98 research outputs found

    WIYN Open Cluster Study XI: WIYN 3.5m Deep Photometry of M35 (NGC 2168)

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    We present deep BVI observations of the core of M35 and a nearby comparison field obtained at the WIYN 3.5m telescope under excellent seeing. These observations display the lower main sequence in BV and VI CMDs down to V = 23.3 and 24.6, respectively. At these faint magnitudes background field stars are far more numerous than the cluster stars, yet by using a smoothing technique and CMD density distribution subtraction we recover the cluster fiducial main sequence and luminosity function to V = 24.6. We find the location of the main sequence in these CMDs to be consistent with earlier work on other open clusters, specifically NGC 188, NGC 2420, and NGC 2477. We compare these open cluster fiducial sequences to stellar models by Baraffe et al. (1998), Siess et al. (2000), Girardi et al. (2000), and Yi et al. (2001) and find that the models are too blue in both B-V and V-I for stars below ~0.4 Mo. M35 contains stars to the limit of the extracted main sequence, at M ~ 0.10-0.15 Mo, suggesting that M35 may harbor a large number of brown dwarfs, which should be easy targets for near-IR instrumentation on 8-10m telescopes. We also identify a new candidate white dwarf in M35 at V = 21.36 +- 0.01. Depending on which WD models are used to interpret this cluster candidate, it is either a very high mass WD (1.05 +- 0.05 Mo) somewhat older (0.19-0.26 Gyr, 3-4 sigma) than our best isochrone age (150 Myr), or it is a modestly massive WD (0.67-0.78 Mo) much too old (0.42-0.83 Gyr) to belong to the cluster.Comment: 28 pages + 24 figures; to be published in the Sept, 2002 A

    Galaxies with Spiral Structure up to z = 0.87 --Limits on M/L and the Stellar Velocity Dispersion

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    We consider seven distant galaxies with clearly evident spiral structure from HST images. Three of these were chosen from Vogt et al. (1996) (VFP) and have measured rotational velocities. Five were chosen from the Medium Deep Survey and are studied in Sarajedini et al. 1996 (SGGR), and one galaxy is found in both papers. We place upper limits on their mass-to-light ratios (M/L) by computing M/L_B for a maximal disk. We find that these galaxies have maximal disk mass-to-light ratios M/L_B = 1.5 - 3.5 M_sol/L_Bsol at the low end, but within the range seen in nearby galaxies. The mass-to-light ratios are low enough to suggest that the galaxies contain a young, rapidly formed stellar population. By using a Toomre stability criterion for formation of spiral structure, we place constraints on the ratio of M/L to the stellar velocity dispersion. If these galaxies have maximal disks they would have to be nearly unstable so as to have small enough velocity dispersions that their disks are not unrealistically thick. This suggests that there is a substantial amount of dark matter present in the luminous regions of the galaxy.Comment: AAS Latex + PS Figure, accepted for publication in A

    Distances to Populous Clusters in the LMC via the K-Band Luminosity of the Red Clump

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    We present results from a study of the distances and distribution of a sample of intermediate-age clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Using deep near-infrared photometry obtained with ISPI on the CTIO 4m, we have measured the apparent K-band magnitude of the core helium burning red clump stars in 17 LMC clusters. We combine cluster ages and metallicities with the work of Grocholski & Sarajedini to predict each cluster's absolute K-band red clump magnitude, and thereby calculate absolute cluster distances. An analysis of these data shows that the cluster distribution is in good agreement with the thick, inclined disk geometry of the LMC, as defined by its field stars. We also find that the old globular clusters follow the same distribution, suggesting that the LMC's disk formed at about the same time as the globular clusters, ~ 13 Gyr ago. Finally, we have used our cluster distances in conjunction with the disk geometry to calculate the distance to the LMC center, for which we find (m-M)o = 18.40 +/- 0.04_{ran} +/- 0.08_{sys}, or Do = 47.9 +/- 0.9 +/- 1.8 kpc.Comment: 31 pages including 5 figures and 7 tables. Accepted for publication in the August 2007 issue of A

    Tidal dwarfs in the M81 group: the second generation?

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    We derive quantitative star formation histories of the four suspected tidal dwarf galaxies in the M81 group, HolmbergIX, BK3N, Arp-loop (A0952+69), and Garland, using Hubble Space Telescope/Wide Field Planetary Camera2 images in F606W and F814W obtained as part of a Snapshot survey of dwarf galaxies in the Local Universe. We consider the spatial distribution and ages of resolved stellar populations in these dwarf irregular galaxies. We use synthetic color-magnitude diagrams to derive the ages of the major star formation episodes, star formation rates, and approximate metallicity ranges. All the galaxies show evidence of continuous star formation between about 20 and 200 Myr ago with star formation rates in the range 7.5*10^(-3)- 7.6*10^(-4) M(sun)/yr. The metallicity of the detected stars spans a wide range, and have lower than solar abundance. A possible scenario is that all four dwarf galaxies were formed from material in the metal-poor outer part of the giant spiral galaxy M81 after the tidal interaction between M81, M82, and NGC3077 about 200 Myr ago. While we do not directly detect pronounced old stellar populations, the photometric limits of our data are such that the presence of such a population is not entirely ruled out

    The Age Dependent Luminosities of the Red Giant Branch Bump, Asymptotic Giant Branch Bump, and Horizontal Branch Red Clump

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    Color-magnitude diagrams of globular clusters often exhibit a prominent horizontal branch (HB) and may also show features such as the red giant branch (RGB) bump and the asymptotic giant branch (AGB) bump. Stellar evolution theory predicts that the luminosities of these features will depend on the metallicity and age of the cluster. We calculate theoretical lines of 2 to 12 Gyr constant age RGB-bumps and AGB-bumps in the V(HB-Bump)--[Fe/H] diagram, which shows the brightness difference between the bump and the HB as a function of metallicity. In order to test the predictions, we identify giant branch bumps in new Hubble Space Telescope color-magnitude diagrams for 8 SMC clusters. First, we conclude that the SMC cluster bumps are RGB-bumps. The data for clusters younger than ~6 Gyr are in fair agreement the relative age dependent luminosities of the HB and RGB-bump. The V(HB-Bump)--[Fe/H] data for clusters older then ~6 Gyr demonstrate a less satisfactory agreement with our calculations. We conclude that ~6 Gyr is a lower bound to the age of clusters for which the Galactic globular cluster, age independent V(HB-Bump)--[Fe/H] calibration is valid. Application of the V(HB-bump)--[Fe/H] diagram to stellar population studies is discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, 30 pages, Latex aaspp4.sty, including 7 postscript figure


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    RESUMEN En los campos de imágen profunda del Hubble (HST), los núcleos activos de galaxias (AGN) son seleccionados usando diversas técnicas en diferentes longitudes de onda. Este trabajo compara las muestras de AGN seleccionadas de los campos del Hubble a través de la variabilidadóptica, de los rayos-X y del mediano infrarrojo. Resultados recientes del campo HST-GOODS-South muestran que el 57% de los AGN seleccionados por su emsión conjunta en los rayos-X y en el mediano infrarrojo, varían en la región delóptico. Algunos AGN seleccionados sólo en rayos-X y unos cuantos de los seleccionados sólo del mediano infrarrojo también son variables en elóptico. Investigamos la naturaleza de los AGN que hemos identificado y el papel que juega el oscurecimiento al utilizar estas diferentes técnicas de selección. ABSTRACT AGN are identified in deep HST surveys via a number of selection techniques and wavelengths. This work compares the samples of AGN selected via optical variability, X-ray and mid-IR indicators in HST survey fields. Recent results from the HST GOODS-South field reveal that 57% of X-ray and mid-IR selected AGN are also optical variables. Several X-ray-only AGN are variables as well as a few mid-IR-only selected sources. We investigate the nature of the identified AGN and the role of obscuration among the various selection techniques