17 research outputs found
Genome polymorphism of the synthetic species xTrititrigia cziczinii Tsvel. inferred from AFLP analysis
×Trititrigia cziczinii Tsvel. is a synthetic species obtained as a result of hybridization of different wheat and wheat- grass species. ×T. cziczinii has unique characteristics, as it is a perennial species, with the ability to grow after mowing, high adaptability, resistance to diseases and pests, high protein and gluten content in the grain. All this makes it a promising new crop for agriculture. The new species is a good object for fundamental research in the field of genetics, phylogeny and evolution of cereals (Poaceae). However, there were practically no genetic studies of ×T. cziczinii. The aim of this work was to study the genetic diversity of 24 representatives of two ×T. cziczinii subspecies (ssp. Submitans and ssp. Perenne). To estimate interspecific differences, 17 samples of other tribe Triticeae species (Triticum aestivum, Triticum durum, Agropyron glaucum and Agropyron elon gatum, as well as samples of Triticum-Agropyron and TriticumElymus hybrids) were included in the analysis. For the study, AFLP method (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) was chosen, which allowed us to reveal a sufficiently high polymorphism level of the studied samples. The two primer/enzyme combinations (EcoRI-ACT/MseI-CCC, EcoRI-ACT/MseI-CTA) allow ed the iden tification of 227 fragments, 224 of them were polymorphic (98.68 %), and the level of intraspecific polymorphism of 24 ×T. cziczinii samples was 68.15 %. The iden tified fragments of AFLP spectra, specific for the ×T. cziczinii representatives and the studied wheatgrass species, can be the basis for creating markers that will detect introgressions of genetic material of the genus Agropyron in the T. cziczinii ge nome. Our results indicate a greater genetic relatedness of ×T. cziczinii to T. aestivum than to representatives of the genus Agropyron. According to the cluster analysis, representatives of ×T. cziczinii and varieties of bread wheat were combined into a single subcluster, within which the samples of two species form separate groups. At the same time, the evaluation of the intraspecific genetic diversity of ×T. cziczinii showed no reliable differentiation of representatives of the subspecies Submitans and Perenne, which is probably due to uncertain genetic nature of perenniality, the main feature that divides these subspecies. The study of the unique ×T. cziczinii collection allowed us to obtain the first data on the genetics of the species, while previous studies were focused mainly on phenotypic and economically valuable traits. AFLP analysis used in this study showed high efficiency when working with less studied species, and its results are promising and useful for understanding the genetic structure of the new species (×T. cziczinii Tsvel.)
Морфобиологические и хозяйственно ценные особенности образцов из современной коллекции трититригии (xTrititrigia cziczinii Tzvel.) ГБС РАН.
Relevance. Trititrigia (×Trititrigia cziczinii Tzvel.) this is a new synthetic grain feed crop. The modern collection of the Department of Remote hybridization of the GBS RAS has more than 250 promising samples with a number of economically valuable features. The unique ability of trititrigia in one year to produce a stable yield of high-quality grain (3.0-3.2 t/ha) and nutritious green fodder (27.7-35.1 t/ha) allows us to recommend it for cultivation in regions with unfavorable cultivation conditions for grain crops. Promising samples should be used as donors of valuable traits in breeding for quality and adaptability in order to obtain modern high-quality and adaptive wheat varietiesMaterial and methods. The research was carried out in the Department of Remote Hybridization of the N.V. Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow region, village of Rozhdestveno) in 2008-2016. The objects of research were: promising long-term and grain-feed lines of trititrigia of the collection of MBG RAS. All samples of trititrigia were obtained in the department of distant hybridization in different years.Results. As a result of the research, it was found that the studied samples are stable lines with a characteristic feature for trititrigia to ripen from top to bottom, the ability to grow in one place for 2- 3 years under favorable conditions, as well as the ability to regenerate after harvesting for grain or mowing for green mass, unique for cultivated cereals. The studied samples have a productive bushi- ness of 8-20 stems per plant. The length of the main ear consistently exceeds the Moscow winter wheat standard 39 and averages 12-13 cm, in which 41 to 97 grains are formed. The grain yield in the competitive variety testing during the research was 3.2-4.1 t/ha, the mass of 1000 grains was 30.1-39.8 g. The Pamyati Lubimovoy variety, selected for a number of economically valuable characteris- tics, passed State registration and became the first trititrigia variety registered in the territory of the Russian Federation.Актуальность. Трититригия (×Trititrigia cziczinii Tzvel.) – новая синтетическая зернокормовая культура. Современная коллекция отдела отдаленной гибридизации ГБС РАН насчитывает более 250 перспективных образцов, обладающих рядом хозяйственно ценных признаков. Большая часть образцов обладает высокими показателями качества зерна (белок – 17,9-19,1%, клейковина – 30,236,0%). Уникальная способность трититригии в один год давать стабильный урожай высококачественного зерна (3,0-3,2 т/га) и питательный зеленый корм (27,7-35,1 т/га) позволяет рекомендовать ее для выращивания в животноводческих регионах с неблагоприятными условиями возделывания для зерновых культур. Перспективные образцы необходимо использовать в качестве доноров ценных признаков в селекции на качество и адаптивность с целью получения современных высококачественных и адаптивных сортов пшеницы.Материалы и методы. Исследования проводили в отделе отдалённой гибридизации ФГБУН Главный ботанический сад им. Н.В. Цицина РАН (Московская область, с. Рождествено) в 2008-2016 годах. Объектами исследований являлись перспективные многолетние и отрастающие линии трититригии коллекции ГБС РАН. Все образцы были получены в отделе отдалённой гибридизации в разные годы.Результаты. Установлено, что изучаемые образцы являются стабильными линиями с характерной для трититригии особенностью к созреванию «сверху вниз», способностью некоторых из них в благоприятных условиях произрастать на одном месте 2-3 года, а также уникальной для культурных злаков способностью к формированию побегов возобновления (регенерации) после уборки на зерно или скашивания на зеленую массу. Изучаемые образцы имеют продуктивную кустистость 8-20 стеблей на растение. Длина главного колоса стабильно превышает стандарт озимую пшеницу Московская 39 и составляет в среднем 12-13 см. В колосе формируется от 41 до 97 зерен. Урожайность зерна в конкурсном сортоиспытании за время проведения исследований составила 2,7-3,2 т/га, масса 1000 зерен – 30,1-39,8 г. Сорт Памяти Любимовой, отобранный по ряду хозяйственно ценных признаков, прошел Государственную регистрацию и стал первым сортом трититригии зарегистрированным на территории РФ
The work overviews the state, achievements, and prospects of the collection of perennial and ratooning intermediate wheat × couch-grass hybrids (2n = 56) kept in the N.V. Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden. It demonstrates the superiority of new forms in biological and economically significant parameters over hybrids obtained during the research activity of Аcademician N.V. Tsitsin. Stable genotypes with good performance in the degree of overwintering for 2–3 years of life were selected. Accessions promising in terms of yield, high protein content in grains, good baking qualities, fresh yield for three mowings, and pest resistance were chosen. Data on the biodiversity of botanical varieties of the Triticum agropyrotriticum Cicin species, gliadin polymorphism, and genome in situ hybridization are provided
Morphobiological and economically valuable fea- tures of samples from the modern collection of trititrigia (xTrititrigia cziczinii Tzvel.) MBG RAS.
Relevance. Trititrigia (×Trititrigia cziczinii Tzvel.) this is a new synthetic grain feed crop. The modern collection of the Department of Remote hybridization of the GBS RAS has more than 250 promising samples with a number of economically valuable features. The unique ability of trititrigia in one year to produce a stable yield of high-quality grain (3.0-3.2 t/ha) and nutritious green fodder (27.7-35.1 t/ha) allows us to recommend it for cultivation in regions with unfavorable cultivation conditions for grain crops. Promising samples should be used as donors of valuable traits in breeding for quality and adaptability in order to obtain modern high-quality and adaptive wheat varietiesMaterial and methods. The research was carried out in the Department of Remote Hybridization of the N.V. Tsitsin Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow region, village of Rozhdestveno) in 2008-2016. The objects of research were: promising long-term and grain-feed lines of trititrigia of the collection of MBG RAS. All samples of trititrigia were obtained in the department of distant hybridization in different years.Results. As a result of the research, it was found that the studied samples are stable lines with a characteristic feature for trititrigia to ripen from top to bottom, the ability to grow in one place for 2- 3 years under favorable conditions, as well as the ability to regenerate after harvesting for grain or mowing for green mass, unique for cultivated cereals. The studied samples have a productive bushi- ness of 8-20 stems per plant. The length of the main ear consistently exceeds the Moscow winter wheat standard 39 and averages 12-13 cm, in which 41 to 97 grains are formed. The grain yield in the competitive variety testing during the research was 3.2-4.1 t/ha, the mass of 1000 grains was 30.1-39.8 g. The Pamyati Lubimovoy variety, selected for a number of economically valuable characteris- tics, passed State registration and became the first trititrigia variety registered in the territory of the Russian Federation
Pre-harvest sprouting resistance and haplotype variation of ThVp-1 gene in the collection of wheat-wheatgrass hybrids.
The germplasm collection of 87 wheat-wheatgrass hybrids developed in Tsitisin Main Botanical Garden (Russia, Moscow) was evaluated for resistance to pre-harvest sprouting (PHS) by spike sprouting (SS) and germination index (GI) assays as well as for spike and grain features. The PHS resistance variation and haplotype polymorphism of the wheatgrass ThVp-1 and wheat TaVp-1B genes orthologues of Vp-1 was revealed in the studied collection. Four haplotypes of ThVp-1 were revealed: ThVp-1a (41% of the entries), ThVp-1b (13%), ThVp-1c (29%), and ThVp-1d (15%). The association between the allelic state of ThVp-1 and PHS resistance in the wheat-wheatgrass hybrids was shown: haplotype ThVp-1d of the wheatgrass Vp-1 gene is significantly associated with reduced PHS in the wheat-wheatgrass hybrids (mean SS 0.33, mean GI 0.64). The resistant entries may be perspective as a source of PHS resistance in the development of commercial cultivars of perennial wheat
Association between <i>TaVp-1B</i> alleles (of wheat origin) and SS values in the wheat-wheatgrass hybrid collection.
<p>Association between <i>TaVp-1B</i> alleles (of wheat origin) and SS values in the wheat-wheatgrass hybrid collection.</p
Association between <i>TaVp-1B</i> alleles (of wheat origin) and GI values in the wheat-wheatgrass hybrid collection.
<p>Association between <i>TaVp-1B</i> alleles (of wheat origin) and GI values in the wheat-wheatgrass hybrid collection.</p
Electrophoresis of the CAPS-marker Vp1BB4_<i>Hae</i>III fragments.
<p>The ~600 bp (arrow) and ~550 bp (*) are diagnostic fragments for the wheatgrass <i>ThVp1</i> gene. M—size standard (100 bp DNA Ladder), 1 –<i>Triticum aestivum cv</i>. <i>Nota</i>, 2–90, 3–150 k., 4–168, 5 –<i>Th</i>. <i>intermedium</i> PI 401200.</p
The combined results of application of the Vp1BB4_<i>Hae</i>III and Vivip markers in the wheat-wheatgrass hybrids.
<p>The combined results of application of the Vp1BB4_<i>Hae</i>III and Vivip markers in the wheat-wheatgrass hybrids.</p