5 research outputs found

    Зонды для исследования ледяных и подлёдных сред планет

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    The article proposes a technology for increasing the thermic ice drilling rate under the influence of hydraulic force generated by the probe (or cryobot), which increases the coefficient of conversion of thermal energy into the energy of ice melting and allows increasing the power of thermal head of the probe. A single-wire Tesla system is proposed to use for the probe power supply, which makes it possible to reduce the volume of the cable and losses of transmitted energy. The method of the probe self-lifting to the ice surface without using the hydraulic force (traction), i.e. without a load on the cable, is proposed. To study thick (up to 5 km) ice sheets and subglacial water environments on the Earth, as well as the ice cover (up to 30 km thick) and the subglacial ocean of the Europe (the Jupiter’s satellite), conceptual principal designs of the probe (or cryobot) have been developed on the basis of thermic-hydraulic drilling (THD). Implementation of the THD‑cryobot designs will allow organizing systemic studies of glaciers and subglacial water environments on the Earth and other planets, not disturbing their ice isolation with multiple savings of financial and technical means, energy and time. Для исследования ледяных массивных щитов (до 5 км) и подледниковых водных сред на Земле, а также ледяного покрова толщиной до 30 км и подлёдного океана Европы (спутника Юпитера) разработан концептуальный проект термогидравлического бура-зонда (TГБ‑зонда и ТГБ‑криобота) и представлены ключевые конструкторские решения. Реализация идеи такого зонда (криобота) позволит организовать системные исследования ледников и подледниковых водных сред на Земле и других планетах без нарушения ледяной изоляции при многократной экономии финансовых и технических средств, энергии и времени

    Airborne fungi in arctic settlement Tiksi (Russian Arctic, coast of the Laptev Sea)

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    Biodiversity and number of airborne fungi isolated from indoor and outdoor air of different location in the areas of arctic settlement Tiksi (Russian Arctic) are described. Different locations (coastal areas, landscape, streets of Tiksi, abandoned empty houses, flats, public buildings) were observed. Aeromycota characterized by a significant biodiversity (50 species), but only several species were abundant. Airborne fungal spores concentration (CFU) in Tiksi locations was found low. The maximum spore concentrations were observed in air of the abandoned empty houses (inhabited in the past). Many species common for soil were observed at the samples taken at streets and abandoned buildings. Most of them are also known as inhabitants of building materials. Microfungi CFU at settlement territory was twice as high as natural territory. Phospholipase, albuminase and hemolytic activities of microfungi isolates as well as their relation to temperature were studied. Most of the tested isolates demonstrated high levels of all the tested activities. It was concluded that there is a risk of ‘‘mold’’ allergy diseases for the people especially with weakening of immunity at arctic settlement Tiksi. Main sources of the air contamination in arctic settlements and houses could be many anthropogenic substrates which were colonized by soil fungi

    Probes for the study of icy and subglacial environment of planets

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    The article proposes a technology for increasing the thermic ice drilling rate under the influence of hydraulic force generated by the probe (or cryobot), which increases the coefficient of conversion of thermal energy into the energy of ice melting and allows increasing the power of thermal head of the probe. A single-wire Tesla system is proposed to use for the probe power supply, which makes it possible to reduce the volume of the cable and losses of transmitted energy. The method of the probe self-lifting to the ice surface without using the hydraulic force (traction), i.e. without a load on the cable, is proposed. To study thick (up to 5 km) ice sheets and subglacial water environments on the Earth, as well as the ice cover (up to 30 km thick) and the subglacial ocean of the Europe (the Jupiter’s satellite), conceptual principal designs of the probe (or cryobot) have been developed on the basis of thermic-hydraulic drilling (THD). Implementation of the THD‑cryobot designs will allow organizing systemic studies of glaciers and subglacial water environments on the Earth and other planets, not disturbing their ice isolation with multiple savings of financial and technical means, energy and time

    Airborne fungi in arctic settlement Tiksi (Russian Arctic, coast of the Laptev Sea)

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    Biodiversity and number of airborne fungi isolated from indoor and outdoor air of different location in the areas of arctic settlement Tiksi (Russian Arctic) are described. Different locations (coastal areas, landscape, streets of Tiksi, abandoned empty houses, flats, public buildings) were observed. Aeromycota characterized by a significant biodiversity (50 species), but only several species were abundant. Airborne fungal spores concentration (CFU) in Tiksi locations was found low. The maximum spore concentrations were observed in air of the abandoned empty houses (inhabited in the past). Many species common for soil were observed at the samples taken at streets and abandoned buildings. Most of them are also known as inhabitants of building materials. Microfungi CFU at settlement territory was twice as high as natural territory. Phospholipase, albuminase and hemolytic activities of microfungi isolates as well as their relation to temperature were studied. Most of the tested isolates demonstrated high levels of all the tested activities. It was concluded that there is a risk of ‘‘mold’’ allergy diseases for the people especially with weakening of immunity at arctic settlement Tiksi. Main sources of the air contamination in arctic settlements and houses could be many anthropogenic substrates which were colonized by soil fungi