6 research outputs found

    Ability to diagnose chronic external biliary fistula calculous origin

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    Introduction: Chronic external biliary fistulas occur in 0.4-2.4% of patients with diseases of the biliary tract and are likely to be one of the complications of surgical treatment of diseases of the biliary tract. Aim: Choose the most appropriate methods of diagnosis of chronic external biliary fistula calculous etiology by improving the diagnostic algorithm. Materials and methods: Analyzed the results of diagnosis 86 patients with chronic external biliary fistula. 79 were operated previously in other hospitals. Fistula after they have formed the following operations: cholecystostomy - 23, cholecystectomy, holedohostomii on Wisniewski - 37, cholecystectomy, choledochostomy through the cystic duct stump - 24, holedohostomii - 2. Of the 86 patients 72 were operated in urgent procedure. To clarify the diagnosis chronic external biliary fistula used the following methods: fistulocholangiography - 76, ultrasound - 71 CT - 32, fistulocholangioscopy - 9, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography - 9, the definition of sterkobilina in feces and urine urobilin - 30, determination of bilirubin in the fistulous the discharge - 17, test with methylene blue - 16. Results: One of the most informative methods for studying bile fistula is fistulocholangiography. With it identified: bile duct stones - for 74 people, cystic duct stone - 12, stenosis of the sphincter of Oddi - 48 people. Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography performed in 9 patients with follow-up and removal of stone papillosfinkterotomiey of choledochal - in 5. The accuracy of ultrasound in detecting choledocholithiasis was 86%, computed tomography - 92.3%. Fistulocholagioscopy with lithotomy was effective in 9 patients. Conclusions: None of the methods of preoperative diagnosis of chronic external biliary fistula is universal. The most valuable diagnostic information about the state of the bile ducts give fistulocholangiography, endoscopic retrograde pancreatography in some cases supplemented by ultrasound or computed tomography


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    Large investment projects require raising high volumes of financial resources on the long term. There is a task now set to raise private capital into the power field more actively and to develop state-private partnership. The article analyses modern types of financing: ВОО (Build - Own - Operate) and ВООТ (Build - Own - Operate - Transfer) that allow to accumulate required financial resources, reduce investment risks and combine interests of different parts participating in a project.Крупные инвестиционные проекты требуют привлечения больших объемов финансовых ресурсов на длительный период. В настоящее время поставлена задача более активного привлечения в энергетику частного капитала, развития государственно-частного партнерства. В статье проводится анализ современных форм финансирования: ВОО (Build - Own - Operate, строю - владею - эксплуатирую) и ВООТ (Build - Own - Operate - Transfer, строю - владею - эксплуатирую - передаю), которые позволяют аккумулировать необходимые финансовые ресурсы, снизить инвестиционные риски, объединить интересы различных сторон - участников проекта


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    This article presents the results of studying the effect of ultrasound on the consistency of products. The task of the study was to identify the possibility of using ultrasound to change the consistency of the product from puree to homogenized. For this purpose, laboratory samples of apple puree were periodically processed on an ultrasonic generator at a frequency of 21.7 kHz, for different duration of exposure to ultrasound from 1 minute to 20 minutes. After processing, measurements of physicochemical parameters were carried out the mass fraction of soluble solids, temperature and viscosity. When analyzing the obtained results, it was found that, depending on the exposure time, the indicators of the mass fraction of dry substances in samples No.1, No.2, No.3 slightly increased relative to the control sample from a value of 11.9 to 12.4 V of sample No.4, in which the duration of exposure to ultrasound was 20 minutes, the indicator of the mass fraction of dry substances increased more significantly up to 13.8%. The same dynamics is observed in the obtained values of the viscosity of the product, which gradually increases in proportion to the exposure time from sample No.1 to sample No.4 (4600-6500 Centipoise (CP)). In addition, a comparative assessment of the organoleptic characteristics of experimental samples (taste, color, aroma and texture) was carried out after their ultrasonic treatment, depending on the duration of exposure. It was found that all the organoleptic characteristics of apple puree with an increase in the duration of ultrasonic treatment with a given parameter at a frequency of 21.7 kHz, changed depending on the time of exposure. Thus, the consistency changed from a “granular” structure (in the control sample) to a homogeneous homogenized (in sample No.3). In sample No.4 (with an exposure time of 20 minutes), mashed potatoes were obtained with a fine, finely divided creamy mass. Consequently, the effect of ultrasound with a given frequency of 21.7 kHz for at least 10 minutes allows a pureed product with a puree-like structure to obtain a homogenized puree.В статье приведены результаты изучения влияния ультразвука на консистенцию продукции. Задача исследования состояла в выявлении возможности применения ультразвука для изменения консистенции продукта из пюреобразной в гомогенизированную. С этой целью изготовленные лабораторные образцы яблочного пюре были подвергнуты периодической обработке на ультразвуковом генераторе на частоте 21,7 кГц, при различной продолжительности воздействия ультразвуком – в течение 1-20 мин. После обработки были проведены измерения физико-химических показателей: массовой доли растворимого сухого вещества, температуры и вязкости. При анализе полученных результатов была установлено, что в зависимости от времени воздействия показатели массовой доли сухого вещества в образцах №1, №2, №3 незначительно повышались относительно контрольного образца – от значения 11,9 до 12,4%. В образце №4, в котором продолжительность воздействия ультразвуком составляла 20 мин, показатель массовой доли сухого вещества увеличился более значительно – до 13,8%. Такая же динамика прослеживается и в полученных значениях вязкости продукта, которая постепенно повышается, пропорционально времени воздействия: от образца №1 до образца №4 (от 4600 сП до 6500 сП). Кроме того, была проведена сравнительная оценка органолептических показателей экспериментальных образцов (вкус, цвет, аромат и консистенция) после их ультразвуковой обработки в зависимости от продолжительности воздействия. Было установлено, что все органолептические характеристики яблочного пюре при увеличении продолжительности обработки продукта ультразвуком с заданным параметром на частоте 21,7 кГц изменялись в зависимости от времени воздействия. Так, консистенция изменялась от «зернистой» структуры (в контрольном образце) до однородной гомогенизированной (в образце №3). В образце №4 (при продолжительности воздействии 20 мин) было получено пюре с тонкоизмельченной кремообразной массой. Следовательно, воздействие ультразвука с заданным значением частоты 21,7 кГц в течение не менее 10 мин позволяет из протёртого продукта с пюреобразной структурой получить гомогенизированное пюре


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    Large investment projects require raising high volumes of financial resources on the long term. There is a task now set to raise private capital into the power field more actively and to develop state-private partnership. The article analyses modern types of financing: ВОО (Build - Own - Operate) and ВООТ (Build - Own - Operate - Transfer) that allow to accumulate required financial resources, reduce investment risks and combine interests of different parts participating in a project

    Irradiation of biological objects using an ionization beam in order to inhibit conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microflora of agricultural raw materials

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    The use of radiation technologies in agriculture and the food industry is a common worldwide trend. Global reduction of food products at all stages of production has reached 30 percent. Especially significant reduction is in fruits and vegetables production. Radiation treatment of food products helps to suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms as a result it extends the storage periods. Despite numerous studies in this field, existing methods of irradiation require optimization in order to ensure the possibility of using irradiation for all types of fruit and vegetable products. This research work is focused on the study of the effectiveness of irradiation of model systems containing conditionally pathogenic microflora by electron beams with an energy of 10 MeV. The aim of these developments is to study the effectiveness of electron beam irradiation application to suppress pathogenic microorganisms that cause bacterial contamination of food products. In this regard, the following tasks were set: to determine the degree of investigated microorganism’s stability and to find the differences between horizontal and vertical positions of the samples during irradiation. The developments showed that Salmonella and E. coli strains were the most resistant to ionizing radiation, while S. aureus strains were less resistant. The difference of obtained results for vertical and horizontal positioning of the samples was noted. When processing samples with studied strains of cultures in the dose range from 4 to 5 kGy, there is an increase in the growth of microorganisms for all processing conditions. In the remaining studied ranges their inhibition are observed. It is important to take into account not only the effectiveness of the oppression of microflora on specific products, but also the efficiency of the installation for a specific sample


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    This article presents the results of studying the effect of ultrasound on the consistency of products. The task of the study was to identify the possibility of using ultrasound to change the consistency of the product from puree to homogenized. For this purpose, laboratory samples of apple puree were periodically processed on an ultrasonic generator at a frequency of 21.7 kHz, for different duration of exposure to ultrasound from 1 minute to 20 minutes. After processing, measurements of physicochemical parameters were carried out the mass fraction of soluble solids, temperature and viscosity. When analyzing the obtained results, it was found that, depending on the exposure time, the indicators of the mass fraction of dry substances in samples No.1, No.2, No.3 slightly increased relative to the control sample from a value of 11.9 to 12.4 V of sample No.4, in which the duration of exposure to ultrasound was 20 minutes, the indicator of the mass fraction of dry substances increased more significantly up to 13.8%. The same dynamics is observed in the obtained values of the viscosity of the product, which gradually increases in proportion to the exposure time from sample No.1 to sample No.4 (4600-6500 Centipoise (CP)). In addition, a comparative assessment of the organoleptic characteristics of experimental samples (taste, color, aroma and texture) was carried out after their ultrasonic treatment, depending on the duration of exposure. It was found that all the organoleptic characteristics of apple puree with an increase in the duration of ultrasonic treatment with a given parameter at a frequency of 21.7 kHz, changed depending on the time of exposure. Thus, the consistency changed from a “granular” structure (in the control sample) to a homogeneous homogenized (in sample No.3). In sample No.4 (with an exposure time of 20 minutes), mashed potatoes were obtained with a fine, finely divided creamy mass. Consequently, the effect of ultrasound with a given frequency of 21.7 kHz for at least 10 minutes allows a pureed product with a puree-like structure to obtain a homogenized puree