533 research outputs found
Geological-morphological description of the Sedna and Guinevre planitiae on Venus (photomap sheets B-11, B-20, B-21)
Presented are descriptions and maps of the region of Sedna and Guinevra Planitiae--representatives of the largest geological providense on Venus comprised of volcanic rock. Units of different age are isolated and their relations are given, as well as interpretations of proposed mechanisms of formation
Geological-morphological description of the Ishtar Terra (photomap of the Venusian surface sheet B-5)
The main part of the Ishtar Terra east of the Maxwell Montes is covered with systems of areal dislocations of several directions, which are called Parquet. According to the structural patterns these may be divided into: (1) the central stable block; (2) the lesser peripheral blocks separated from the central one by gaps and grabens; (3) the zones of mobilized parquet, whose substance flowed downward at an incline in the directions away from the central block in the form of plastic flows; and (4) the partially parqueted lava sheets. The Maxwell Montes were formed as a result of the collision between the central parquet block and the Lakshmi Planum
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cerebrovascular diseases: functional and clinical aspect of comorbidity
Literature data of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) comorbidity are represented in this review. Key aspects of this interaction and its importance for clinical medicine have been considered. CVD and COPD are the main mortality factors in adults, which contribute to great economic wastes. The incidence of chronic cerebral ischemia for COPD patients is almost three times as high as for general population. The incidence of ischemic stroke for COPD patients is 1,2 times higher than in general population. For hemorrhagic stroke and subarachnoid haemorrhages, this figures are 1,3 and 1,46 respectively. Chronic systemic inflammation, tissue hypoxia and oxidative stress play the crucial role in respiratory and cerebrovascular comorbidity. Metabolites of these processes (especially proinflammatory cytokines, reactive oxygen species, C-reactive protein and some neurotrophins) increase the permeability of blood-brain barrier, destroy brain cells and activate atherogenesis in pre - and intracerebral arteries. Endothelial dysfunction affects autoregulation of cerebral circulation. Systemic symptoms of COPD are closely associated with different structural-functional disorders of the brain such as reduction in white matter integrity, grey matter volume reduction and cerebral microbleeds. Also, venous encephalopathy is developed as a result of intrathoracic pressure elevation and stasis in superior vena cava system. These processes result in neurological symptomatology. The intensity of symptoms depends on COPD severity. The occurrence of cognitive impairment, psychic tension, depression, panic disorders also increases. However COPD and CVD comorbidity is an important problem of modern medicine, pathophysiologic mechanisms and clinic aspects of this problem remain unresolved. Understanding of their role opens perspectives for rational pharmacotherapy
SentiRuEval: Testing Object-oriented sentiment analysis systems in Russian
The paper describes the data, rules and results of SentiRuEval, evaluation of Russian object-oriented sentiment analysis systems. Two tasks were proposed to participants. The first task was aspect-oriented analysis of reviews about restaurants and automobiles, that is the primary goal was to find word and expressions indicating important characteristics of an entity (aspect terms) and then classify them into polarity classes and aspect categories. The second task was the reputation-oriented analysis of tweets concerning banks and telecommunications companies. The goal of this analysis was to classify tweets in dependence of their influence on the reputation of the mentioned company. Such tweets could express the user's opinion or a positive or negative fact about the organization
Near-Zone Field Effect of FIR Laser Radiation on Tunnel Current through the Schottky Barrier under Plasma Reflection Condition
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