19 research outputs found

    Initial stage of formation of spontaneous invasive populations of garden lupine (lupinus polyphyllus lindl.) at the northern limit of its secondary distribution range in the veps forest nature park

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    A weed plant of the species Lupinus polyphyllus was found in settlements located on the territory of the natural park «Vepssky forest» of the Leningrad regio

    Лечение клинически локализованного рака предстательной железы

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    Purpose of our study is to carry out: comparative analysis of results of radical prostatectomy and conformal radiotherapy in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer.Materials and methods. For retrospective analysis we chose data from 177 patients with stage сT1—2N0M0 prostate cancer treated in the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences from 1997 to 2007. Median age of patients was 61,3 years and ranged from 38 to 76 years. Before treatment median level of serum prostate specific antigen was 15,5±15,1 ng/ml and median Gleason index — 2,6±0,7 + 3,2±0,6 = 5,7±1,1. Retropubic radical prostatectomy was performed in 133 (75,4%) patients and external conformal radiotherapy — in 44 (24,6%) patients. Study groups were matched according to main parameters. Median follow-up time was 26,2±30,2 months.Results. Prostate gland capsule invasion was found in у 43 (32,3%), perineural growth — in 56 (31,3%), invasion of seminal vesicles — in 12 (6,8%), angiolymphatic invasion — in 53 (29,9%), positive surgical margins — in 9 (5,1%), pN+ — in 7 (4,0%) from 133 operated patients. In all 44 cases compete responses to radiotherapy were registered. Among 177 patients 5-year survival was 95,0%, specific survival — 100%, and survival without PSA relapse — 76,8%. According to monofactorial and multifactorial analyses favorable prognostic factors for survival without PSA relapse are radical prostatectomy (р=0,003 and р=0,019 respectively) and Gleason index <7 (p=0,012 and p=0,045 respectively). Advantage of operated patients over the patients treated with radiotherapy in regard to survival without PSA relapse rates is statistically significant in cases with Gleason indices <7 (р=0,013) and initial level of serum prostate specific antigen <10 ng/ml (р=0,005).Conclusion. Both surgical treatment and radiotherapy allows reaching favorable results in patients with stage cT1—2N0M0 prostate cancer. It is obvious that when choosing the preferred treatment modality the Gleason index and level of prostate specific antigen should be taken into account. Probably, repeat analysis after longer follow up time will allow drawing more definite conclusions about advantages of surgery and radiotherapy in the treatment of patients with stage cT1—2N0M0 prostate cancer of different prognostic groups.


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    The efficacy of Zometa has been evaluated in the treatment of patients with disseminated prostate cancer. The use of Zometa as an inhibitor of bone resorption in the presence moderate changes in the activity of bone resorptive processes has shown the highest survival rates.Проведена оценка эффективности препарата Зомета при лечении больных диссеминированным раком предстательной железы. Показано, что применение Зометы в качестве ингибитора костной резорбции на фоне умеренных изменений активности резорбтивных процессов в кости сопровождается наибольшей выживаемостью пациентов

    Зомета в терапии рака предстательной железы с метастатическим поражением костей на фоне андрогенной депривации (результаты Российского многоцентрового исследования)

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    Introduction: Hormonal therapy is the method of choice in treating disseminated prostate cancer. Chronic androgenic suppression causes a reduction in bone mineral density. The most common complications of bone metastases are pathological fractures, spinal cord compression, pain, etc.Methods: A multicenter study (11 clinics of Russia) assessing the efficacy of Zometa in preventing skeletal complications of bone metastases was conducted in 2004—2005. Zometa was administered intravenously at a dose of 4 mg every 3Р4 weeks with androgenic deprivation. Its objective effect was evaluated in 70 patients. Changes in bone mineral density were evaluated by densitometry.Results: Complete pain relief was achieved in 73% of the patients; after therapy 86% of the patients had 0—1 WHO activity status score, 97% of the patients had no bone complications. The level of bone resorption marker β-Cross-Laps decreased to the normal values in 51% of the patients.Conclusion: The study has provided an evidence of the efficacy of Zometa and the necessity of using this drug in complex therapy for bone metastases of prostate cancer.Introduction: Hormonal therapy is the method of choice in treating disseminated prostate cancer. Chronic androgenic suppression causes a reduction in bone mineral density. The most common complications of bone metastases are pathological fractures, spinal cord compression, pain, etc.Methods: A multicenter study (11 clinics of Russia) assessing the efficacy of Zometa in preventing skeletal complications of bone metastases was conducted in 2004—2005. Zometa was administered intravenously at a dose of 4 mg every 3Р4 weeks with androgenic deprivation. Its objective effect was evaluated in 70 patients. Changes in bone mineral density were evaluated by densitometry.Results: Complete pain relief was achieved in 73% of the patients; after therapy 86% of the patients had 0—1 WHO activity status score, 97% of the patients had no bone complications. The level of bone resorption marker β-Cross-Laps decreased to the normal values in 51% of the patients.Conclusion: The study has provided an evidence of the efficacy of Zometa and the necessity of using this drug in complex therapy for bone metastases of prostate cancer

    Intra- and interspecific variability of <i>Mentha arvensis</i> L. and <i>M. Canadensis</i> L.

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    The identification of plants of the genus Mentha is often difficult due to significant intraspecific polymorphism, intense interspecific hybridization, and ploidy changes. An attempt was made to apply an integrated approach to the study of different parameters of two species: Mentha arvensis L. and M. canadensis L. Eight geographically dispersed populations of Mentha in different regions (European Russia, Khakassia and Far East, Western Ukraine, and Indochina) were studied. Diagnostic morphological characters and compositions of essential oil components were examined, and DNA was analyzed with ISSR markers. The data obtained were statistically processed by cluster, principal component, and principal coordinate analyses. The European and Asian groups of samples were clearly distinguished by the analysis of quantitative parameters of the calyx and leaves, but different methods of data processing produced different results in determining the belonging of the Far Eastern plants to a particular group. Therefore, their taxonomic positions can hardly be determined on morphological grounds. According to the composition of essential oil and ISSR fragments, a group of the genetically, morphologically, and phytochemically closest plants was identified, which included representatives of the populations of the Moscow oblast, Vladimir oblast, Kaluga oblast, the Komi Republic, and Khakassia. All these plants belonged to M. arvensis. Plants collected in the natural flora of the Russian Far East showed a greater resemblance in essential oil composition and ISSR markers to the European group of M. arvensis than to plants from Indochina, which, according to the data obtained, belonged to M. сanadensis. It was shown that a comprehensive study of plant morphological characters, the compositions of essential oil, and ISSR fragments allows one to clarify the species identity and to assess their polymorphism and the degree of kinship between populations. A certain correlation between the data of molecular analysis and the composition of essential oil and, to a lesser extent, their correlation with morphological characters of plants was revealed

    Treatment of clinically localized prostate cancer

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    Purpose of our study is to carry out: comparative analysis of results of radical prostatectomy and conformal radiotherapy in patients with clinically localized prostate cancer.Materials and methods. For retrospective analysis we chose data from 177 patients with stage сT1—2N0M0 prostate cancer treated in the N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences from 1997 to 2007. Median age of patients was 61,3 years and ranged from 38 to 76 years. Before treatment median level of serum prostate specific antigen was 15,5±15,1 ng/ml and median Gleason index — 2,6±0,7 + 3,2±0,6 = 5,7±1,1. Retropubic radical prostatectomy was performed in 133 (75,4%) patients and external conformal radiotherapy — in 44 (24,6%) patients. Study groups were matched according to main parameters. Median follow-up time was 26,2±30,2 months.Results. Prostate gland capsule invasion was found in у 43 (32,3%), perineural growth — in 56 (31,3%), invasion of seminal vesicles — in 12 (6,8%), angiolymphatic invasion — in 53 (29,9%), positive surgical margins — in 9 (5,1%), pN+ — in 7 (4,0%) from 133 operated patients. In all 44 cases compete responses to radiotherapy were registered. Among 177 patients 5-year survival was 95,0%, specific survival — 100%, and survival without PSA relapse — 76,8%. According to monofactorial and multifactorial analyses favorable prognostic factors for survival without PSA relapse are radical prostatectomy (р=0,003 and р=0,019 respectively) and Gleason index &lt;7 (p=0,012 and p=0,045 respectively). Advantage of operated patients over the patients treated with radiotherapy in regard to survival without PSA relapse rates is statistically significant in cases with Gleason indices &lt;7 (р=0,013) and initial level of serum prostate specific antigen &lt;10 ng/ml (р=0,005).Conclusion. Both surgical treatment and radiotherapy allows reaching favorable results in patients with stage cT1—2N0M0 prostate cancer. It is obvious that when choosing the preferred treatment modality the Gleason index and level of prostate specific antigen should be taken into account. Probably, repeat analysis after longer follow up time will allow drawing more definite conclusions about advantages of surgery and radiotherapy in the treatment of patients with stage cT1—2N0M0 prostate cancer of different prognostic groups


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    The efficacy of Zometa has been evaluated in the treatment of patients with disseminated prostate cancer. The use of Zometa as an inhibitor of bone resorption in the presence moderate changes in the activity of bone resorptive processes has shown the highest survival rates

    Growth and development of Hamamelis virginiana L. under the introduction in the Main Botanical Garden

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    Optimum receptions of cultivation and biological features of plants of Hamamelis virginiana L. under the conditions of the Midland of Russia are revealed. Possibility of use of this species for the medicinal and decorative purposes is shown. Preconditions are defined and recommendations for creation of raw plantations are made

    Role of oncomarkers in diagnosis of multiple primary neoplasms of female reproductive tract

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    Complex measurements of tumor markers help to improve the diagnosis of multiple primary neoplasms (MPN) significantly. For breast- ovarian MPN CA-125 was increased in 92.6 % and CA-153 — in 81.6 %. In patients with ovarian-colorectal MPN CA-125 was increased in 79.0 % and carcinoembryonic antigen — in 90.0 %

    Ovarian tumors: the specific features of evolution, extent, diagnosis, and prevention

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    The paper describes a range of embryo proteins, the potential markers for ovarian tumors. More than 10 new embryo proteins have been tested; however, a strictly specific protein has not been found to diagnose ovarian tumors. Serum oncoovarian -1-globulin is shown to remain the most promising marker today. Noteworthy are the specific features of evolution and the mechanism of the early extent of a tumor process. The role of pregnancy in preventing ovarian tumors is considered. An attempt has been made to understand the causes of the disease and the mechanisms of its development