16 research outputs found

    Petrography and chemical composition of the lava flows at DSDP Leg 55 Holes

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    During DSDP Leg 55, volcanic rocks were recovered at Sites 430, 432, and 433, on Ojin, Nintoku, and Suiko seamounts, respectively, in the Emperor Seamount chain. Of the five lava flows recovered at Hole 430A, the upper four flows are typical hawaiites and the lowest flow is tholeiite. Three lava flows of alkalic basalts recovered at Hole 432A on Nintoku Seamount are petrographically and chemically similar to the analogous rocks from the Hawaiian Islands. Ninety-six cooling units, from 163 to 550 meters sub-bottom, were sampled at the re-entry Hole 433C. Most of them are lava flows and others are secondary thin flows or flow lobes from fissures of basic flows. The three uppermost flows are alkalic basalts. Eight individual cooling units of picritebasalts (Flow Units 4A-4H) occur below them. The underlying sequence of flows is composed almost entirely of tholeiites; only four flows are transitional toward alkalic basalts, and one of them is picrite-basalt

    Tone acoustic communication of robots

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    Abstract: A task of communication of robots on the basis of tone acoustic signals is the focus of this work. In the work a language formal model is presented, where each letter is associated with a pattern of single-frequency tones, supplied with an algorithm of identification of these tones.Note: Research direction:Theoretical and applied problems of mechanic

    A unique variation of a four bellied digastric muscle named “real quadrigastric muscle”: a case report and literature review

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    From a topographical standpoint, the digastric muscle is key to the formation of several triangles of the neck, which are of the utmost clinical significance. Herein, we present a previously unrecognized variation of the digastric muscle: a quadrigastric muscle with two accessory bellies originating from the body and angle of the mandible and inserting to the intermediate tendon. Three new triangles are demarcated between the four bellies of the aberrant muscle. Detailed knowledge of variations of the digastric muscle, changing the borders and relationships of the topographic triangles, is paramount for radiologists and surgeons operating on the anterior region of the neck

    Optic coherence tomography-angiography – a new technique in the diagnosis and follow-up of the patients with age-related macular degeneration – an overview

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a degenerative, progressive disease, which destroys the central retina. AMD has two main forms - „dry“ and „wet“ (exudative). In order to make the diagnosis of AMD with CNV, apart from ophthalmoscopy, specialized tests are needed - fluorescein angiography (FA), indocyanine angiography, OCT, OCT-angiography (OCT-A). OCTA is a new and non-invasive technology. Compared to the old, well-known techniques for retinal evaluation, it is very precious because of its high resolution and detailed images – which allow early diagnosis and objective monitoring of the lesions in the future. The aim of this review is to describe the principles of function, features of the device and its application in everyday clinical practice in diagnosing patients with macular pathology. A systematic search of the literature, published in the past decade was identified from PubMed and Ovid databases with reference to the Preferred Reporting items for Systematic Review. AMD is a disease that is increasingly socially important because of the aging population in developed countries. The increasing use of OCT-A nowadays suggests new classification systems. The non-invasiveness, the short examination time and the high informativeness that OCT-A brings in relation to AMD requires a deeper study of the methodology and the development of new classifications to facilitate clinical practice