189 research outputs found
Purpose: The key provisions on which the tutor relies on the context of his work are the principles underlying open education: transparency; flexibility; continuity; variability; individual approach; individualization.
Methodology: The relevance of the study is associated with the processes characteristic of the school system in modern Russia (modernization, optimization, change in the structural foundations), as well as the objective need of society in the search for fundamentally new approaches to the content and construction of the educational process in the educational institution.
Result: Tutoring should be considered as a resource of individual evolution of personality, as a form of productive exploitation of open education opportunities for the development of individual educational programs, taking into account the specifics of a particular student. As pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model of tutor support of the formation of basic school students’ research skills should be considered: innovative educational environment; scientific and methodological provision of tutor support of the process of building basic school students’ research skills; professional skills of the tutor.
Applications: This research can be used for universities, teachers, and students.
Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Tutoring as a Form of Pedagogical Support of Students’ Individual Educational Trajectories is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner
Application of the wax moth (Galeria melonella) larvae extract for correction of the immune status of athletes during the recovery period
Objective: to study dynamics of parameters of system immunity of athletes during the recovery period against the background of the combined reception of antler bathtubs and extract of larvae of a wax moth. Materials and methods: dynamics of parameters of the immune system of 28 athletes (skiers) had been studied during the recovery period. The main group of athletes (14 people) received antler bathtubs in combination with intake of extract of larvae of a wax moth, and group of comparison - only antler bathtubs. Results: the analysis of the results of the survey showed that the combined reception of the extract of the larvae of the wax moth and antler baths by athletes has a pronounced effect on the dynamics of the studied parameters. The significant augmentation of initially lowered subpopulations of lymphocytes became perceptible (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+). There was an essential depression of concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines of TNF-a and IL-6 in blood serum and depression of spontaneous production of pro-inflammatory cytokines of TNF-a (p =0,010), IL-6 and IL lß by blood cells. Conclusions: the obtained data confirm the expressed immunomodulatory effect of extract of larvae of a wax moth in athletes during the recovery period
The BDNF Loop 4 Dipeptide Mimetic Bis(<em>N</em>-monosuccinyl-L-seryl-L-lysine)hexamethylenediamide Is Active in a Depression Model in Mice after Acute Oral Administration
Low-molecular mimetic BDNF GSB-106, which is a substituted dimeric dipeptide, bis(N-monosuccinyl-L-seryl-L-lysine) hexamethylenediamide, was designed and synthesized in the V. V. Zakusov Research Institute of Pharmacology. The dipeptide activates TrkB, PI3K/AKT, and MAPK/ ERK. GSB-106 is being developed as a potential antidepressant. Its antidepressant activity was detected in a number of rodent tests (0.1–1.0 mg/kg, ip; 0.5–5.0 mg/kg, po). In the present study, GSB-106 was shown to completely eliminate the manifestation of anhedonia in the sucrose preference test and to increase disturbed hippocampal synaptogenesis at acute oral administration (0.1 mg/kg) after 10-day social defeat stress in C57Bl/6 mice
Implementation of the program of measles elimination in the WHO African region
The review is devoted to the analysis of the available literature on the elimination of measles. The review focuses on the current measles epidemic situation in the African Region (AFR) and the implementation of the WHO strategic plan for the elimination of measles in AFR by 2020. Measles in the AFR is characterized by a severe course with a high risk of death due to malnutrition, vitamin A deficiency, concomitant bacterial and viral infections, and malaria. In 2015, 105,256 cases of measles were reported in the WHO African Region, most of them among children under 5 years old, 79% of whom were not vaccinated or had unknown vaccine status. Initially, the strategy for implementing the measles elimination program in AFRs was based on a combination of immunization campaigns for children under 14 years of age (coverage of more than 90%) and routine vaccination of at least 90% of children aged 9–15 months. It was recommended to repeat the campaign of mass immunization of children aged 9 months up to 4 years every 3–5 years. The use of this strategy has reduced the number of measles cases by 83–97% during the first year of additional immunization programs. The recommended age of routine measles vaccination in AFRs is 9 months — a strategy to reduce infant mortality, including that due to complications of measles. In 2016, measles vaccination was introduced into the national immunization schedule in all AFR countries, and 24 countries introduced revaccination. Currently, the measles elimination program in a number of AFR countries is based on two-dose immunization (MCV1 and MCV2). The measles prevention program in a number of AFR countries was disrupted due to the Ebola epidemic. There are some common problems in the realization of the program in AFR countries. All AFR countries are committed to the measles elimination program. The review provides information on strategies and successes in overcoming challenges to achieve the goals set for the WHO African Region in the implementation of the programme of measles elimination
Glyproline Pro-Ampakine with Neuroprotective Activity
Previously it was shown that neuropeptide cyclo-L-prolylglycine (CPG) is a positive modulator of AMPA receptors, which increases BDNF level in neuronal cell cultures. The spectrum of CPG’s pharmacological effects corresponds to that of BDNF. Dipeptide N-phenylacetyl-glycyl-L-proline ethyl ester (GZK-111) was designed and synthesized as a linear analog of CPG. The aim of the present work was to reveal the pharmacological profile of GZK-111. Dipeptide GZK-111 was shown to metabolize into CPG in vitro and increased cell survival by 28% at concentrations of 10-7–10-6 M in a Parkinson’s disease cell model. In a model of cerebral ischemia, GZK-111, at a dose of 0.5 mg/kg, i.p., was found to have neuroprotective effects, reducing the cerebral infarct volume by 1.6 times. Similar to CPG, GZK-111, at the range 0.1–1.0 mg/kg, i.p., possessed a stereospecific antiamnesic activity. A significant anxiolytic effect was observed at a dose of 1.5 mg/kg. GZK-111, at the range 0.5–4.0 mg/kg, i.p., demonstrated analgesic activity. GZK-111, at a dose of 10 mg/kg/7 days, i.p., possessed antidepressant-like activity. So, the neuroprotective, nootropic, antihypoxic, anxiolytic, antidepressant-like, and analgesic effects of GZK-111 were revealed. Thus, GZK-111 can be considered as a pharmacologically active pro-ampakine with a BDNF-ergic mechanism of action
Современные аспекты и итоги селекции перца сладкого в Западной Сибири
Relevance. In Siberia, sweet pepper is grown both in the open and in the protected ground. For a short Siberian summer, it is important to have varieties adapted to the local bioclimatic potential: early ripening, for obtaining valuable products in the middle of summer, and the possibility of conducting seed production. The priority direction is the creation of varieties that are resistant to abiotic and biotic environmental factors, with high yield, product quality, and high vitamin C content.Materials and methods. The research was carried out in film unheated greenhouses and in the open ground at the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station-a branch of the Federal Research Center for Vegetable Growing. The material for research was collected, selected samples, varieties of pepper.Results and discussion. Breeding work on the culture of sweet pepper at the West Siberian Vegetable Experimental Station was started in the late 60s of the last century, active work – in the early 90s. The conditions of the sharply continental climate, with its mild frost-free period, require the creation of varieties capable of obtaining a commercial pepper crop, despite the negative impact of biofactors. The use of precocious varieties gives a guaranteed harvest by avoiding early autumn frosts. Breeding for precocity is one of the main directions of Siberian breeding. Over the years of selection, models of future varieties were created, more than 20 varieties of sweet pepper of various varietal types were created. The varieties obtained at the station all belong to the early-maturing group, with a period from germination to the first fruit harvest-98-116 days, a height of 40-80 cm during the fruiting period, compact, suitable for growing without a garter to the trellis. As a result of a comprehensive assessment of the initial breeding material, donors of economically valuable traits were selected, the inclusion of which in the breeding process contributed to the creation of a number of precocious pepper varieties of various variety types. The created varieties have a high biological potential in terms of adaptability, productivity, and biochemical parameters. Suitable for growing in various production sectors.Актуальность. В Сибири перец сладкий выращивают как в открытом, так и в защищенном грунте. Для короткого сибирского лета важно иметь сорта, приспособленные к местному биоклиматическому потенциалу: скороспелые, для получения ценной продукции в середине лета, и возможности ведения семеноводства. Приоритетное направление – создание сортов устойчивых к абиотическим и биотическим факторам среды, с высокой урожайностью, качеством продукции, высоким содержанием витамина С.Материалы и методы. Исследования проводили в плёночных необогреваемых теплицах и в открытом грунте на Западно-Сибирской овощной опытной станции – филиале ФГБНУ Федерального научного центра овощеводства. Материалом для исследований служили коллекционные, селекционные образцы, сорта перца.Результаты и их обсуждение. Селекционная работа по культуре перца сладкого на Западно-Сибирской овощной опытной станции начата в конце 60-х годов прошлого столетия, активная работа – в начале 90-х годов. Условия резко континентального климата, с его кротким безморозным периодом требуют создания сортов, способных получать товарный урожай перца, не смотря на отрицательное воздействие биофакторов. Использование скороспелых сортов дает гарантированный урожай за счет ухода от ранних осенних заморозков. Селекция на скороспелость – одно из главных направлений сибирской селекции. За годы отбора были созданы модели будущих сортов, создано более 20 сортов перца сладкого различных сортотипов. Полученные на станции сорта относятся к раннеспелой группе, с периодом от всходов до первого сбора плодов – 98-116 суток, высотой 40-80 см в период плодоношения, компактные, пригодные для выращивания без подвязки к шпалере. В результате проведенной комплексной оценки исходного селекционного материала отобраны доноры хозяйственно ценных признаков, включение которых в селекционный процесс, способствовало созданию ряда скороспелых сортов перца различных сортотипов. Созданные сорта имеют высокий биологический потенциал по адаптивности, продуктивности, биохимическим показателям. Пригодны для выращивания в различных секторах производства
The review presents an analysis of experimental and clinical studies on the neuroprotective properties of erythropoietin. The suggestion about possible participation of deficiency of erythropoietin in the development of cerebral disorders in patients with chronic renal failure. The possibility of clinical use of drugs recombinant erythropoietin to protect the brain, presents the main currently known mechanisms for the implementation of its neuroprotective potential, not connected with the influence on erythropoiesis. Stressed the need for early преддиализного monitoring functions of the сentral nervous system in nephrological patients with the purpose of timely correction of the revealed violations. Identified promising therapeutic directions for the use of erythropoietin in patients with chronic renal failure, in particular, the feasibility of early administration of small doses of the drug to prevent brain damage
Objective: determination of the infl uence of hemerin on the features of the course of chronic glomerulonephritis.Materials and method: the study included 80 patients with chronic glomerulonephritis. Th e criterion for including patients in the study was the presence of indications for nephrobiopsy and the patient’s consent to perform it. All patients underwent general clinical examination with establishment of anamnesis of the disease, creatinine level, urea, calculation of GFR, determination of the general blood test, general urine analysis, daily proteinuria. Venous blood sampling was used to determine the level of hemerin. Twelve months aft er the patients were admitted to the study and treated according to standard therapy, several indicators were re-recorded.Results: positive correlation associations of hemerin and sedimentation rate of erythrocytes, total cholesterol and negative - with the level of protein in the blood have been established. It was shown that significantly more significant improvement in the clinical manifestations of renal remodeling was observed in patients with a high level of hemerin (≥ 297 pg / ml) 12 months aft er treatment in comparison with the group of patients with lower values of Hemerin (<297 pg / ml) - the hyperhydration Syndrome, the proteinuria of a single and daily portion, total cholesterol, fibrinogen decreased to a greater extent.Conclusion: based on the presented results of statistical analysis, it is possible to judge the severity of clinical manifestations associated in patients with elevated values of hemerin. However, aft er the standard therapy of chronic glomerulonephritis, these patients have better dynamics in stabilizing clinical parameters. It is possible to assume some protective function of hemerin in patients with glomerulonephritis
Comorbid disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Изучены частота и структура коморбидной патологии у 102 больных ревматоидным артритом (РА). Показано, что у 95,1 % пациентов имелось сочетание РА с другими заболеваниями. В структуре коморбидных состояний преобладала сердечно-сосудистая (54,8 %), а также эндокринная патология (19,6 %) и хронические вирусные гепатиты (11 %). Среди сердечно-сосудистой патологии первое место занимала гипертоническая болезнь (42,1 %).Comorbidity in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is one of the most urgent problems of modern
rheumatology. For example, 58% of patients with RA have at least one concomitant disease, and
25% — more comorbidities.To study the frequency and structure of comorbid disease in patients with RA.
We examined 102 patients with RA at the age of 28 to 82 years (mean age — (53.6±1.26) years), of whom women — 88 (86.3%) people, males — 14 (13.7%) people.In 95.1% of patients there were revealed RA combination with other diseases. Cardiovascular pathology was diagnosed in 54.8% of patients and is the first among comorbid diseases. In the structure of comorbid conditions hypertension prevailed (42.1% of patients). Pathology of the thyroid gland took the second place in the structure of comorbidity in RA and was diagnosed in 19.6% of
patients, most of whom were middle-aged women — 31.8%. Chronic viral hepatitis was diagnosed in
11%, including 10% — chronic viral hepatitis C, 1% — chronic viral hepatitis B
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