2,690 research outputs found

    Utilization of natural byproducts for the cultivation of blue-green algae

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    The work of Allen, Gross and Harveyo has proved t he importance of trace elements as essential auxiliaries of the major nutrients, Ca, K, Mg, Na, Cl, S, P and N in the metabolism of planktonic organisms including diatoms. In their studies extracts of Ulva and Fucus, unsuspected as sources of trace elements, were actually found to induce the growth in cultures of diatoms in artificial sea-water

    Water - soluble constituents of Gracilaria lichenoides

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    The seasonal variation in the water- soluble constituents of Gracilaria Iichenoides collected from. Palk Bay has been studied. An economic method has been worked out for the extraction of agar from the seaweed

    Bacteriological standards for fresh fishery products

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    The primary objective of every commercial fishery enterprise тАвwill be to deliver to the consumer fish products in the best possible condition at the right price and in the right packing. Quality retention is absolutely essential especially in the case of fi sh and fish products, as consumer preference and ultimate image of the products will largely depend on qualit

    Chemical composition of lagoon muds

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    It has been shown in earlier communications (Krishna Pillai, 1954, -1955) that the conditions existing in salt-water lagoons bear no similarity to those found either in open sea or in fresh-waters and that productivity in the lagoons is controlled by factors that difrer in nature and degree of in.fluence from those of the natural environment

    Growth requirements of a halophilic blue-green alga, Phormidium Tenue (menegh).

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    In order to account for the negligible growth of algae observed in the saline lagoons at Mandapam a complete knowledge of the normal nutritional and general hysiological factors controlling the growth of at least the dominant species of the algal association is necessary. This information will also have applied significance in the maintenance of adequate algal growth, a prerequisite for successful fish culture in these lagoons, regardless of whether or not the fish grown feeds directly on the algae

    Ascending (paper) chromatography of sugars by the multiple development technique

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    In the present communication results obtained by extending the technique of Jeans et al. to the resolution of a mixture containing five sngars (lactose, maltose, dextrose, galactose and arabinose each sugar at 1 per cent level) are give

    Marine environment and pollution

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    Marine pollution and its impact on the living resources is one of the topics discussed all over the world today. In the broadest sense, the term pollution refers to any change in the natural quality of the environment brought about by chemical, physical or biological agents. In practice however, pollution is the result of human activity, either direct, indirect or incidental

    р┤╕р┤ор╡Бр┤жр╡Нр┤░ р┤кр┤░р┤┐р┤╕р╡Нр┤ер┤┐р┤др┤┐ р┤ор┤▓р┤┐р┤ир╡Ар┤Хр┤░р┤гр┤В (Marine environment pollution)

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    Marine pollution and its impact on the living resources is one of the topics discussed all over the world today. In the broadest sense, the term pollution refers to any change in the natural quality of the environment brought about by chemical, physical or biological agents. In practice however, pollution is the result of human activity, either direct, indirect or incidental

    Marine pollution in the coastal waters of India

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    The environmental pressure due to pollution inputs and also due to human interference on tlte ecosystem are on the increase. Information on marine environmental damage from various sources of pollution and human interference becomes an obvious necessity to evaluate the present level of pollution as ivell as to understand the impact on living resources
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