358 research outputs found

    Motion of vortices in ferromagnetic spin-1 BEC

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    The paper investigates dynamics of nonsingular vortices in a ferromagnetic spin-1 BEC, where spin and mass superfluidity coexist in the presence of uniaxial anisotropy (linear and quadratic Zeeman effect). The analysis is based on hydrodynamics following from the Gross-Pitaevskii theory. Cores of nonsingular vortices are skyrmions with charge, which is tuned by uniaxial anisotropy and can have any fractal value between 0 and 1. There are circulations of mass and spin currents around these vortices. The results are compared with the equation of vortex motion derived earlier in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert theory for magnetic vortices in easy-plane ferromagnetic insulators. In the both cases the transverse gyrotropic force (analog of the Magnus force in superfluid and classical hydrodynamics) is proportional to the charge of skyrmions in vortex cores.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, to be published in the special issue of Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur dedicated to A.M.Kosevich. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1801.0109

    Excitation of Spin Waves in Superconducting Ferromagnets

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    This Letter presents a theoretical analysis of propagation of spin waves in a superconducting ferromagnet. The surface impedance was calculated for the case when the magnetization is normal to the sample surface. We found the frequencies at which the impedance and the power absorption have singularities related to the spin wave propagation, and determined the form of these singularities. With a suitable choice of parameters, there is a frequency interval in which two propagating spin waves of the same circular polarization are generated, one of them having a negative group velocity.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    Magnetic Force Exerted by the Aharonov-Bohm Line

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    The problem of the scattering of a charge by the Aharonov-Bohm (AB) flux line is reconsidered in terms of finite width beams. It is shown that despite the left-right symmetry in the AB scattering cross-section, the charge is scattered asymmetrically. The asymmetry (i.e. magnetic force) originates from almost forward scattering within the angular size of the incident wave. In the paraxial approximation, the real space solution to the scattering problem of a beam is found as well as the scattering S-matrix. The Boltzmann kinetics and the Landau quantization in a random AB array are considered.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX. Discussions of paraxial approximation to the Aharonov-Bohm solution (Cornu spiral) and S-matrix, are extended. References are adde

    The internal magnetic field in superconducting ferromagnets

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    We have measured the nonlinear response to the ac magnetic field in the superconducting weak ferromagnet Ru-1222, at different regimes of sample cooling which provides unambiguous evidence of the interplay of the domain structure and the vorticity in the superconducting state. This is {\em direct} proof of coexistence of ferromagnetic and superconductive order parameters in high-TcT_c ruthenocuprates.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Alignment transition in a nematic liquid crystal due to field-induced breaking of anchoring

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    We report on the alignment transition of a nematic liquid crystal from initially homeotropic to quasi-planar due to field-induced anchoring breaking. The initial homeotropic alignment is achieved by Langmuir-Blodgett monolayers. In this geometry the anchoring strength can be evaluated by the Frederiks transition technique. Applying an electric field above a certain threshold provokes turbulent states denoted DSM1 and DSM2. While DSM1 does not affect the anchoring, DSM2 breaks the coupling between the surface and the liquid crystal: switching off the field from a DSM2 state does not immediately restore the homeotropic alignment. Instead, we obtain a quasi-planar metastable alignment. The cell thickness dependence for the transition is related to theComment: 7 pages, LaTeX2e article, 4 figures, 7 EPS files, added references, accepted for publication in Europhysics Letter

    Current density inhomogeneity throughout the thickness of superconducting films and its effect on their irreversible magnetic properties

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    We calculate the distribution of the current density jj in superconducting films along the direction of an external field applied perpendicular to the film plane. Our analysis reveals that in the presence of bulk pinning jj is inhomogeneous on a length scale of order the inter vortex distance. This inhomogeneity is significantly enhanced in the presence of surface pinning. We introduce new critical state model, which takes into account the current density variations throughout the film thickness, and show how these variations give rise to the experimentally observed thickness dependence of % j and magnetic relaxation rate.Comment: RevTex, 9 PS figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Vortex lines or sheets - what is formed in dynamic drives?

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    In isotropic macroscopic quantum systems vortex lines can be formed while in anisotropic systems also vortex sheets are possible. Based on measurements of superfluid 3He-A, we present the principles which select between these two competing forms of quantized vorticity: sheets displace lines if the frequency of the external field exceeds a critical limit. The resulting topologically stable state consists of multiple vortex sheets and has much faster dynamics than the state with vortex lines.Comment: RevTex, 5 pages, sumbitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Novel A-B type oscillations in a 2-D electron gas in inhomogenous magnetic fields

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    We present results from a quantum and semiclassical theoretical study of the ρxy\rho_{xy} and ρxx\rho_{xx} resistivities of a high mobility 2-D electron gas in the presence of a dilute random distribution of tubes with magnetic flux Φ\Phi and radius RR, for arbitrary values of kfRk_f R and F=eΦ/hF=e\Phi/h. We report on novel Aharonov-Bohm type oscillations in ρxy\rho_{xy} and ρxx\rho_{xx}, related to degenerate quantum flux tube resonances, that satisfy the selection rule (kfR)2=4F(n+12){(k_fR)}^2=4F(n+{1\over 2}), with nn an integer. We discuss possible experimental conditions where these oscillations may be observed.Comment: 11 pages REVTE

    Hydrodynamic Instability of the Flux-antiflux Interface in Type-II Superconductors

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    The macroturbulence instability observed in fluxline systems during remagnetization of superconductors is explained. It is shown that when a region with flux is invaded by antiflux the interface can become unstable if there is a relative tangential flux motion. This condition occurs at the interface when the viscosity is anisotropic, e.g., due to flux guiding by twin boundaries in crystals. The phenomenon is similar to the instability of the tangential discontinuity in classical hydrodynamics. The obtained results are supported by magneto-optical observations of flux distribution on the surface of a YBCO single crystal with twins.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Rotation-induced 3D vorticity in 4He superfluid films adsorbed on a porous glass

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    Detailed study of torsional oscillator experiments under steady rotation up to 6.28 rad/sec is reported for a 4He superfluid monolayer film formed in 1 micrometer-pore diameter porous glass. We found a new dissipation peak with the height being in proportion to the rotation speed, which is located to the lower temperature than the vortex pair unbinding peak observed in the static state. We propose that 3D coreless vortices ("pore vortices") appear under rotation to explain this new peak. That is, the new peak originates from dissipation close to the pore vortex lines, where large superfluid velocity shifts the vortex pair unbinding dissipation to lower temperature. This explanation is confirmed by observation of nonlinear effects at high oscillation amplitudes.Comment: 4pages, 5figure