37 research outputs found

    The differentiated milk recording when milking into the milk line

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    The article is devoted to theoretical and experimental substantiation of technical capability of the differentiated recording of milk when milking into the milk line. The pilot studies were carried out in 2017 … 2018 in the cowshed for 200 heads of one of the enterprises of the Kirov region. Milking duration depending on intensity of milk secretion was divided into three stages: initial, main and final. The theoretical analysis of the process of milk secretion from an udder nipple of a cow was made. Analytical expressions for definition of the current flow rate of milk were received during milking. The vacuum mode in under-mamillary chambers of the duple milking machine and integrated schedules of milk yield were studied and analyzed during the whole process of milking into the milk line. The weak interrelation between the current milk yield and corresponding vacuum in the under-mamillary chamber of a teat cup was revealed during milking (R2 = 0.06…0.15). Very close interrelation (R2 = 0.95) between milk yield and duration of milk secretion confirmed a possibility of differentiated recording of milk yield by measurement of the real time of milk outflow during each working cycle. Mathematical models of an algorithm of functioning of devices of the differentiated recording of milk have been developed during milking. Differentiated milk recording during milking can be technically carried out by addition into the device of udder on-quarters milking monitoring of milk secretion intensity the blocks of measurement of time of the real milk flow during each working cycle, calculation and indication of milk yield. Use of milking machines with function of differentiated recording of the milk yield will allow to increase the duration of productive use of animals, quantity and quality of the milk yield

    National Report for the IAG of the IUGG 2019-2022

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    Major results of researches conducted by Russian geodesists in 2019-2022 on the topics of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) are presented in this issue. This report is prepared by the Section of Geodesy of the National Geophysical Committee of Russia. In the report prepared for the XXVII General Assembly of IUGG (Germany, Berlin, 11-20 July 2023), the results of principal researches in geodesy, geodynamics, gravimetry, in the studies of geodetic reference frame creation and development, Earth's shape and gravity field, Earth's rotation, geodetic theory, its application and some other directions are briefly described. For some objective reasons not all results obtained by Russian scientists on the field of geodesy are included in the report.Comment: Misprint in the title of the arXiv record has been corrected. The submission content is not affecte

    Разработка и исследования воздушно­решетной зерноочистительной машины МЗУ­20Д

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    The authors analyzed the working process and design of the machines involved in grain cleaning. It was revealed that the energy intensity of universal air-sieve machines of domestic and foreign production is 0.86-1.61 kilowatt-hours per ton, the specific metal consumption is 30-700 kilogram-hours per ton.(Research purpose) To develop a high-performance primary-secondary grain cleaning machine with low energy intensity, a high degree of purification of seed and food grain, as well as with the possibility of its installation in continuous grain cleaning and drying lines and complexes.(Materials and methods) The authors created a new structural and technological scheme of the universal grain cleaning machine MZU-20D and its pneumatic system. A prototype was produced with a capacity of 20 tons per hour, with three pneumatic separating channels and three sedimentary chambers of the pneumatic system. They investigated the dust collector of the air system of the MZU-20D machine.(Results and discussion) Using the finite element method, the calculated values and velocity vectors of the air flow at the nodal points of the dust collector cross-section were obtained. The louvered sieve with a porosity of 0.1 was installed at an angle of 30 degrees, in the presence of a dividing partition. The authors optimized the structural and technological parameters according to the three-level Boxing-Bencina matrix plan. Based on the results of the plan’s implementation, rational design parameters of the dust collector were chosen: the depth of the outlet pipe – 0.35 meters, the angle of blinds installation – 30 degrees, the blinds number – 8. It was determined that when the dust collector parameters were brought into line with the above values, the efficiency of the deposition of impurities in it reached 60 percent with hydraulic resistance of 260 pascals. During state tests of the MZU-20D machine at the SPK Rassvet in the Kirov region for cleaning rye grains of the Falenskaya variety, the following characteristics were confirmed: throughput – up to 20 tons per hour, installed capacity – 9 kilowatt, grain purity – at least 98 percent.(Conclusions) It was established that the machine was efficient, performed the technological process qualitatively and could be used, for example, during reconstruction and development of new grain cleaning and drying lines and complexes.Проанализировали рабочий процесс и конструкции машин, задействованных в зерноочистке. Выявили, что энергоемкость универсальных воздушно-решетных машин отечественного и зарубежного производства составляет 0,86-1,61 киловатт-часа на тонну, удельная металлоемкость – 30-700 килограмм-часов на тонну.(Цель исследований) Разработать высокопроизводительную зерноочистительную машину первично-вторичной очистки с малой энергоемкостью, высокой степенью очистки семенного и продовольственного зерна, а также с возможностью ее установки в поточных зерноочистительно-сушильных линиях и комплексах. (Материалы и методы) Создали новую конструктивно-технологическую схему универсальной зерноочистительной машины МЗУ-20Д и ее пневмосистемы. Изготовли опытный образец производительностью 20 тонн в час, с тремя пневмосепарирующими каналами и тремя осадочными камерами пневмосистемы. Исследовали пылеуловитель воздушной системы машины МЗУ-20Д. (Результаты и обсуждение) С применением конечно-элементного метода получили расчетные величины и векторы скоростей воздушного потока в узловых точках сечения пылеуловителя. Жалюзийную решетку пористостью 0,1 установили под углом 30 градусов, при наличии делительной перегородки. Оптимизировали конструктивно-технологические параметры по матрице трехуровневого плана Бокса – Бенкина. По результатам реализации плана выбрали рациональные конструктивные параметры пылеуловителя: глубина выходного патрубка – 0,35 метра, угол установки жалюзи – 30 градусов, число жалюзи – 8. Определили, что при приведении в соответствие параметров пылеуловителя вышеуказанным значениям эффективность осаждения примесей в нем достигает 60 процентов при гидравлическом сопротивлении 260 паскалей. В ходе государственных испытаний машины МЗУ-20Д в СПК «Рассвет» Кировской области на очистке зерна ржи сорта Фаленская подтвердили характеристики: пропускная способность – до 20 тонн в час, установленная мощность – 9 киловатт, чистота зерна – не менее 98 процентов.(Выводы) Установили, что машина работоспособна, качественно выполняет технологический процесс и может быть использована, например, при реконструкциях и разработке новых зерноочистительно-сушильных линий и комплексов


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    The use of fractional technologies for post-harvest treatment and processing of grain heap delivered from field with further special purpose use of grain fractions leads to a significant increase in grain production efficiency. (Research purpose) Developing a fractional technology for post-harvest treatment and processing of grain with crushing and preservation of feed grain fraction and designing a technological line and machines for it. (Materials and methods) The authors have analyzed the technological level and developed a fractional technology for grain post-harvest treatment and processing by crushing with subsequent preservation of the feed grain fraction. They have offered a technological line and presented the design and technological parameters of the corresponding technical means (МЗУ-20Д - grain cleaning universal machine, МПО-30ДФ - preliminary grain cleaning machine with fractionation, ПЗД-3,1, ПЗД-10 – two-stage grain crusher). (Results and discussion) The authors have designed, manufactured and tested a universal grain-cleaning machine МЗУ-20Д. It efficiently cleans grain material coming from the field after its threshing by combine harvesters, and divides it into fractions: seed and feed grain – 60-70 percent, waste material - up to 10 percent, grain fodder - up to 40 percent. Further on, the grain is sent for crushing (for wet grain), followed by preservation and hermetic storage of the products obtained before their feeding to animals. Tests have shown that the developed feed preparation machine efficiently performs the technological process. The authors have developed a two-stage grain crusher (ПЗД-3,1), performing the crushing of grain material in two stages by three rollers, followed by preservation (for wet grain) of the feed grain fraction. (Conclusions) It has been established that the use of the new fractional technology and equipment contributes to an increase in grain cleaning productivity – by 30-40 percent, and the estimated annual economic effect of the renovation  is 400,000 rubles. The estimated annual economic effect of the use of the two-stage grain crusher (ПЗД-3,1) has proved to be more than 60 thousand rubles, and the level of production intensification has increased by 26 percent as compared to the MURSKA crusher produced in Finland.Применение фракционных технологий послеуборочной  обработки и переработки поступающего с поля зерна с целевым использованием получаемых зерновых фракций способствует значительному повышению эффективности отрасли зернового производства. (Цель исследования)  Разработка фракционной технологии плющения и консервирования фуражного зерна и соответствующих  технических средств. (Материалы и методы) Проанализировали уровень техники и разработали фракционную технологию послеуборочной обработки и переработки зерна плющением с последующим консервированием фуражной зерновой фракции. Предложили технологическую линию и представили конструктивно-технологические параметры соответствующих технических средств (МЗУ-20Д – машина зерноочистительная универсальная; МПО-30ДФ – машина предварительной очистки зерна с фракционированием; ПЗД-3,1, ПЗД-10 – плющилки зерна двухступенчатые). (Результаты и обсуждение) Спроектировали, изготовили и испытали универсальную зерноочистительную машину МЗУ-20Д, которая эффективно очищает от примесей зерновой материал, поступающий с поля после обмолота комбайнами, и разделяет его на фракции: семенное и продовольственное зерно – 60-70 процентов, отходы – до 10 процентов, зернофураж – до 40 процентов. Далее зерно направляется на плющение (для влажного зерна) с последующим консервированием и герметичным хранением полученной продукции до начала скармливания животным. Испытания показали, что разработанная кормоприготовительная машина качественно выполняет технологический процесс. Разработали и подготовили опытный образец плющилки зерна двухступенчатой (ПЗД-3,1), осуществляющей плющение зернового материала в два этапа тремя вальцами с последующим консервированием (для влажного зерна) фуражной зерновой фракции. (Выводы) Применение новой фракционной технологии и оборудования увеличивает производительность зерноочистительного сушильного комплекса – на 30-40 процентов, а расчетный годовой экономический эффект от такого обновления составит примерно 400 тысяч рублей. Расчетный годовой экономический эффект от применения плющилки зерна двухступенчатой (ПЗД-3,1) равен более 60 тысяч рублей, а уровень интенсификации производства вырос на 26 процентов по сравнению c плющилкой MURSKA производства Финляндии

    Entropy-Dominated Dissipation in Sapphire Shock-Compressed up to 400 GPa (4 Mbar)

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    Sapphire (single-crystal Al2O3) is a representative Earth material and is used as a window and/or anvil in shock experiments. Pressure, for example, at the core-mantle boundary is about 130 gigapascals (GPa). Defects induced by 100-GPa shock waves cause sapphire to become opaque, which precludes measuring temperature with thermal radiance. We have measured wave profiles of sapphire crystals with several crystallographic orientations at shock pressures of 16, 23, and 86 GPa. At 23 GPa plastic-shock rise times are generally quite long (~100 ns) and their values depend sensitively on the direction of shock propagation in the crystal lattice. The long rise times are probably caused by the high strength of inter-atomic interactions in the ordered three-dimensional sapphire lattice. Our wave profiles and recent theoretical and laser-driven experimental results imply that sapphire disorders without significant shock heating up to about 400 GPa, above which Al2O3 is amorphous and must heat. This picture suggests that the characteristic shape of shock compression curves of many Earth materials at 100 GPa pressures is caused by a combination of entropy and temperature.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    SARS-CoV-2 B.1.617.2 Delta variant replication and immune evasion

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    Abstract: The B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was first identified in the state of Maharashtra in late 2020 and spread throughout India, outcompeting pre-existing lineages including B.1.617.1 (Kappa) and B.1.1.7 (Alpha)1. In vitro, B.1.617.2 is sixfold less sensitive to serum neutralizing antibodies from recovered individuals, and eightfold less sensitive to vaccine-elicited antibodies, compared with wild-type Wuhan-1 bearing D614G. Serum neutralizing titres against B.1.617.2 were lower in ChAdOx1 vaccinees than in BNT162b2 vaccinees. B.1.617.2 spike pseudotyped viruses exhibited compromised sensitivity to monoclonal antibodies to the receptor-binding domain and the amino-terminal domain. B.1.617.2 demonstrated higher replication efficiency than B.1.1.7 in both airway organoid and human airway epithelial systems, associated with B.1.617.2 spike being in a predominantly cleaved state compared with B.1.1.7 spike. The B.1.617.2 spike protein was able to mediate highly efficient syncytium formation that was less sensitive to inhibition by neutralizing antibody, compared with that of wild-type spike. We also observed that B.1.617.2 had higher replication and spike-mediated entry than B.1.617.1, potentially explaining the B.1.617.2 dominance. In an analysis of more than 130 SARS-CoV-2-infected health care workers across three centres in India during a period of mixed lineage circulation, we observed reduced ChAdOx1 vaccine effectiveness against B.1.617.2 relative to non-B.1.617.2, with the caveat of possible residual confounding. Compromised vaccine efficacy against the highly fit and immune-evasive B.1.617.2 Delta variant warrants continued infection control measures in the post-vaccination era

    Development and Research of the MZU­20D Air­Sieve Grain Cleaning Machine

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    The authors analyzed the working process and design of the machines involved in grain cleaning. It was revealed that the energy intensity of universal air-sieve machines of domestic and foreign production is 0.86-1.61 kilowatt-hours per ton, the specific metal consumption is 30-700 kilogram-hours per ton.(Research purpose) To develop a high-performance primary-secondary grain cleaning machine with low energy intensity, a high degree of purification of seed and food grain, as well as with the possibility of its installation in continuous grain cleaning and drying lines and complexes.(Materials and methods) The authors created a new structural and technological scheme of the universal grain cleaning machine MZU-20D and its pneumatic system. A prototype was produced with a capacity of 20 tons per hour, with three pneumatic separating channels and three sedimentary chambers of the pneumatic system. They investigated the dust collector of the air system of the MZU-20D machine.(Results and discussion) Using the finite element method, the calculated values and velocity vectors of the air flow at the nodal points of the dust collector cross-section were obtained. The louvered sieve with a porosity of 0.1 was installed at an angle of 30 degrees, in the presence of a dividing partition. The authors optimized the structural and technological parameters according to the three-level Boxing-Bencina matrix plan. Based on the results of the plan’s implementation, rational design parameters of the dust collector were chosen: the depth of the outlet pipe – 0.35 meters, the angle of blinds installation – 30 degrees, the blinds number – 8. It was determined that when the dust collector parameters were brought into line with the above values, the efficiency of the deposition of impurities in it reached 60 percent with hydraulic resistance of 260 pascals. During state tests of the MZU-20D machine at the SPK Rassvet in the Kirov region for cleaning rye grains of the Falenskaya variety, the following characteristics were confirmed: throughput – up to 20 tons per hour, installed capacity – 9 kilowatt, grain purity – at least 98 percent.(Conclusions) It was established that the machine was efficient, performed the technological process qualitatively and could be used, for example, during reconstruction and development of new grain cleaning and drying lines and complexes

    Sovremennye svedenija o Fobose

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    The paper briefly describes the main stages of Phobos studies and mapping, from its discovery to the present