785 research outputs found

    Risk factors for the preservation of morphological changes in the gastric mucosa after eradication therapy for Helicobacter pylori infection in children with chronic gastritis

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    We conducted a clinical, morphofunctional examination and standard treatment of 155 children with chronic gastroduodenitis associated with Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection. It was кevealed that after 6 months lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of the gastric mucosa (GM) preserved in 37% of cases, and unspecified atrophy - in 9%, increased C3 and C4 components of the compliment - in 19% of children, antroduodenal discoordination on the background of postprandial secretin and cholecystokinin level - in 25%, as well as disorders of the intestinal microbiot

    Prediction and evaluation of nonlinear site response with potentially liquefiable layers in the area of Nafplion (Peloponnesus, Greece) for a repeat of historical earthquakes

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    We examine the possible non-linear behaviour of potentially liquefiable layers at selected sites located within the expansion area of the town of Nafplion, East Peloponnese, Greece. Input motion is computed for three scenario earthquakes, selected on the basis of historical seismicity data, using a stochastic strong ground motion simulation technique, which takes into account the finite dimensions of the earthquake sources. Site-specific ground acceleration synthetics and soil profiles are then used to evaluate the liquefaction potential at the sites of interest. The activation scenario of the Iria fault, which is the closest one to Nafplion (<i>M</i>=6.4), is found to be the most hazardous in terms of liquefaction initiation. In this scenario almost all the examined sites exhibit liquefaction features at depths of 6–12 m. For scenario earthquakes at two more distant seismic sources (Epidaurus fault – <i>M</i>6.3; Xylokastro fault – <i>M</i>6.7) strong ground motion amplification phenomena by the shallow soft soil layer are expected to be observed

    Forecast for the zone of viticulture in European Russia under climate change

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    Climate warming has turned out to be a significant factor in viticulture and winemaking in all grape-growing areas of the world. Many countries consider the advance of viticulture to the north and to mountainous areas as a possible way to adapt to warming. The factors limiting the zone of viticulture in Russia have been identified by Soviet scientist F.F. Davitaya in 1948, and they are still relevant. They are the sum of active temperatures above 10 °C (ΣT10 > 2500 °C), mean of absolute minimum temperatures (Tmin > –35 °C), length of the frost-free period (Lff < 150 days), and hydrothermal coefficient (0.5 < HTC < 2.5). The values of these limiting factors in the present-day zone of commercial viticulture (ZCV) correspond to the ranges defined by F.F. Davitaya, with the exception of Tmin, which in the modern ZCV in European Russia is above –26 °C everywhere. The objective of this work was to assess the possibility of moving the boundaries of the ZCV to the north under the existing and predicted climate conditions in European Russia. The 1980–2019 daily data from 150 weather stations of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring were used to calculate mean long-term values, trends and forecasts for 2050 for the ZCV limiting factors and locate the points lying in the range acceptable for viticulture. The QGIS program was applied to plot the points on the European Russia map and mark the terminal latitude. Versions with Tmin > –26 °C and Tmin > –35 °C were considered. On average for European Russia, in 1980–2019, there was an increase in ΣT10, Tmin, and Lff and a decrease in HTC. However, in the same period, Tmin showed a tendency toward decreasing at a number of points at latitudes lower than 55° N. The increase in heat supply during the growing season in European Russia implies a possibility of expanding the ZCV northward, beyond the present-day terminal latitude of 46.6° N, to 51.8° N under the existing conditions, and up to 60.7° N by 2050. In addition, even under the current conditions viticulture is possible in the area of Kaliningrad (54° N, 20° E). Using extra protective measures in winters not colder than –35 °C would make it possible to grow grapes at up to 53.3° N under the current conditions and at up to 60.7° N under the prognosticated ones. At the same time, a possible decrease in the minimum winter temperature at the south of European Russia will require additional protective measures in winter, while an increase in the aridity of the climate on the northwest coast of the Caspian Sea will reduce the area under non-irrigated vineyards

    Influence of drying and pretreatment methods on certain parameters of yellow mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor)

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    Nowadays alternative protein sources like edible insects are becoming widely used as human food. One of the most popular insect is yellow mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) due to its high nutrition value. However, pretreatment and drying are necessary to increase the food shelf life and the efficiency of its use. Due to this, the purpose of the present work was the determination of influence of pretreatment methods (freezing of larvae for 1 month, freezing for 2 hours, freezing for 1 month followed by defrosting for 2 hours at room temperature, blanching) and drying methods (convection drying at 40 °C and 60 °C, microwave drying) of yellow mealworm on its color (determination of L*, а*, b*, ΔElab, Ch, H, BI), moisture content (gravimetric method), fatty acid composition (determined by gas chromatography with mass spectroscopy) and time of drying (time required to reach constant weight). It was found that all used pretreatment and drying methods had no effect on the fatty acid composition of the larvae. In terms of drying rate and color retention, microwave drying showed better results than convection drying at 40 °C and 60 °C. Meanwhile, convection drying at 40 °C leads to the higher final moisture content of the samples. Among the pretreatment methods, only blanching the larvae samples before drying retained their color better and also accelerated the rate of the convection drying

    THE NEED FOR RATIONAL IMPROVEMENT OF TUBERCULOSIS BACTERIOLOGICAL MONITORING (feedback to the article by e.v. sevostianova et al., published in Tuberculosis and lung diseases Journal, no. 3, 2016)

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    Авторским коллективом из 14 компетентных специалистов ведущих учреждений системы противотуберкулезной службы здравоохранения и АН РФ опубликована объемная и  своевременная статья с рекомендациями по дальнейшему усовершенствованию этиологической диагностики туберкулеза, в  основном по  разработке новых учетных форм для бактериологических лабораторий [2]

    Optimal control of light pulse storage and retrieval

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    We demonstrate experimentally a procedure to obtain the maximum efficiency for the storage and retrieval of light pulses in atomic media. The procedure uses time reversal to obtain optimal input signal pulse-shapes. Experimental results in warm Rb vapor are in good agreement with theoretical predictions and demonstrate a substantial improvement of efficiency. This optimization procedure is applicable to a wide range of systems.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Tecnologias e dispositivos de microondas que separam a pele da pele de coelho

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    The purpose of this work is the development of microwave technology and de-vices separating fur from rabbit skins in a continuous mode at reduced operating costs. They developed the method for the action of the ultrahigh frequency electro-magnetic field (UFEF), which provides the reduction of fur fiber holding power in the meat fabric of rabbit skins with simultaneous combing and gathering. They calcu-lated the mathematical dependences describing the dynamics of multicomponent raw material heating with the change of dielectric and physicomechanical parameters in the process of UFEF. They calculated and visualized the electromagnetic field distri-butions in the developed resonators, on the basis of which they substantiated the ef-fective parameters of the electrodynamic system: the maximum property, the quality of resonators and the electric field strength. They substantiated the complex of struc-tural and technological parameters of devices with new structural design of working chambers by a multi-criteria evaluation of the technological process for the separation of fur from rabbit skin. They manufactured and tested the microwave device under production conditions for the separation of fur from rabbit skin, and adjusted the op-erating modes, which allow to reduce operating costs. They evaluated the technical and economic efficiency of microwave technology introduction for the processing of fur and the devices for rabbit farms; they developed practical recommendations for the operation of microwave units to separate fur from rabbit skins.El propósito de este trabajo es el desarrollo de la tecnología de microondas y los dispositivos que separan la piel de los cueros de conejo en un modo continuo a costos operativos reducidos. Desarrollaron el método para la acción del campo electromagnético de frecuencia ultraalta (UFEF), que proporciona la reducción del poder de retención de la fibra de la piel en el tejido de carne de la piel de conejo con el peinado y la recolección simultáneos. Calcularon las dependencias matemáticas que describen la dinámica del calentamiento de materias primas de componentes múltiples con el cambio de los parámetros dieléctricos y fisicomecánicos en el proceso de la UFEF. Calcularon y visualizaron las distribuciones del campo electromagnético en los resonadores desarrollados, sobre la base de los cuales fundamentaron los parámetros efectivos del sistema electrodinámico: la propiedad máxima, la calidad de los resonadores y la intensidad del campo eléctrico. Ellos sustentaron el complejo de parámetros estructurales y tecnológicos de los dispositivos con un nuevo diseño estructural de las cámaras de trabajo mediante una evaluación de múltiples criterios del proceso tecnológico para la separación de la piel del cuero del conejo.  Fabricaron y probaron el dispositivo de microondas en condiciones de producción para la separación de la piel de la piel de conejo, y ajustaron los modos de operación, lo que permite reducir los costos operativos. Evaluaron la eficiencia técnica y económica de la introducción de la tecnología de microondas para el procesamiento de pieles y los dispositivos para granjas de conejos; desarrollaron recomendaciones prácticas para el uncionamiento de las unidades de microondas para separar las pieles de los cueros de conejo.O objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de tecnologia e dispositivos que separam a pele de peles de coelho em um modo contínuo a custos operacionais reduzidos microondas. Eles desenvolveram o método para a acção do campo electromagnético de alta frequência ultra-(UFEF), que fornece pele de coelho carne tecido de pele para retenção de fibras de energia reduzido com cabelo e recolha simultânea. Calcularam as dependências matemático para descrever a dinâmica do aquecimento materiais multicomponentes com a mudança de dieltricos e parâmetros fisicomecánicos no processo de UFEF. Eles calculado e visualizado as distribuições de campo eletromagnético em ressonadores desenvolvidos, com base na qual fundamentar os parâmetros reais do sistema electrodynamic: a propriedade máximo, a qualidade dos ressonadores e intensidade do campo elétrico. Eles sustentadas parâmetros estruturais e tecnológicas complexas dos dispositivos com um novo design estrutural das câmaras de trabalho através de uma avaliação multi-critérios do processo tecnológico para a separação de couro pele de coelho. Eles fabricado e testado o dispositivo de micro-ondas, sob condições de produção para a separação da pele da pele de coelho, e modos de operação ajustados, reduzindo assim os custos operacionais. Eles avaliaram a eficiência técnica e econômica da introdução de tecnologia de microondas para o processamento de dispositivos fazendas de peles e de coelho; desenvolveu recomendações práticas para a operação de unidades de microondas para separar peles de peles de coelho


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    Nowadays the biologization of agriculture is the global tendency, which scientific basis is the grain legumes introduction into the crop rotation and deepening of knowledge about the importance of soil microorganisms in the atmospheric nitrogen fixation and formation of natural soil fertility. In view of this, the prospect of effective microbial preparations use in the grain legume crops growing technology significantly increases as evidenced by the results of numerous studies. The article presents the results of the research on the study of the peculiarities of the symbiotic apparatus formation of lentil plants under the influence of the gel form of the microbial preparation (Rhizobium leguminosarum biovarviceae K-29 strain) and the plant growth regulator Regoplant (250 ml/t – a pre-sowing seed treatments; 50 ml/ha – a postemergence treatment). The effectiveness of the rhizobium-legume symbiosis was estimated during the budding stage, flowering stage and bean-filling stage on the plants of Linza lentil variety. The number and weight of tubercles on the crop root system were determined according to the method described by V.V. Volkogon, and the leghemoglobin content in the tubercles – according to G.S. Posypanov. It was established that in the complex use of the investigated preparations on the root system of lentil there is an increase in the number and weight of tubercles and the leghemoglobin content in them. In 2014 and 2018 the tendency for the most active formation of the lentil symbiotic apparatus in variants for pre-sowing seed treatment with a mixture of microbial preparation (Rhizobium leguminosarum biovarviceae K-29 strain) and plant growth regulator Regoplant (250 ml/t) was observed, followed by the postemergence application of the latter in the normal range of 50 ml/ha. On average, over the years of research in this variation of the combined use of biological preparations, the number of tubercles exceeded the control depending on the phase of crop development by 95 – 283 %, the weight — by 194 – 412 % and their leghemoglobin content by 230 %

    Constitutional court in public administration system in Moldova and Russia

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    The article considers the place and the role of the Constitutional Court of Moldova in the system of governmen