined in the process of conducting expert assessments be used as an integral criterion for the effectiveness of lithotripsy-treated urolithiasis. Factors are SFR coefficient, average surgery length, complications and average hospital bed-day. The weight factors to consider the degree of influence of these factors are w1 = 0.436; w2 = 0.143; w3 = 0.240; w4 = 0.181, respectivelyConclusion. The proposed integral indicator can find wide application in urological practice, since it allows considering not only the relative proportion of patients who do not have stones after lithotripsy, but also the probability of complications, as well as the length of hospital bed-days, which affect the treatment cost and the patient's quality of life

    How can we check the uncertainty relation?

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    The state-extended uncertainty relations generalizing the Robertson Schrodinger inequality are presented in the form appropriate for the experimental check by homodyne photon state detection. The method of qubit portrait of qudit states identified with the tomographic probability distributions is discussed to analyze the entanglement of two-mode field.Comment: 6 pages, 0 fugures, contribution to CEWQO in Madrid 2011, to appear in topical issue of Physica Scripta 201

    Laparoscopic retropubic extraurethral adenomectomy

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    Introduction. Existing methods of surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia are accompanied by the frequent development of postoperative complications, such as urinary incontinence, retrograde ejaculation, and urethral strictures. The method of preserving the prostatic urethra has been developed for a long time. At present, it is possible to use the operation technique and perform laparoscopic urethral-sparing adenomectomy.Objective. To assess the possibility of performing extraurethral adenomectomy with prostatic urethral preservation using the laparoscopic approach, its advantages and disadvantages.Materials and methods. Based on St. Luke’s Simferopol сlinical Multidisciplinary Medical Center, 35 successful laparoscopic operations were performed to remove benign prostate hyperplasia with the prostatic urethra preservation. The features of the operation are laparoscopic access, a transverse section of the capsule, alternate isolation of adenomatous nodes while preserving the prostatic urethra on the catheter without replacing it during the operation, suturing the capsule with a decrease in space from the removed adenomatous nodes. Urethral preservation provided accelerated epithelialization of the defect, in the absence of the formation of a “prevesical” space.Results. After the operation, it is possible to turn off the urinary bladder irrigation system earlier (up to 4 – 6 hours after the operation) and early removal of the catheter after surgery (2 – 3 days). The hospital stay averaged 5.7 days. Urination was restored immediately after catheter removal in 92% of the patients. There were no elements of dysuria, particularly urinary incontinence. Prostate volume measured throughout transrectal ultrasound after operation was 20 – 24 cm³.Conclusion. The technique of retropubic extraurethral adenomectomy with prostatic urethral preservation can be performed in laparoscopic technique. The advantages are early activation of the patient and discharge from the hospital, early removal of the catheter with restoration of independent urination, absence of dysuria, urinary incontinence, and postoperative complications. The results of our study demonstrate the effectiveness of the laparoscopic extraurethral adenomectomy technique, the further development of this technique, and the possibility of its application in practice

    Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy with sparing of the proximal prostatic urethra

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    Introduction. The most common treatment option for prostate cancer is radical prostatectomy, which involves the removal of the prostate itself and the prostatic urethra in a single block, followed by the formation of a vesicourethral anastomosis. This approach is fraught with postoperative complications, such as urinary incontinence and strictures of anastomosis. In this sense, the clinic's staff faced the question of the possibility of a urethral-sparing variant of operative benefit for a certain category of patients.Objective. To assess the possibility of performing radical prostatectomy with sparing of the proximal prostatic urethra in the laparoscopic version, its advantages, and disadvantages.Materials & methods. From 2021 to 2022, 18 successful laparoscopic operations were performed using this technique at the St. Luke Clinical Multidisciplinary Medical Centre. Patients were selected according to the above criteria. In the preoperative period, patients underwent a standard examination in accordance with guidelines, including a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA), ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with 3D-modelling, data from a multifocal prostate biopsy, the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF), the Quality of Life (QoL) index due to urinary disorders, assessment by the Partin’s nomogram. Intraoperative ratios, early and late postoperative complications, length of hospital stay, day of catheter removal, and time to complete urethral recovery were evaluated to study the effectiveness of this surgery type. PSA testing, uroflowmetry with post-void residual urine measurement and IPSS questionnaire were carried out one month after surgery.Results. There was an improvement in all measurements one month after surgery: median values of the mean urine flow rate increased by 1.7 ml/s, median values of the max urine flow rate increased by 3.7 ml/s, the IPSS decreased by 12 points.Conclusion. Based on the results of the study, clinical observations, and statistical analysis of the data obtained, it can be concluded that laparoscopic radical prostatectomy with sparing of the proximal prostatic urethra is the preferred surgical option for this pathology, due to its organ-preserving nature

    The study of Cr3+/Cr2+ redox system by polarographic method

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    Aim. The relevance of the theme is the ability to determine kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the redox system on the example of Сr3/ Cr2in order to explain the reaction mechanism. In this paper, the electrochemical behavior of Cr+3/ Cr+2has been studied by polarography method. Polarogramshave been interpreted using the theory of irreversible polarographic waves and thermodynamically irreversible processes. Experiments have been carried out in a sealed cell with an outer casing for temperature control. Air oxygen removed from the feed solution for 15-20 minutes, purified nitrogen flowing from the cylinder. Characterization of the capillary in a 0.1N solution.H2SO4: mass flowing mercury m = 2,39 mg / sec; droplet formation period τ = 1,25 sec. Sulfate Cr (II) was prepared by dissolving an electrolytic chromium 150 cm3 of water and 46 grams of 98 % sulphate acid. Thus a saturated solution formed a blue color. Sulfate salt solutions of two- and trivalent chromium in the medium of 0.1NH2SO4 give one wave. Anodic diffusion current sulfate Cr (II) was 4,67μa, and half-wave potential E ½ = -0,44 V. The cathode current diffuse sulfate Cr (III), respectively - 7,65μa and E ½ = - 1,01 V. Inconsistency half-wave potentials of anodic and cathodic processes indicates its irreversibility. Half-wave potentials are given with respect to a saturated calomel electrode. Polarogramshave been investigated in the temperature range of 20-600C every 100C. Temperature coefficients have been calculated by the equation: Β% = idt –id20/ id20Δt, whereidtis diffusion current for a given concentration of the test solution at t0С; id20 is diffusion current for the same concentration at 200C; Δt - temperature change relative to 200C . Irreversibility, obviously due to the change in the electron configuration of chromium electrode is accompanying the redox process.Using the theory of irreversible polarographic waves we have determined the kinetic characteristics of redox Cr+3/ Cr+2. The specific reaction rate found by extrapolating the straight line constructed in the lgK = f (E) coordinates to the equilibrium potential Ep. Equilibrium potential found by the Eyring method as half-wave potential for the reversible waves.We have constructed the initial currents of irreversible waves, considering that the beginning of irreversible and reversible waves practically coincide. Specific reaction rate (K) is associated with activation energy given by: lgK= lg(ВТ/h∙ δ) – ΔF/2,3RT, where: B is the Boltzmann constant, T is temperature Kelvin , h - Planck constant , δ - the distance between ions 2 ∙ 10-8 cm , R - universal gas constant , ΔF- changing activation energy. Substituting the values of the constants in the equation, we obtain an expression for calculating the activation energy: ΔF = 6,86∙103 – 1,35∙103lgК. An important characteristic of irreversible processes is the change in entropy, as the derivative of the entropy increment in time (diS / dt) = ΔS. This quantity can be expressed in terms of current strength (J) and overvoltage (η): ΔS = (diS / dt) = 1 / T ∙ J η. In polarographic it indicates that the electrochemical process is complicated as compared with delivery of reactant to the electrode. With increasing temperature, we saw insignificant changes in the kinetic characteristics of both anodic and cathodic reduction of chromium salts. Obviously, accelerate the process of discharging ions prevents complication. Conclusion. This indicates a different state of ions of bivalent and trivalent chromium in solution and various ways of the electrode processes

    Дослідження окисно-відновної системи Cr3+/Cr2+полярографічним методом

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    Aim. The relevance of the theme is the ability to determine kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of the redox system on the example of Сr3/ Cr2in order to explain the reaction mechanism.In this paper, the electrochemical behavior of Cr+3/ Cr+2has been studied by polarography method. Polarogramshave been interpreted using the theory of irreversible polarographic waves and thermodynamically irreversible processes. Experiments have been carried out in a sealed cell with an outer casing for temperature control. Air oxygen removed from the feed solution for 15-20 minutes, purified nitrogen flowing from the cylinder. Characterization of the capillary in a 0.1N solution.H2SO4:  mass flowing mercury m = 2,39 mg / sec; droplet formation period τ = 1,25 sec.Sulfate Cr (II) was prepared by dissolving an electrolytic chromium 150 cm3 of water and 46 grams of 98 % sulphate acid. Thus a saturated solution formed a blue color.Sulfate salt solutions of two- and trivalent chromium in the medium of 0.1NH2SO4 give one wave. Anodic diffusion current sulfate Cr (II) was 4,67μa, and half-wave potential E ½ = -0,44 V. The cathode current diffuse sulfate Cr (III), respectively - 7,65μa and E ½ = - 1,01 V. Inconsistency half-wave potentials of anodic and cathodic processes indicates its irreversibility. Half-wave potentials are given with respect to a saturated calomel electrode.Polarogramshave been investigated in the temperature range of 20-600C every 100C. Temperature coefficients have been calculated by the equation:Β% = idt –id20/ id20Δt,whereidtis diffusion current for a given concentration of the test solution at t0С; id20 is diffusion current for the same concentration at 200C; Δt - temperature change relative to 200C .Irreversibility, obviously due to the change in the electron configuration of chromium electrode is accompanying the redox process.Using the theory of irreversible polarographic waves we have determined the kinetic characteristics of redox Cr+3/ Cr+2. The specific reaction rate found by extrapolating the straight line constructed in the lgK = f (E) coordinates to the equilibrium potential Ep. Equilibrium potential found by the Eyring method as half-wave potential for the reversible waves.We have constructed the initial currents of irreversible waves, considering that the beginning of irreversible and reversible waves practically coincide.Specific reaction rate (K) is associated with activation energy given by:lgK= lg(ВТ/h∙ δ) – ΔF/2,3RT,where: B is the Boltzmann constant, T is temperature Kelvin , h - Planck constant , δ - the distance between ions 2 ∙ 10-8 cm , R - universal gas constant , ΔF- changing activation energy. Substituting the values of the constants in the equation, we obtain an expression for calculating the activation energy: ΔF = 6,86∙103 – 1,35∙103lgК.An important characteristic of irreversible processes is the change in entropy, as the derivative of the entropy increment in time (diS / dt) = ΔS. This quantity can be expressed in terms of current strength (J) and overvoltage (η): ΔS = (diS / dt) = 1 / T ∙ J η. In polarographic it indicates that the electrochemical process is complicated as compared with delivery of reactant to the electrode.With increasing temperature, we saw insignificant changes in the kinetic characteristics of both anodic and cathodic reduction of chromium salts. Obviously, accelerate the process of discharging ions prevents complication.Conclusion. This indicates a different state of ions of bivalent and trivalent chromium in solution and various ways of the electrode processes. Актуальность темы заключается в возможности определения кинетических и термодинамических параметров окислительно-восстановительной системы на примере Сr3/Cr2cцелью объяснения механизма реакции. Изучено электрохимическое поведение растворов солей сульфата двух- и трехвалентного хрома в кислой среде, анодный и катодный диффузионные токи, определены их потенциалы полуволн относительно электрода сравнения, влияние температуры на удельную скорость реакции, раcсчитаны температурне коэффициенты сульфатов в интервале температур от 20 до 60°С, энергия активации и энтропия полярографическим методом. Установлены кинетические и термодинамические характеристики электровосстановления трехвалентного и электроокисления двухвалентного хрома, которые отличаются между собой. Это свидетельствует о различном состоянии ионов двух- и трехвалентного хрома в растворе и разные пути прохождения электродного процесса.Актуальність теми полягає у можливості використання кінетичних і термодинамічних параметрів окисно-відновної системи на прикладі Сr3/ Cr2 з метою пояснення механізму реакції. Вивчили електрохімічну поведінку розчинів солей сульфату дво- і тривалентного хрому в кислому середовищі, анодні й катодні дифузійні токи, визначили їхні потенціали на півхвилі стосовно електрода порівняння, вплив температури на питому швидкість реакції, розрахували температурні коефіцієнти сульфатів в інтервалі температур від 20 до 60°С, енергію активації та ентропію полярографічним методом. Встановили кінетичні й термодинамічні характеристики електровідновлення трьохвалентного хрому й електроокислення двовалентного хрому, які різняться між собою. Це свідчить про різницю стану дво- і тривалентного хрому в розчині і  різні шляхи перебігу електродного процесу