2,817 research outputs found

    Regional variation in the Amitsoq gneisses related to crustal levels during late Archean granulite facies metamorphism: Southern west Greenland

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    The dominant lithology at Kangimut sangmissoq is described as nebulitic tonalitic gneiss containing highly distended plagioclase phyric amphibolites. The gneiss amphibolite complex was intruded by Nuk gneiss between 3.05 and 2.90 Ga and later (2.6 to 2.7 Ga) by post granulite facies granitoid sheets. The amphibolites are though to be Ameralik dikes and the older gray gneiss are then Amitsoq by definition. The problem arises when the isotopic data are considered, none of which indicate rocks older that about 3.0 Ga

    Significance of the late Archaean granulite facies terrain boundaries, Southern West Greenland

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    Three distinct episodes and occurrences of granulite metamorphism in West Greenland are described: (1) the oldest fragmentary granulites occur within the 3.6-Ga Amitsoq gneisses and appear to have formed 200 Ma after the continental crust in which they lie (Spatially associated rapakivi granites have zircon cores as old as 3.8 Ga, but Rb-Sr, whole-rock Pb-Pb, and all other systems give 3.6 Ga, so these granulites apparently represent a later metamorphic event); (2) 3.0-Ga granulites of the Nordlandet Peninsula NW of Godthaab, developed immediately after crustal formation in hot, dry conditions, are carbonate-free, associated with voluminous tonalite, and formed at peak metamorphic conditions of 800 C and 7 to 8 kbar (Synmetamorphic trondhjemite abounds and the activity of H2O has been indicated by Pilar to have varied greatly); and (3) 2.8-Ga granulites south of Godthaab, lie to the south of retrogressed amphibolite terranes. Prograde amphibolite-granulite transitions are clearly preserved only locally at the southern end of this block, near Bjornesund, south of Fiskenaesset. Progressively deeper parts of the crust are exposed from south to north as a major thrust fault is approached. Characteristic big hornblende pegmatites, which outcrop close to the thrust in the east, have been formed by replacement of orthopyroxene. Comparable features were not seen in South Indian granulites. It was concluded that no one mechanism accounts for the origin of all granulites in West Greenland. Various processes have interacted in different ways, and what happened in individual areas must be worked out by considering all possible processes

    Strontium and neodymium isotopic variations in early Archean gneisses affected by middle to late Archean high-grade metamorphic processes: West Greenland and Labrador

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    Relicts of continental crust formed more than 3400 Ma ago are preserved fortuitously in most cratons. The cratons provide the most direct information about crust and mantle evolutionary processes during the first billion years of Earth history. In view of their polymetamorphic character, these terrains are commonly affected by subsequent tectonothermal events. Hence, their isotope systematics may be severely disturbed as a result of bulk chemical change or local isotopic homogenization. This leads to equivocal age and source information for different components within these terrains. The Sr and Nd isotopic data are presented for early Archean gneisses from the North Atlantic Craton in west Greenland and northern Labrador which were affected by younger metamorphic events

    Big data analytics for continuous assessment of astronaut health risk and its application to human-in-the-loop (HITL) related aerospace

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    © 2017, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All rights reserved. The man-instrumentation-equipment-vehicle-environment ecosystem is complex in aerospace missions. Health status of the individual has important implications on decision making and performance that should be factored into assessments for probability of success/risk of failure both in offline and real-time models. To date probabilistic models have not considered the dynamic nature of health status. Big Data analytics is enabling new forms of analytics to assess health status in real-time. There is great potential to integrate dynamic health status information with platforms assessing risk and the probability of success for dynamic individualized real-time probabilistic predictive risk assessment. In this research we present an approach utilizing Big Data analytics to enable continuous assessment of astronaut health risk and show its implications for integration with HITL related aerospace mission

    Copulatory Adaptions in Ostracods Part I. Hemipenes of Candona

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    Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) genome

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    In this report we describe the genomic sequence of guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) assembled from a tissue culture-derived bacterial artificial chromosome clone, plasmid clones of viral restriction fragments, and direct PCR sequencing of viral DNA. The GPCMV genome is 232,678 bp, excluding the terminal repeats, and has a GC content of 55%. A total of 105 open reading frames (ORFs) of \u3e 100 amino acids with sequence and/or positional homology to other CMV ORFs were annotated. Positional and sequence homologs of human cytomegalovirus open reading frames UL23 through UL122 were identified. Homology with other cytomegaloviruses was most prominent in the central ~60% of the genome, with divergence of sequence and lack of conserved homologs at the respective genomic termini. Of interest, the GPCMV genome was found in many cases to bear stronger phylogenetic similarity to primate CMVs than to rodent CMVs. The sequence of GPCMV should facilitate vaccine and pathogenesis studies in this model of congenital CMV infection

    An infrared jet in Centaurus A (NGC 5128): Evidence for interaction between the active nucleus and the interstellar medium

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    In the present study, higher resolution near infrared images of the visually-obscured central region of Centaurus A were obtained in order to investigate the effects of the active nucleus on the surrounding galaxy. Researchers present J(1.25 microns), H(1.65 microns), and K(2.2 microns) images of the central 40 seconds of the galaxy, taken with the Univ. of Texas InSb array camera on the Anglo Australian 3.9 meter telescope. These images reveal a jet extending approx. 10 arcseconds to the northeast of the nucleus at the same position angle as the x ray and radio jets. The infrared jet is most prominent at the shortest wavelength (1.25 microns), where its brightness surpasses that of the nucleus. The blue appearance of the infrared jet is remarkable considering the heavy obscuration that is evident at visual wavelengths. The amount of reddening in the vicinity of the jet is determined from the measured colors of the stellar core of the galaxy, and this value is used to generate an extinction-corrected energy distribution. In contrast to previously studied optical and infrared jets in active nuclei, the short-wavelength prominence of the Cen A jet indicates that it cannot be attributed to synchrotron emission from a beam of relativistic electrons. The remaining viable mechanisms involve an interaction between the interstellar medium and the active nucleus: the infrared radiation from the jet may be due to emission from interstellar gas that has been entrained and heated by the flow of relativistic particles from the nucleus; alternatively, luminous blue stars may have been created by compression of interstellar material by the relativistic plasma. To investigate these proposed mechanisms, near-infrared spectroscopic studies of Cen A are in progress to look for collisionally excited molecular hydrogen emission lines and recombination lines from ionized gas

    Analysis of trap spectra in LEC and epitaxial GaAs

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    Different methods of trap parameter measurement are analysed. Transient photoconductivity and thermally stimulated effects were used to investigate the influence of traps in LEC SI-GaAs and high resistivity epitaxial GaAs. The peculiarities of the TSC were analysed and shown to be related to the influence of crystal micro-inhomogeneities.Comment: Invited talk, 6-th Workshop on Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds June 22-26, 1998 Praha-Pruhonice, Czech Republi
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