205 research outputs found

    ХХ век: Историческая канва советской/российской гляциологии

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    The article describes the formation and development of Soviet glaciology during the second half of the XX century and the role of the Glaciological Department of the Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences in this process. The Department of Glaciology had been organized in 1957 by outstanding Soviet scientist G.A. Avsyuk. During the International Geophysical Year (1957-1958) Soviet glaciologists worked in Antarctica, on the Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya, as well as in the Polar Urals, where a permanent station was established and operated until disintegration of the Soviet Union. In succeeding years comprehensive field studies of glaciers were carried out in the Caucasus, in mountains of Central Asia and at Spitsbergen. Since 1961, the results were published in the periodical issues «Data of Glaciological Studies». In 2010, this edition was transformed into an academic journal under the title «Ice and Snow». Two years later, along with the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Russian Geographical Society became its co-founder. This is a quarterly journal.In the early 1960s, special Division of Glaciology had been organized in the Russian Geophysical Committee under Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and later on, members of this Department regularly organized All-Union (then All-Russian) glaciological symposia. These were held in different cities of the Soviet Union/Russia. A total of 16 glaciological symposia took place from 1961 to 2016. In addition, in 1970-80s the Department of Glaciology annually conducted school workshops on different areas of glaciology. In the 1970s, a program had been developed for continuous observations of the glacier fluctuations of three classes, differing in degree of detail; these works were carried out until disintegration of the Soviet Union. In 1965-1982, Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Hydrometeorological Service collected data to compile the USSR Glacier Inventory, and the Department of Glaciology of the Institute of Geography had organized for this purpose the Pamir expedition that carried out field investigations from 1968 to 1974. The USSR Glacier Inventory was the first one in creation of the world catalogue of glaciers, which had been completed at the beginning of the XXI century. In 1997, the World Atlas of Snow and Ice Resources had been published; it was based on the whole complex of data available in the XX century on the state of the present-day glaciers. At the turn of the XX-XXI centuries, there comes a time of the space age, when the main sources of our knowledge about the Earth are the satellite images of different scales and properties.Рассказывается о становлении и развитии советской гляциологии на протяжении второй половины ХХ в. и о роли отдела гляциологии Института географии АН СССР/РАН в этом процессе. Говоритсяо Секции гляциологии, периодическом издании «Материалы гляциологических исследований» (сейчас академический журнал «Лёд и Снег») и 16 всесоюзных (всероссийских) гляциологических симпозиумах, а также многих начинаниях Секции гляциологии во второй половине ХХ в

    Гляциологический симпозиум в Новосибирске

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    Glaciological Symposium in NovosibirskГляциологический симпозиум в Новосибирск

    Annotated bibliography of the Russian literature on glaciology for 2014

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    The proposed annual bibliography continues annotated lists of the Russian-language literature on glaciology that were regularly published in the past. It includes 271 references grouped into the following ten sections: 1) general issues of glaciology; 2) physics and chemistry of ice; 3) atmospheric ice; 4) snow cover; 5) avalanches and glacial mudflows; 6) sea ice; 7) river and lake ice; 8) icings and ground ice; 9) the glaciers and ice caps; 10) palaeoglaciology. In addition to the works of the current year, some works of earlier years are added, that, for various reasons, were not included in previous bibliographies

    Notion of territorial system's structure and some approaches to their modeling

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    Development, forming and functioning of the territorial systems of each level of hierarchy and form are complicated and durable processes. The notion of stability occupies the central place and connects with the presence in territorial system some unchangeable invariant, which serves as a starting point of stability. As an example of such invariant (the base carrier of invariant on time characteristics) the usage of structural sistem is proposed. Assignment of territorial system's structure as a function carrier and simultaneous as an invariant in time permits to state the question of the system management by influence on the structure. Ability of the structure for improvement mainly determines peculiarities of the territorial system's behavior and possibilities of their management. Proposed approach permits to use for modeling structure (general and special) multitude theory, which in one tern gives the possibility to determine the corresponding models and modeling structures, pick up special structures in accordance to their inner condition, use their different combinations as multitude of relations and multitude of operations as a base for the modeling structures, etc

    Как на месте «белого пятна» в центре Памира были открыты крупнейший ледник и высочайшая вершина

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    The paper tells a story how the “blank spot” at the Pamirs center was puzzled out. In 1878, a small party of explorers headed by V.D. Oshanin had found here a big glacier about 30–40 km long and named it for Fedchenko. In 1884–85, known investigator G.E. Grumm-Grzhimailo made his important proposal about orographic structure of the Pamirs central part. In 1890, expedition headed by topographer N.I. Kosinenko investigated the lower part of the Fedchenko Glacier and, for the first time, saw a separate high peak. In 1916, astronomer Ya.I. Belyaev had put on a map a great pyramidal summit but he had mistaken it for the Garmo Peak well known to local Tadzhiks (Fig. 2).In 1927, N.L. Korzhenevsky published a chart of arrangement of ridges near sources of the river Muksu (Fig. 3) that became a basis for work of the Tadzhik-Pamir expedition of 1928–1932. In 1928, Ya.I. Belyaev determined a true length of the Fechenko Glacier that was 70 km, and geodesist I.G. Dorofeevmapped the whole basin of this glacier (Fig. 4) including also a high irregular truncated pyramid of 7495 m in height (as he believed). But earlier this summit was identified as known the Garmo Peak. And only in 1932, it was established that definitions made by Dorofeev in 1928 were related to this highest peak of the Pamirs and also of the whole Soviet Union. The chart of real Central Pamir orography constructed by I.G. Dorofeev is presented in the paper together with his letter addressed to the author (Fig. 5).Thus, the “Garmo peaks” which were observed by the above mentioned explorers were actually three different summits. One of them does tower on the north of the “knot being puzzled out” and reaches 7495 m, and namely this “one-tooth” peak was repeatedly seen by N.V. Krylenko from valleys Gando and Garmo. It was named then the Stalin peak, and later – the peak of Communism. Another one is located in 18 km southward, and this peak is actually the true Garmo Peak 6595 m high known to local Tadzhik people. And the third summit is located between the two others, it is the Belyaev Peak 6852 m high that once Ya.I. Belyaev, and next N.L. Korzhenevsky confused as the Garmo Peak.So, at the beginning of 1930s, orography of the Central Pamirs had been finally ascertained. A group of distinguished well-known scientists and travelers of the first third of 20th century (Fig. 7) participated in this outstanding investigation that was followed by a number of geographical discoveries. And, the highest peak of the Pamirs does now bear the name Ismoil Somoni (Fig. 8).Рассказывается об открытии в конце XIX в. крупнейшего на Памире ледника Федченко и о запутанной истории восстановления реальной орографии Центрального Памира. Главная заслуга в этом принадлежит Таджикско-Памирской экспедиции, работавшей на Памире в 1928–1932 гг. Высочайшая точка Памира (7495 м) была обнаружена при съёмке геодезистом И.Г. Дорофеевым, письмо которого к автору и обсуждается в этой статье

    К 25-летию выхода в свет Атласа снежно-ледовых ресурсов мира

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    The World Atlas of Snow and Ice Resources was compiled from 1976 to 1993 by a team of 300people under the auspices of the USSR Academy of Sciences and UNESCO. The relationship within the large group of authors was governed by the Atlas Statute, approved by the Editorial Board. A special program for Soviet cosmonauts was created to collect materials in poorly studied high-altitude glacial areas. The maps prepared for the Atlas were discussed annually at special seminars, and a special trip of section editors and leading map authors to the high-mountain glaciers of the Pamirs was made to gain experience in map-making. Compilation work continued from 1976 to1993. The layout of the Atlas was prepared and the maps were printed in Minsk and Kiev. The Atlas was published in 1997 and in 2001 it was awarded the State Prize of Russia in the field of science and technology. 18years aſter its publication, an electronic version of the atlas was prepared. The World Atlas of Snow and Ice Resources is an outstanding achievement of modern geography, cartography and glaciology.Составление Атласа снежно-ледовых ресурсов мира выполнялось с 1976 по 1993 г. коллективом из 300 человек под эгидой Академии наук СССР и ЮНЕСКО. Взаимоотношения внутри большого авторского коллектива регламентировало Положение об Атласе, утверждённое его редколлегией. В сборе материалов для малоизученных высокогорных ледниковых районов участвовали советские космонавты. Составляемые для Атласа карты ежегодно обсуждались на специальных семинарах, а для получения опыта в составлении карт состоялась специальная поездка редакторов разделов и ведущих авторов карт на высокогорные ледники Памира. Подготовка макета Атласа и печать карт выполнены в Минске и Киеве. Атлас вышел в свет в 1997 г. и в 2001 г. получил Государственную премию Российской Федерации в области науки и техники. Спустя 18лет после его издания был подготовлен электронный вариант атласа. Атлас снежно-ледовых ресурсов мира– выдающееся достижение современной географии, картографии и гляциологии

    Complex ecological-economical systems: Problems of study (economical aspect)

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    Economical mechanism of the regional land use has been studied as a basis of sustainable development. System of payment for the natural resources considered as a base of it. These payments reflect the diversity of economical forms of property rights by the subjects of the Russian Federation to the natural resources. Rent can serve as a basis for forming the rates of payments, as in the market economy the price for the natural resources is the capitalised rent. It is stated that the payment for the natural resources is the economical form of treatment, which has been pooling together during the process of their owing, using and ordering between their owners and users. The region appropriate the rent, as it is the owner of the bowels of the earth, and in some cases the land rent or the tax on it (under the presence of the private property to the land). The interconnection of such notions as economical growth, land use and protection of the environment has been proofed. The common goals and specific tasks of coming to a cooperative decision has been put, which are necessary for the land use

    Controlled Irradiative Formation of Penitentes

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    Spike-shaped structures are produced by light-driven ablation in very different contexts. Penitentes 1-4 m high are common on Andean glaciers, where their formation changes glacier dynamics and hydrology. Laser ablation can produce cones 10-100 microns high with a variety of proposed applications in materials science. We report the first laboratory generation of centimeter-scale snow and ice penitentes. Systematically varying conditions allows identification of the essential parameters controlling the formation of ablation structures. We demonstrate that penitente initiation and coarsening requires cold temperatures, so that ablation leads to sublimation rather than melting. Once penitentes have formed, further growth of height can occur by melting. The penitentes intially appear as small structures (3 mm high) and grow by coarsening to 1-5 cm high. Our results are an important step towards understanding and controlling ablation morphologies.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter