385 research outputs found


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    The article deals with topical issues of the effectiveness of self-regulatory organizations of arbitration managers (SRO AU) and the arbitration managers playing a key role in the bankruptcy law and financial restructuring of Russian enterprises. Despite the increasing demands imposed on the arbitration managers, professionalism and quality of their work remains low, the number of administrative offenses is not reduced. The article discusses various approaches to build-rated activities of CPO AU and the corresponding figures for the implementation of the evaluation

    The importance of the smoking factor in personalized complex pharmacotherapy of ischemic heart disease with the use of metabolic correctors

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    The work is devoted to the study of the significance of the smoking factor in the realization of potentially positive cardiocytoprotective properties of metabolic correctors in the complex therapy of ischemic heart disease (IHD). A randomized study of 160 patients with stable angina pectoris was performed, 60 of them were smoking and 100 of them were non-smokin


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    Purpose: the main purpose of this article is to explore the possibility of applying management analysis as a mechanism for anti-crisis management and expanding tools for implementing crisis management in making effective management decisions. To achieve this goal, the following problems are solved in the article: determination of the place and content of management analysis in the system of economic analysis; identification of distinctive features, shortcomings and advantages in the conduct of financial and management analysis; generalization of features of application of methods of the administrative analysis; proposal and assessment of the place and functions of management analysis in the activities of the controlling service within the framework of crisis management in an economic entity.Methods: this article is based on an interdisciplinary approach to the organization of crisis management in relation to the specifics of management accounting and analysis.Results: currently, in the period of the constant appearance of external and internal factors of the crisis, the most important direction of stabilizing the financial situation of business structures is the development and effective use of anti-crisis management. This allows us to protect the vital interests of economic entities, the key element of which is stable activity and economic sustainable development. Ensuring the economic development of economic entities begins with the proper organization of crisis management and the effective use of its tools. One of the tools in conducting anti-crisis management is a financial analysis that has certain characteristics and disadvantages. The use of management analysis along with financial analysis will allow us to assess and prevent the emerging crisis phenomena in advance, stabilize the financial situation, identify factors and reserves for the anti-crisis development and subsequent economic sustainable development of economic entities. Conclusions and Relevance: the materials outlined in the article show the special role and importance of management analysis in the development of anti-crisis management in an economic entity, stabilization of its financial position and enhancement of its efficiency. To manage economic activity, management must investigate and monitor changes that occur not only in the external, but also in the internal environment of the organization. The possibility of using managerial analysis for managing economic activity, studying the results of financial and economic activities and controlling their changes, identifying negative internal factors, determining the advantages and disadvantages in order to ensure the adoption of sound and effective management decisions is analyzed.Цель: Основная цель данной статьи состоит в исследовании возможности применения управленческого анализа как механизма антикризисного управления и расширения инструментов реализации антикризисного управления при принятии эффективных управленческих решений. Для достижения этой цели в статье решаются следующие задачи: определено место и содержание управленческого анализа в системе экономического анализа; определены отличительные особенности, недостатки и преимущества при проведении финансового и управленческого анализа; обобщены особенности применения методов управленческого анализа; предложены и оценены место и функции управленческого анализа в деятельности службы контроллинга в рамках антикризисного управления в хозяйствующем субъекте.Методология проведения работы: Данная статья основана на междисциплинарном подходе к организации антикризисного управления, применительно к специфике управленческого учета и анализа.Результаты работы: В настоящее время, в период постоянного появления внешних и внутренних факторов кризиса, важнейшим направлением стабилизации финансового положения предпринимательских структур является развитие и эффективное применение инструментов антикризисного управления. Это позволяет защищать жизненно важные интересы хозяйствующих субъектов, ключевым элементом которых является стабильная деятельность и устойчивое экономическое развитие. Обеспечение экономического развития хозяйствующих субъектов начинается с правильной организации антикризисного управления и эффективного использования его инструментов. Одним из инструментов антикризисного управления является финансовый анализ, имеющий определенные особенности и недостатки. Использование управленческого анализа, наряду с финансовым, позволит заранее оценить и предупредить возникающие кризисные явления, стабилизировать финансовое положение, выявить факторы и резервы для антикризисного развития и последующего устойчивого экономического развития хозяйствующих субъектов. Выводы: Материалы, изложенные в статье, показывают особую роль и важное значение управленческого анализа в развитии антикризисного управления в хозяйствующем субъекте, стабилизации финансового положения и повышении эффективности деятельности организации. Для управления экономической деятельностью, менеджмент должен исследовать и контролировать изменения, происходящие не только во внешней, но и во внутренней среде организации. Изучена возможность использования управленческого анализа для управления экономической деятельностью, исследования результатов финансово-хозяйственной деятельности и контроля их изменения, идентификации негативных внутренних факторов, определения преимуществ и недостатков в целях обеспечения принятия обоснованных и эффективных управленческих решений


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    Choosing the procedure to be followed in a bankruptcy (insolvency) case and analysis of the debtor’s financial condition is one of most important arbitration process stages. It is proposed that the choice of the bankruptcy procedure be made on the basis of comparison between the totalamount of debts according to the creditors’ claims and the income both earned before the bankruptcy proceedings and accumulated in the course of it. Example of calculation of debt amount to be matured resulting from the bankruptcy case procedure is brought about with dueaccount of recent changes in the bankruptcy legislation.Выбор процедуры, применяемой в деле о банкротстве (несостоятельности), в том числе анализ финансового состояния должника, является одним из важнейших этапов арбитражного процесса. Для выбора процедуры банкротства предлагается сравнивать полную сумму долга по требованиям кредиторов с доходами, полученными до процедуры банкротства и накопленными в ходе этой процедуры. Приведен пример расчета суммы долга, подлежащего погашению в результате проведения процедуры банкротства, с учетом последних изменений в российском законодательстве о банкротстве


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    If a borrower who is in the state of insolvency performs his obligations under loan agreements, cases of challenging the debtor’s transactions may arise. It is expedient to use in Russia international experience of informal financial recovery for pre-trial financial rehabilitation of debtors. The rehabilitation includes three steps: continuous monitoring of the borrowers’ financial state by regional councils of directors and the court (or only by creditors); development and signing of rehabilitation plan and peaceful agreement; control over performance of the agreement by thedebtor. Anti-crisis management expert’s services may be helpful.При исполнении заемщиком своих обязательств по кредитным договорам в период его неплатежеспособности возникают случаи, которые могут привести к оспариванию сделок должника. В целях досудебного финансового оздоровления должников, в России целесообразно использовать зарубежный опыт неформального оздоровления. Такое оздоровление ведётся в три основных этапа: постоянный мониторинг региональными советами директоров и судом (или только кредиторами) финансового состояния заемщиков; разработка плана реструктуризации и подписание мирового соглашения; контроль выполнения должником этого соглашения. Может быть полезно привлечение специалиста по антикризисному управлению


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    Purpose: the main purpose of the article is to investigate modern problems of the institution of bankruptcy and the impact of its results on the system of economic security of the state, to develop recommendations for improving the institution of bankruptcy and the concept of subsidiary liability. To achieve the goal, the following problems are solved in the article: the definition of theoretical and practical aspects, the generalization of processes for the formation and development of the concept of subsidiary liability of an unscrupulous controlling the debtor’s persons; the analysis of practical problems of realization of the concept of subsidiary responsibility of an unscrupulous controlling the debtor’s persons; a study of the Russian and foreign practice of implementing the institution of bankruptcy and subsidiary liability unscrupulous controlling the debtor’s persons; the formation of proposals on the development of the concept of subsidiary liability of an unscrupulous debtor controlling the debtor as a tool to increase the eficiency of the institution of bankruptcy and ensure economic security.Methods: methods the article is based on a systematic approach to the definition and formation of the concept of subsidiary responsibility, theoretical, economic and functional analysis of the complex interaction of the main participants of the institution of bankruptcy and the impact of their activities on the economic security of the country.Results: the increase in the number of illegal actions in bankruptcy cases led to the need in the last decade to strengthen the economic (subsidiary) responsibility of the debtor controlling the debtor. The author summarizes the theoretical and practical aspects of regulating the subsidiary responsibility of an unscrupulous controlling debtor for improper actions in the bankruptcy of the debtor in the concept of subsidiary liability. The study showed that the formed concept of subsidiary liability and the new rules adopted in 2017 for the subsidiary liability of the debtor controlling persons significantly increased the risk of bringing to account those who use the scheme to terminate the company without going through a formal bankruptcy procedure. However, the effectiveness of these measures remains insuficient, there are gaps in the implementation of the concept. In the work on the basis of practical experience of the application of the concept of subsidiary responsibility in Russia and foreign experience, proposals have been made to improve the concept, their implementation along with other proposals for the modernization of the institution of bankruptcy will increase the eficiency of the institution of bankruptcy and prevent emerging crisis phenomena in the economy, stabilize the financial situation of business entities and ensure the economic security of the country.Conclusions and relevance: the conducted research shows the importance of the concept of subsidiary liability in ensuring the effectiveness of the institution of bankruptcy and economic security of the country. The conducted analysis of foreign practice confirms the need to regulate the institution of bankruptcy of economic and legal responsibility of the controlling debtor for bringing the debtor to bankruptcy and wrongful actions in bankruptcy. The proposed directions for improving the concept of subsidiary liability provide an opportunity for its development, in terms of increasing the responsibility of persons involved in the bankruptcy case, for improper acts in bankruptcy


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    Anti-crisis financial stabilization mechanisms are mainly based on the method of analyzing the financial condition of the organization, enabling it to assess the financial activities only in the dynamics of the past and what was then that led to the insolvent status and do not predict the financial status of the organization in the future. In modern conditions it is necessary to form a model of financial analysis aimed at the development of a dynamic analysis of the financial condition of the organization’s past, present and future.In this paper we consider a model of analysis of financial development organization aimed at adequate prediction of the state, taking into account the possibilities and limitations of the legislation on insolvency (bankruptcy), including a system of indicators to provide the financial condition of the debtor in the post-crisis development.Антикризисные механизмы финансовой стабилизации в основном основаны на методике анализа финансового состояния организации, позволяющей оценивать ее финансовую деятельность только в динамике прошлых лет и тогдашней деятельности, которая привела к неплатежеспособному состоянию, и не прогнозируют финансовое состояние организации в будущем. В современных условиях необходимо формирование модели анализа финансового развития, направленной на динамический анализ финансового состояния организации в прошлом, настоящем и будущем.В работе рассмотрена модель анализа финансового развития организации, направленная на адекватное прогнозирование ее состояния с учетом возможностей и ограничений законодательства о несостоятельности (банкротстве), включающая систему показателей, позволяющих представить финансовое состояние должника в посткризисном развитии


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    This paper analyzes the practical aspects of the formation of the federal standards, internal standards and rules of self-regulating organizations of arbitration managers and arbitration managers. Identifi cation of unsolved problems concerning maintenance decision-making mechanisms in bankruptcy proceedings requiring refl ection in federal standards is carried, and appropriate proposals for inclusion in the federal standards are considered.В статье анализируются практические аспекты формирования федеральных стандартов, внутренних стандартов и правил деятельности саморегулируемых организаций арбитражных управляющих и арбитражных управляющих. Проводится выявление нерешенных проблем по вопросам обеспечения механизмов принятия решений в процедурах банкротства, требующих отражения в федеральных стандартах, и рассматриваются соответствующие предложения для включения в федеральные стандарты

    Dynamic avalanche breakdown of a p-n junction: deterministic triggering of a plane streamer front

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    We discuss the dynamic impact ionization breakdown of high voltage p-n junction which occurs when the electric field is increased above the threshold of avalanche impact ionization on a time scale smaller than the inverse thermogeneration rate. The avalanche-to-streamer transition characterized by generation of dense electron-hole plasma capable to screen the applied external electric field occurs in such regimes. We argue that the experimentally observed deterministic triggering of the plane streamer front at the electric field strength above the threshold of avalanche impact ionization but yet below the threshold of band-to-band tunneling is generally caused by field-enhanced ionization of deep-level centers. We suggest that the process-induced sulfur centers and native defects such as EL2, HB2, HB5 centers initiate the front in Si and GaAs structures, respectively. In deep-level free structures the plane streamer front is triggered by Zener band-to-band tunneling.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Coherent radiation of an ultra-relativistic charged particle channeled in a periodically bent crystal

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    We suggest a new type of the undulator radiation which is generated by an ultra-relativistic particle channeled along a periodically bent crystallographic plane or axis. The electromagnetic radiation arises mainly due to the bending of the particle's trajectory, which follows the shape of the channel. The parameters of this undulator, which totally define the spectrum and the angular distribution of the radiation (both spontaneous and stimulated), depend on the type of the crystal and the crystallographic plane (axis), on the type of a projectile and its energy, and on the shape of the bent channel, and, thus, can be varied significantly by varying these characteristics. As an example, we consider the acoustically induced radiation (AIR) which is generated by ultra-relativistic particles channeled in a crystal which is bent by a transverse acoustic wave. The AIR mechanism allows to make the undulator with the main parameters varying in wide ranges, which are inaccessible in the undulators based on the motion of particles in the periodic magnetic fields and also in the field of the laser radiation. The intensity of AIR can be easily made larger than the intensity of the radiation in a linear crystal and can be varied in a wide range by varying the frequency and the amplitude of the acoustic wave in the crystal. A possibility to generate stimulated emission of high-energy photons (in keV - MeV region) is also discussed.Comment: published in J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 24 (1998) L45-L53, http://www.iop.or