152 research outputs found

    Transversal Stiffness and Beta-Actin and Alpha-Actinin-4 Content of the M. Soleus Fibers in the Conditions of a 3-Day Reloading after 14-Day Gravitational Unloading

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    The aim of the work was to analyze the structural changes in different parts of the sarcolemma and contractile apparatus of muscle fibers by measuring their transversal stiffness by atomic force microscopy in a three-day reloading after a 14-day gravity disuse, which was carried out by hind-limbs suspension. The object of the study was the soleus muscle of the Wistar rat. It was shown that after 14 days of disuse, there was a reduction of transversal stiffness of all points of the sarcolemma and contractile apparatus. Readaptation for 3 days leads to complete recovery of the values of the transversal stiffness of the sarcolemma and to partial value recovery of the contractile apparatus. The changes in transversal stiffness of sarcolemma correlate with beta-actin and alpha-actinin-4 in membrane protein fractions

    Literature of Latin America at the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University: Academic Life

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    The review is devoted to the main topics and events of the international conference organized by the Department of Ibero-Roman Linguistics at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University — “The Second Latin American Readings” (November 23–24, 2023). The work of the conference took place in two plenary sessions and four panels, one of which was devoted exclusively to the literature of Latin America. A total of 52 papers were presented, covering a wide scope of problems of Latin American studies, including linguistic, literary, cultural, art, and historical aspects. The plenary sessions included reports on significant phenomena and general trends in the development of Latin American culture, such as the characteristics of the Latin American world view formation in literature, the emergence of a national school of artistic translation in Mexico, and the genesis and formation of abolitionist prose in Cuba. The panels shed light on specific aspects of the continent's literature: issues of individual poetics, the history of individual works, artistic types and genres, as well as illuminating examples of cultural ties between our country and Latin America. The papers were chiefly accompanied by vivid presentations, and the meeting ended with a concert of Latin American music

    Cytoskeleton Structure in Mouse Sperm and Testes After 30 Days of Hindlimb Unloading and 12 Hours of Recovery

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    Background/Aims: Changes in the external mechanical field result in cytoskeleton reorganization and the formation of adaptive patterns in different types of cells, including somatic cells and sex cells. The aim of this research was to study the protein and mRNA content of cytoskeletal and sperm-specific genes in the sperm and testis cells of mice. Methods: Mice were subjected to 30 days of antiorthostatic suspension to simulate weightlessness, followed by 12 h of recovery, while receiving essential phospholipids at a dosage of 500 mg/kg/day (30HSE and 30HSE+12h groups) or a similar dosage of a placebo (30HS and 30HS+12h groups). Accordingly, reference groups (CE group and C group) were formed. The total number and the percentage of motile spermatozoa were calculated using a Makler chamber. To analyze the number of viable spermatozoa and the permeability of their membranes, eosin staining was used as well as Diff-Quick for a morphological evaluation. Relative protein and mRNA content was estimated in a western blot and quantitative PCR assay, respectively. Results: The relative protein expression levels of actin (beta and gamma) and two alpha-actinin isoforms (1 and 4) remained constant in the sperm of all study groups, except for the 30HS+12h group, where the alpha-actinin-4 level was 13% higher than in the reference group (p < 0.1). In the testis cells, the relative actin isoform content was equivalent to that in the spermatozoa. However, in the testis cells, the ACTN1 mRNA content was 17% higher in the 30HS group than in the C group (p < 0.05), and decreased after 12 h of recovery. In contrast, the ACTN4 mRNA content was 20% lower in the 30HS group than in the reference group (p < 0.05) and increased after the 12-h recovery period. At the same time, in the group administered the essential phospholipids, the relative ACTN1 and ACTN4 mRNA content did not differ from those of the reference group. The relative beta-tubulin content was similar in the reference C group and the reference CE group, which was administered the essential phospholipids. In the 30HS and 30HS+12h groups, the beta-tubulin content decreased by 19% and 22% (p < 0.05), respectively, and they also decreased in the groups administered the essential phospholipids (30HSE and 30HSE+12h groups, by 27% and 33%, respectively, p < 0.05). In the testis tissue, the relative tubulin content did not change in any of the experimental groups. At the same time, the relative mRNA content of the genes encoding the studied cytoskeletal proteins increased, which may indicate the protein content was regulated mainly at the translational level. Conclusion: The spermogram parameters and the content of the sperm-specific proteins and the associated mRNAs revealed a decrease in the number of mature spermatozoa in mice suspended under conditions of weightlessness. Moreover, the decrease was prevented by the administration of essential phospholipids

    Approach to diagnosis of liver fibrosis: serum markers review

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    Hepatic fibrosis is the final stage of many disorders of the liver. Originally, hepatic fibrosis was considered irreversible, however, hepatic fibrosis is now known to be a dynamic process with a significant potential for resolution. Timely diagnosis of liver fibrosis can prevent development of unwanted complications. The diagnosis and quantitation of fibrosis have traditionally relied on liver biopsy. However, there are a number of drawbacks that limit its use. This article reviews the current methods of assessment of hepatic fibrosis based on the serum marker

    Modeling of text and discourse worlds

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    The article deals with the author’s algorithm for modeling both text and discourse worlds. The importance of modeling in the contemporary linguistic paradigm is prove

    Immunotropic effects of Curcuma longa extract as a component of original rectal suppositories in the dynamics of experimental Сrohn’s disease

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    Crohn’s disease is an urgent problem of modern gastroenterology due to increasing prevalence, severity of complications and side effects of the basic therapy, in particular upon treatment with 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA). Searching, development and trials of new effective drugs with minimal side effects in Crohn’s disease is an urgent task. Curcuma longa is one of the initial substances containing curcumin with antioxidant, cytoprotective, anti-inflammatory properties. Its effectiveness has been demonstrated in few studies with its systemic use in Crohn’s disease treatment. Our aim was to perform a comparative analysis of curcumin and 5-ASA effect applied as a composition of rectal suppositories, studying clinical signs and indices of immune status in experimental Crohn’s disease. The study was performed on 70 Wistar male rats. Crohn’s disease was modeled by introduction of a 50% alcohol solution of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) per rectum, and verified by clinical and morphological methods. Rectal suppositories, each containing 50 mg of 5-ASA and original suppositories containing 0.075 mg of curcumin were used over 12 hours during 7 days. The studies were performed on the 3rd , 5th and 7th days of Crohn’s disease.In the course of experimental TNBS-induced Crohn’s disease in animals, an increased frequency of bowel motility, appearance of blood in the stool, decreased body weight progressed from the 3rd to the 7th days of observation, along with increased number in CD3+, CD45RA+ lymphocytes in blood, higher number of segmented neutrophils, lower absorption and NBT-reducing activity of blood neutrophils, increased serum concentrations of IL-23, IgM, IgG. Composition of the new medication form was justified; production technology and standardization of the suppositories containing curcumin for the treatment for Crohn’s disease were developed. Usage of rectal suppositories with curcumin is associated with decreased severity of clinical signs, decrease and partial restoration of segmented neutrophils, CD3+ lymphocyte numbers in blood, recovery of absorption and NBT-reducing ability of blood neutrophils, and decrease of IL-23, IgM, IgG concentrations in serum. The effectiveness of rectal suppositories with curcumin is compared to the effectiveness of the use of rectal suppositories with 5-ASA in terms of disease activity index, the number of neutrophils and CD3+ lymphocytes in the blood, serum concentrations of IL-23, IgM and IgG, in, at lesser extent, in terms of absorption and NBT- reducing ability of blood neutrophils.The composition and production technology of rectal suppositories with curcuminwas developed; the leukocyte populations, CD3+, CD45RA+ lymphocytesin blood were assesed, neutrophil absorption and NBT-reducing ability, IL-23, IgM and IgG concentrations were determined; the use of rectal suppositories with curcumin in experimental Crohn’s disease is comparable with the effectiveness of rectal suppositories with 5-ASA

    Dialogic speech as a field of compound-complex sentence communicative types application

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    The purpose of the article is to identify the specifics of compound-complex sentences functioning in the dialogues of script texts. The research work has a complex system to analyze the linguistic processes, which are manifested in script texts of British and American scriptwriter

    The influence of deformation on phase composition, magnetic and electrical properties of austenitic chromium-nickel steels

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    The article presents the results of investigations of transformation of phase composition, magnetic and electrical properties of 08H21N6M2T austenitic-ferritic chromium-nickel steel under the plastic deformation by cold rolling. It is shown how electrical and magnetic properties of the steel under study change due to the phase composition transformation and the strain-induced martensite appearance in the steel structure. Also, the applicability of several modern methods of structural and phase analysis is studied to detect and quantify the formed martensitic phase.В статье приведены результаты исследований изменения фазового состава, магнитных и электрических свойств аустенитно-ферритной хромоникелевой стали 08Х21Н6М2Т под воздействием пластической деформации прокаткой. Показано как меняются электрические и магнитные свойства исследуемой стали вследствие изменения ее фазового состава и образования в ее структуре мартенсита деформации. Также изучена применимость ряда современных методик структуроскопии и фазового анализа для выявления и количественного определения образовавшегося мартенсита.Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект № 15-12-00001)


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    Studies of the relationship between electrical resistivity and the phase composition of austenitic chromium-nickel steels were carried out. Correlation was found between electrical resistivity and ferrite or deformation martensite content in the original or deformed samples, correspondingly.Работа выполнена в рамках государственного задания МИНОБРНАУКИ России (тема «Диагностика», № 122021000030-1)