82 research outputs found

    Project Activity as the Requirement of Systems Development in the Current Context

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    In work project activity from the point of view of the theory of systems is analyzed, project assessment questions are considered, such characteristics of system as a metaphor “an elastic web”, types of complexity, an emergence and synergism, which are peculiar to teams are sorted, the phenomenon of resistance and mastering it taking into account system factors is analyzed


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    Adaptive capacity of perennial plants to low temperatures and its role in the formation of high-quality crops with minimal losses during storage has been studied. According to the changes occurring in plants at low temperatures the possibility of effective forecasting of plant products to cold storage has been found.Рассмотрена адаптационная способность многолетних растений к низким температурам и ее роль в формировании высококачественного урожая, с минимальными потерями при его хранении. По изменениям, происходящим в растениях при пониженных температурах, установлена возможность эффективного прогнозирования растительной продукции к холодильному хранению


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    The influence of the state of water in plant tissue on the physico- chemical properties of plant products and processes occurring in it was studied. It is shown that the ratio of free and bound water fractions in the tissue influences the mass loss of plant products during storage. The ratio between free and bound water in the plant tissue depends on the activity of physiological processes in it, which determines the intensity of the loss of nutrients.Рассмотрено влияние состояния воды, находящейся в растительной ткани, на физико-химические свойства растительной продукции и на процессы, происходящие в ней. Показано, что соотношение свободной и связанной фракций воды в ткани оказывают влияние на потери массы растительной продукции во время хранения. От соотношения свободной и связанной воды в растительной ткани зависит также активность физиологических процессов в ней, которая определяет интенсивность потерь питательных веществ

    Novel Bradykinin-Potentiating Peptides and Three-Finger Toxins from Viper Venom: Combined NGS Venom Gland Transcriptomics and Quantitative Venom Proteomics of the Azemiops feae Viper

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    Feae’s viper Azemipos feae belongs to the Azemiopinae subfamily of the Viperidae family. The effects of Viperidae venoms are mostly coagulopathic with limited neurotoxicity manifested by phospholipases A2. From A. feae venom, we have earlier isolated azemiopsin, a novel neurotoxin inhibiting the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. To characterize other A. feae toxins, we applied label-free quantitative proteomics, which revealed 120 unique proteins, the most abundant being serine proteinases and phospholipases A2. In total, toxins representing 14 families were identified, among which bradykinin-potentiating peptides with unique amino acid sequences possessed biological activity in vivo. The proteomic analysis revealed also basal (commonly known as non-conventional) three-finger toxins belonging to the group of those possessing neurotoxic activity. This is the first indication of the presence of three-finger neurotoxins in viper venom. In parallel, the transcriptomic analysis of venom gland performed by Illumina next-generation sequencing further revealed 206 putative venom transcripts. Together, the study unveiled the venom proteome and venom gland transciptome of A. feae, which in general resemble those of other snakes from the Viperidae family. However, new toxins not found earlier in viper venom and including three-finger toxins and unusual bradykinin-potentiating peptides were discovered


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    The anthocyan pigments content such biologically active components as vitamins, glycosides, organic acids, aromatic substances, microelements, etc. The anthocyan pigment harvested from cranberry fruits by dehy' drofreezing was studied. The features and changing during storage of cranberry fruits are shown.В настоящее время антоциановые пигменты находят все более широкое применение. Это связано с тем, что антоциановые пигменты, получаемые из растительного сырья, вместе с красящим веществом содержат в своем составе и другие ценные, биологически активные компоненты. Это витамины, гликозиды, органические кислоты, ароматические вещества, микроэлементы и др., использование которых позволяет не только улучшить внешний вид, придать привлекательный, естественных цвет, но и повысить биологическую ценность пищевых изделий, в состав которых входят такие пигменты. В статье рассматривается антоциановый пигмент, полученный из ягод клюквы методом сублимационнной сушки. Исследованы его свойства и изменения, происходящие в процессе хранения

    ффект зарядовой связи в полевом элементе Холла на основе тонкопленочного КНИ МОП транзистора

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    The influence of the coupling effect on the parameters of field Hall elements based on thin-film MOS transistors has been studied. Analysis of the development of today’s microelectronics shows the necessity of developing the element base for high performance sensors based on silicon technologies. One way to significantly improve the performance of sensing elements including magnetic field sensors is the use of thin-film transistors on the basis of silicon on insulator (SOI) structures. It has been shown that field Hall sensors (FHS) may become the basis of high-performance magnetic field sensors employing the coupling effect occurring in the double gate vertical topology of these sensing elements. Electrophysical studies of FHS have been conducted for different gate bias and power supply modes. The results show that the coupling effect between the gates occurs in FHS if the thickness of the working layer between the gates is 200 nm. This effect leads to an increase in the effective carrier mobility and hence an increase in the magnetic sensitivity of the material. Thus field Hall elements based on thin-film transistors fabricated using silicon technologies provide for a substantial increase in the magnetic sensitivity of the elements and allow their application in highly reliable magnetic field sensors.Работа посвящена изучению влияния эффекта зарядовой связи на характеристики полевого элемента Холла, изготовленного на основе тонкопленочного МОП транзистора. Анализ развития современной микроэлектроники показал необходимость развития элементной базы датчиков внешних воздействий на основе кремниевой технологии с повышенной функциональностью. Одним из способов значительного улучшения характеристик чувствительных элементов различных воздействий, в том числе и магнитного поля, является создание тонкопленочных транзисторов на основе структуры «кремний на изоляторе» (КНИ). Показано, что полевой датчик Холла (ПДХ) может стать основой высокочувствительных датчиков магнитного поля, использующих эффект зарядовой связи, возникающей в двухзатворной вертикальной топологии такого элемента. Проведены электрофизические исследования ПДХ при различных режимах включения затворов и питания. Полученные результаты показывают, что эффект зарядовой связи между затворами наблюдается в ПДХ при толщине рабочего слоя между ними равным 200 нм. Этот эффект приводит к росту эффективной подвижности носителей, и следовательно к росту магнитной чувствительности. Таким образом, полевые элементы Холла на основе тонкопленочных транзисторов, изготовленных по кремниевой технологии, позволяют значительно повысить магнитную чувствительность и использовать их в датчиках магнитного поля повышенной надежности.

    Development of a recombinant immunotoxin for the immunotherapy of autoreactive lymphocytes expressing MOG-specific BCRs

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.Objective: Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is one of the major autoantigens in multiple sclerosis (MS), therefore selective depletion of autoreactive lymphocytes exposing MOG-specific B cell receptors (BCRs) would be beneficial in terms of MS treatment. Results: Using E. coli we generated an efficient protocol for the purification of the recombinant immunotoxin DT-MOG composed of the extracellular Ig-like domain of MOG fused in frame with the catalytic and translocation subunits of diphtheria toxin (DT, Corynebacterium diphtheriae) under native conditions with a final yield of 1.5 mg per liter of culture medium. Recombinant DT-MOG was recognized in vitro by MOG-reactive antibodies and has catalytic activity comparable with wild-type DT. Conclusion: Enhanced pharmacokinetics (mean residence time in the bloodstream of 61 min) and minimized diminished nonspecific toxicity (LD50 = 1.76 mg/kg) of the DT-MOG makes it a potential candidate for the immunotherapy of MS

    Development of a recombinant immunotoxin for the immunotherapy of autoreactive lymphocytes expressing MOG-specific BCRs

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    © 2016 Springer Science+Business Media DordrechtObjective: Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is one of the major autoantigens in multiple sclerosis (MS), therefore selective depletion of autoreactive lymphocytes exposing MOG-specific B cell receptors (BCRs) would be beneficial in terms of MS treatment. Results: Using E. coli we generated an efficient protocol for the purification of the recombinant immunotoxin DT-MOG composed of the extracellular Ig-like domain of MOG fused in frame with the catalytic and translocation subunits of diphtheria toxin (DT, Corynebacterium diphtheriae) under native conditions with a final yield of 1.5 mg per liter of culture medium. Recombinant DT-MOG was recognized in vitro by MOG-reactive antibodies and has catalytic activity comparable with wild-type DT. Conclusion: Enhanced pharmacokinetics (mean residence time in the bloodstream of 61 min) and minimized diminished nonspecific toxicity (LD50 = 1.76 mg/kg) of the DT-MOG makes it a potential candidate for the immunotherapy of MS

    Development of a recombinant immunotoxin for the immunotherapy of autoreactive lymphocytes expressing MOG-specific BCRs

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    OBJECTIVE: Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is one of the major autoantigens in multiple sclerosis (MS), therefore selective depletion of autoreactive lymphocytes exposing MOG-specific B cell receptors (BCRs) would be beneficial in terms of MS treatment.RESULTS: Using E. coli we generated an efficient protocol for the purification of the recombinant immunotoxin DT-MOG composed of the extracellular Ig-like domain of MOG fused in frame with the catalytic and translocation subunits of diphtheria toxin (DT, Corynebacterium diphtheriae) under native conditions with a final yield of 1.5 mg per liter of culture medium. Recombinant DT-MOG was recognized in vitro by MOG-reactive antibodies and has catalytic activity comparable with wild-type DT.CONCLUSION: Enhanced pharmacokinetics (mean residence time in the bloodstream of 61 min) and minimized diminished nonspecific toxicity (LD50 = 1.76 mg/kg) of the DT-MOG makes it a potential candidate for the immunotherapy of MS