36 research outputs found

    Система гемостаза в норме и при трансплантации печени (обзор)

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    The review dwells on the problem of hemostatic disorders in patients undergoing liver transplantation and their correction in the perioperative period. The physiology of the hemostatic system, disorders of the blood coagulation system in patients at various stages of liver transplantation, correction of hemostatic disorders during and after orthotopic liver transplantation are discussed. Liver transplantation is performed in patients with liver diseases in the terminal stage of liver failure. At the same time, changes in the hemostatic system of these patients pose a significant risk of developing bleeding and/or thrombosis during and after liver transplantation. The hypothesis is suggested that the personalized correction of hemostasis disorder in liver transplantation should be based on considerating the nosological forms of the liver damage, mechanisms of development of recipient’s hemostatic disorders, and the stage of the surgery.Обзор посвящен проблеме нарушений в системе гемостаза и их коррекции в периоперационном периоде у пациентов, подвергающихся трансплантации печени. Обсуждаются: физиология системы гемостаза; нарушения функции свертывающей системы крови у пациентов на различных стадиях операции трансплантации печени; коррекция нарушений гемостаза во время и после ортотопической трансплантации печени. Трансплантация печени выполняется пациентам с заболеваниями печени в терминальной стадии печеночно-клеточной недостаточности. При этом изменения в системе гемостаза этих больных представляют значительный риск развития, как кровотечений, так и тромбозов во время и после трансплантации печени. Коррекция нарушений гемостаза при трансплантации печени должна проходить с учетом нозологической формы повреждения печени, механизмов развития нарушений гемостаза реципиента и этапа операции

    Clinical Practice Guidelines of the Russian Society for the Study of the Liver, the Russian Gastroenterological Association, the National Scientific Society of Infectious Disease Specialists for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis C

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    Аim: diagnosis and treatment algorithms in the clinical recommendations intended for general practitioners, gastroenterologists, infectious disease specialists, hepatologists on the of chronic hepatitis C are presented.Summary. Chronic viral hepatitis C is a socially significant infection, the incidence of which in the Russian Federation remains significantly high. Over the past 10 years, great progress has been made in the treatment of hepatitis C — direct acting antiviral drugs have appeared. The spectrum of their effectiveness allows to achieve a sustained virological response in more than 90 % of cases, even in groups that were not previously considered even as candidates for therapy or were difficult to treat — patients receiving renal replacement therapy, after liver transplantation (or other organs), at the stage of decompensated liver cirrhosis, HIV co-infected, etc. Interferons are excluded from the recommendations due to their low effectiveness and a wide range of adverse events. The indications for the treatment have been expanded, namely, the fact of confirmation of viral replication. The terms of dispensary observation of patients without cirrhosis of the liver have been reduced (up to 12 weeks after the end of therapy). Also, these recommendations present approaches to active screening of hepatitis in risk groups, preventive and rehabilitation measures after the end of treatment.Conclusion. Great success has been achieved in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C. In most cases, eradication of viral HCV infection is a real task even in patients at the stage of cirrhosis of the liver, with impaired renal function, HIV co-infection, after solid organs transplantation

    Important problems in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis (based on the Russian consensus 2017)

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    The analysis of publications devoted to the Russian Consensus on the Diagnostic and Treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH), which was considered at the 43rd annual Scientific Session of the CNIIG From Traditions to Innovation (March 4, 2017) is carried out. The presence of clear algorithms and recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of AIH significantly help the doctor in real clinical practice, but do not exclude a personified approach to the patient

    Biomarkers of tolerance and immunological monitoring in liver transplantation

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    Introduction. We reviewed the literature data on clinical and laboratory parameters that allow predicting the development of operational tolerance in liver transplant recipients after their complete weaning from immunosuppressive therapy. The aim was to identify possible biomarkers of tolerance in liver transplant recipients with the successful complete weaning from immunosuppression for subsequent implementation in routine clinical practice. The cellular, humoral, and molecular markers of the liver transplant recipients who were completely withdrawn from immunosuppressive therapy without the development of graft dysfunction were estimated. The authors underlined the necessity of clinical trials for identifying biomarkers of the operational tolerance development

    The use of telaprevir for the treatment of hepatitis C in patients undergoing liver transplantation (Literature review and clinical experience)

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    Authors reviewed published data concerning antiviral treatment of liver transplant recipients with 1st generation HCV protease inhibitors (telaprevir and boceprevir). Efficacy and adverse events have been analyzed with peculiar attention to drug-drug interactions between calcineurin inhibitors and HCV protease inhibitors. The article is illustrated with clinical cases

    The System of Blood Coagulation in Normal and in Liver Transplantation (Review)

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    The review dwells on the problem of hemostatic disorders in patients undergoing liver transplantation and their correction in the perioperative period. The physiology of the hemostatic system, disorders of the blood coagulation system in patients at various stages of liver transplantation, correction of hemostatic disorders during and after orthotopic liver transplantation are discussed. Liver transplantation is performed in patients with liver diseases in the terminal stage of liver failure. At the same time, changes in the hemostatic system of these patients pose a significant risk of developing bleeding and/or thrombosis during and after liver transplantation. The hypothesis is suggested that the personalized correction of hemostasis disorder in liver transplantation should be based on considerating the nosological forms of the liver damage, mechanisms of development of recipient’s hemostatic disorders, and the stage of the surgery