207 research outputs found


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    Changes in lung, liver and brain were investigated, in wild, ducks and. domestic chicken under experimental infection caused by highly pathogenic avian Influenza virus A/H5N1. Isolation of virus was demonstrated, in swabs from the throat and. cloaca, virus titers were presented, in patterns of organs. Changes in organs of wild, ducks have dystrophic characteristics, but in domestic chickens are of the dystrophic and necrotic nature

    Optical properties of photonic crystal slabs with asymmetrical unit cell

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    Using the unitarity and reciprocity properties of the scattering matrix, we analyse the symmetry and resonant optical properties of the photonic crystal slabs (PCS) with complicated unit cell. We show that the reflectivity is not changed upon the 180deg-rotation of the sample around the normal axis, even in PCS with asymmetrical unit cell. Whereas the transmissivity becomes asymmetrical if the diffraction or absorption are present. The PCS reflectivity peaks to unity near the quasiguided mode resonance for normal light incidence in the absence of diffraction, depolarisation, and absorptive losses. For the oblique incidence the full reflectivity is reached only in symmetrical PCS.Comment: 5 pages, 2 Postscript figure


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    Comparative evaluation, of bacteriological, serological and PCR diagnostic methods was resulted, at experimental brucellosis in guinea pigs infected, with. S- and. L-forms of the causative agent in different periods of the infection. It was shown that Brucella S-forms were isolated, during six months, L-forms - about one month, by a bacteriological method. Positive PCR results were observed about six months after S- and. L-form infection in animals. Positive slide agglutination, of guinea pig blood sera was revealed, till 12 months by a corpuscular diagnosticum with. S- and. L-forms of Brucella. Complex use of bacteriological, PCR and. serological methods for laboratory diagnostics of atypical brucellosis caused, by Brucella L-form allows to obtain more reliable information, about epizootological-epidemiological situation in non-manifested (non-clinical) infection foci

    The First Case of <I>Yersinia Pestis</I> Subsp. <I>Pestis</I> Isolation in the Territory of Altai Mountain Natural Plague Focus. Communication 1. Microbiological Characteristics, Molecular-Genetic and Mass-Spectrometric Identification of the Isolate

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    Performed is a complex microbiological, molecular-genetic and mass-spectrometric identification of Yersinia pestis main ssp. strain, which was isolated for the first time in the history of surveillance over the Altai mountain natural plague focus in June, 2012. Determined is its high universal virulence. Plasmid screening, multi-locus VNTR- and mass-spectrometric analyses have revealed the strain to be more closely related to the plague agent variant, circulating in the territory of the natural focus Khuukh-Serkh-Munkh-Khairkhan, Bayan-Ul’giisk aimak, Mongolia

    Investigations of Structural-Functional Aspects of Epizootic Process in Natural Plague Foci in Siberia

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    Comprehensively studied have been structural elements of ecosystems of Siberian natural plague foci, as well as levels of integration among epizootic process components, and ways of their functional interaction. Application of the complex approach to the surveillance over structural-functional elements of the parasitic system along with investigations of epizootic process dynamics has provided for identification of peculiarities as regards epizootics development, transformation and evolution of population and carrier/vector coenosis structure in time and space. Revealed is the genetic diversity of plague microbe circulating within the bounds of separate foci and zones of focality. Determined is a long-lasting anti-epidemic effect (more than 20 years) of the field desinsection in the Saglinsk meso-focus of the Tuva natural plague focus

    Etiology of influenza-like illnesses in the population of Novosibirsk city in the 2018–2019 epidemic season

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    Influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections lead to a substantial incidence of severe cases and hospitalizations and so remain a global health problem. Within the frame of the Global Influenza Hospital Surveillance Network (GIHSN), we assessed the contribution of influenza and other respiratory viruses to severe cases of influenzalike diseases in patients hospitalized to the Novosibirsk infectious hospitals in the years 2018–2019. We analyzed 484 nasopharyngeal swabs collected from patients admitted to the hospitals with acute respiratory infections (ARI) using real-time polymerase chain reaction commercial kits. We confirmed viral etiology of ARI in 69.8% cases. Influenza viruses were detected in 47.1% cases, wherein concomitant circulation of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2) viruses was observed in 20.7% and 26% of patients, respectively, whereas influenza B virus was detected only in one sample. All analyzed influenza A viruses were antigenically similar to vaccine strains. Genetically, the Novosibirsk strains were closely related to influenza A viruses distributed in Russia and worldwide. Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus was detected in all patients aged 0 to 14 years and required intensive care. Other respiratory viruses were detected in 36.4% of children and 5.8% of adults, and 8.3% of children had viral coinfection, whereas no cases of coinfection were detected in adults. The most common viruses in children were metapneumovirus — 12.8%, rhinovirus — 9.3% and respiratory syncytial virus — 8.0%. In adults, metapneumovirus, adenovirus, parainfluenza virus and rhinovirus were detected with a detection rate no exceeding 2%. In this study, we found no differences in the detection rate of the influenza virus due to concomitant chronic diseases, pregnancy, or smoking habits. At the same time, the detection rate of other respiratory viruses in non-smokers vs. smokers was significantly lower than in smokers and former smokers (26.15%, 66.67% and 62.50%, respectively). In addition, the level of detection of respiratory viruses in children with vs. without chronic pathology was significantly higher (55.3% and 38.7%, respectively). Thus, our and similar studies are important for monitoring and control of the infection

    Саркопения у пациентов после тяжелых повреждений головного мозга

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    Introduction This article deals with the problem of sarcopenia in patients after severe brain injury. It presents the results of the comparative analysis of a group of patients and a group of volunteers with performed muscle fiber ultrasound.Relevance Sarcopenia is a serious complication in a critically ill patient. It appears early and progresses rather quickly during the patient’s critical condition. In order to diagnose sarcopenia, both radiation and ultrasound methods can be used. The use of ultrasound methods is less labor-intensive, energy-consuming, and economically costly and does not involve an increase in radiation exposure to the patient. The paper highlights the use and comparison of these methods in patients after severe brain injuries.Aim of study To assess the severity of sarcopenia in patients after severe brain injuries.Materials and methods 25 patients were included in this study with an average age of 56.75±19.84 years, ranging from 22 to 82 years, after severe brain injury in a minimally conscious state according to the FOUR (Full Outline of Unresponsiveness) scale, median 12 (12; 15) points. The assessment was carried out in the first 3 days from the moment of admission to the Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitology. For comparison purposes, the study included 19 volunteers aged 35.63±7.02 years, ranging from 21 to 47 years.Results The data obtained indicate that patients after severe brain injuries had pronounced muscle fiber disorders affecting its thickness and echogenicity. The thickness of the biceps on the side of the brain injury was 0.93±0.27 cm (min 0.5; max 1.58) and the thickness of the biceps on the side opposite to the brain injury was 0.62±0.2 cm (min 0.27; max 0.93) with p=0.0007, statistically significant. In terms of echogenicity, the differences were not statistically significant (p=0.1). The thickness of the triceps on the side of the brain injury was 0.5±0.17 cm (min 0.25; max 0.82) and the thickness of the triceps on the opposite side to the brain injury was 0.38±0.14 cm (min 0.2; max 0.8) with p=0.028, statistically significant, while the degree of echogenicity according to the Modified Heckmatt scale on the side of the brain injury was 2.5 [2.0; 3.0] (min 2.0; max 4.0), and on the opposite side — 3.0 [3.0; 4.0] (min 2.0; max 4.0), p=0.01, statistically significant. The thickness of the brachioradialis on the side of the brain injury was 0.59±0.15 cm (min 0.39; max 0.92), on the opposite side — 0.50±0.17 cm (min 0.25; max 0.86), p=0.06, statistically significant; while the degree of echogenicity was 2.0 [2.0; 3.0] (min 1.0; max 4.0) on the side of the brain injury and on the opposite side to the brain injury — 2.5 [2.0; 4.0] (min 2.0; max 4.0), p=0.03, statistically significant. Pronounced statistically significant differences were also obtained in the thickness of the rectus femoris muscle (p=0.06) and its echogenicity (p=0.017). In comparing these indicators with the muscles of healthy volunteers for all indicated parameters p&lt;0.05, in most cases p=0.000001, statistically significant. Using computed tomography of the lumbar spine, a decrease in the cross-sectional area of the psoas muscle was revealed. The following values were obtained from the patients: psoas muscle cross-sectional area on the right side: 7.66±2.72 cm2  (min 3.84; max 12.95), psoas muscle cross-sectional area on the left side: 7.85±2.64 cm2  (min 3.7; max 12.6), Skeletal Muscle Index: 53.33±15.34 (min 28; max 81).Conclusion Diagnostic ultrasound methods to assess sarcopenia in patients after severe brain injuries have confirmed their effectiveness. In the present study, this method received a pronounced correlation with radiological techniques to identify patients affected by sarcopenia. We obtained statistically significant differences in the group of volunteers and patients, and some parameters differed by more than 2 times, which indicates the presence of severe sarcopenia in this group of patients.Введение Данная статья посвящена обсуждению саркопении у пациентов после тяжелого повреждения головного мозга (ГМ). В статье представлены результаты сравнительного анализа группы пациентов и группы добровольцев с проведенным ультразвуковым анализом мышечного волокна.Актуальность Саркопения является тяжелейшим осложнением у пациента в критическом состоянии. Появляется рано и достаточно быстро прогрессирует в течение нахождения пациента в критическом состоянии.С целью диагностики саркопении могут быть использованы как лучевые, так и ультразвуковые методы. Использование ультразвуковых методов является менее трудо-, энерго- и экономически затратным и не сопряжено с повышением лучевой нагрузки на пациента. В работе освещено использование и сравнение данных методов у пациентов после тяжелых повреждений ГМ.Цель исследования Оценить степень выраженности саркопении у пациентов после тяжелых повреждений ГМ.Материал и методы В данное исследование включены 25 пациентов после тяжелых повреждений ГМ в минимальном сознании, средний возраст которых составил 56,75±19,84 года (диапазон от 22 до 82 лет), при оценке по шкале FOUR (Full Outline of Unresponsiveness) медиана 12 (12; 15) баллов. Оценку проводили в первые 3 дня от момента поступления в ФНКЦ РР. С целью сравнения в исследования включены 19 добровольцев в возрасте 35,63±7,02 года (диапазоне от 21 до 47 лет).Результаты Полученные данные свидетельствуют о том, что пациенты после тяжелых повреждений ГМ имели выраженные нарушения мышечного волокна: его толщину и эхогенность. Толщина бицепса со стороны повреждения ГМ была равна 0,93±0,27 см (min 0,5; max 1,58), а со стороны, противоположной от повреждения ГМ, — 0,62±0,2 см (min 0,27; max 0,93) с p=0,0007, статистически значимо. По эхогенности отличия не были статистически значимы (p=0,1). Толщина трицепса со стороны повреждения ГМ составила 0,5±0,17 см (min 0,25; max 0,82), а с противоположной стороны от повреждения ГМ — 0,38±0,14 см (min 0,2; max 0,8) с p=0,028, статистически значимо; при этом степень эхогенности по шкале Modified Heckmatt scale со стороны повреждения ГМ — 2,5 [2,0; 3,0] (min 2,0; max 4,0), а с противоположной стороны — 3,0 [3,0; 4,0] (min 2,0; max 4,0), p=0,01. Толщина плечелучевой мышцы со стороны повреждения ГМ составила 0,59±0,15 см (min 0,39; max 0,92), с противоположной стороны — 0,50±0,17 см (min 0,25; max 0,86), p=0,06, статистически значимо; при этом степень эхогенности оказалась равной 2,0 [2,0; 3,0] (min 1,0; max 4,0) — со стороны повреждения ГМ, а с противоположной стороны от повреждения ГМ — 2,5 [2,0; 4,0] (min 2,0; max 4,0), p=0,03, статистически значимо. Выраженные статистически значимые отличия также получены по толщине прямой мышцы бедра (p=0,06) и ее эхогенности (p=0,017). При сравнении данных показателей с мышцами здоровых добровольцев по всем указанным показателям p был менее 0,05, в большинстве же случаев p=0,000001 (статистически значимо). Используя компьютерную томографию поясничного отдела позвоночника, удалось выявить уменьшение площади поперечного сечения поясничной мышцы. У пациентов были получены следующие ее значения: справа — 7,66±2,72 см2  (min 3,84; max 12,95), а слева — 7,85±2,64 см2  (min 3,7; max 12,6), скелетномышечный индекс (Skeletal Muscle Index) — 53,33±15,34 (min 28; max 81).Выводы Методы ультразвуковой диагностики с целью оценки саркопении у пациентов после тяжелых повреждений головного мозга подтверждают свою эффективность. В настоящем исследовании данный метод получил выраженную корреляцию с методом лучевой диагностики саркопении. Нами были получены статически значимые различия в группе добровольцев и пациентов, причем некоторые показатели различались более чем в 2 раза, что говорит о наличии выраженной саркопении у данной группы пациентов

    Infection of an Individual with Plague in the Gorno-Altaisk High-Mountain Natural Focus in 2014. Communication 2. Peculiarities of Laboratory Diagnostics and Molecular-Genetic Characterization of the Isolated Strains

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    Laboratory diagnostics of plague was carried out in compliance with valid operational guidelines and regulations. But its peculiarity consisted in the performance of diagnostic investigations secondary to antimicrobial therapy with application of preparations characterized by the expressed activity towards gram-negative microorganisms, including the agent of plague (ceftriaxone, ciprolet, and amikacin). The studies revealed that under antibiotic treatment during the early phase of infection the most effective method for the laboratory plague diagnostics was PCR. Based on the results of the assay it was possible to establish not only provisional, but also the final diagnosis in a patient. Obtained was genetic characteristics of the strains isolated from the patient and the marmot, withdrawn at the patient’s place, using techniques of molecular-genetic analysis, in particular PCR, multilocus VNTR, and multilocus and genome-wide sequencing. Thereupon the strains were attributed to antique biovar of the main subspecies of plague agent. In addition, close relation to Y. pestis of the main subspecies isolated in the same focus in 2012 and to the strains from Mongolian Altai and Tuvinian mountain focus was determined based on phylogenetic analysis of the isolates

    Stomatin Inhibits Pannexin-1-Mediated Whole-Cell Currents by Interacting with Its Carboxyl Terminal

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    The pannexin-1 (Panx1) channel (often referred to as the Panx1 hemichannel) is a large-conductance channel in the plasma membrane of many mammalian cells. While opening of the channel is potentially detrimental to the cell, little is known about how it is regulated under physiological conditions. Here we show that stomatin inhibited Panx1 channel activity. In transfected HEK-293 cells, stomatin reduced Panx1-mediated whole-cell currents without altering either the total or membrane surface Panx1 protein expression. Stomatin coimmunoprecipitated with full-length Panx1 as well as a Panx1 fragment containing the fourth membrane-spanning domain and the cytosolic carboxyl terminal. The inhibitory effect of stomatin on Panx1-mediated whole-cell currents was abolished by truncating Panx1 at a site in the cytosolic carboxyl terminal. In primary culture of mouse astrocytes, inhibition of endogenous stomatin expression by small interfering RNA enhanced Panx1-mediated outward whole-cell currents. These observations suggest that stomatin may play important roles in astrocytes and other cells by interacting with Panx1 carboxyl terminal to limit channel opening