232 research outputs found

    Inelastic Processes in the Collision of Relativistic Highly Charged Ions with Atoms

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    A general expression for the cross sections of inelastic collisions of fast (including relativistic) multicharged ions with atoms which is based on the genelazition of the eikonal approximation is derived. This expression is applicable for wide range of collision energy and has the standard nonrelativistic limit and in the ultrarelativistic limit coincides with the Baltz's exact solution ~\cite{art13} of the Dirac equation. As an application of the obtained result the following processes are calculated: the excitation and ionization cross sections of hydrogenlike atom; the single and double excitation and ionization of heliumlike atom; the multiply ionization of neon and argon atoms; the probability and cross section of K-vacancy production in the relativistic U92+U91+U^{92+} - U^{91+} collision. The simple analytic formulae for the cross sections of inelastic collisions and the recurrence relations between the ionization cross sections of different multiplicities are also obtained. Comparison of our results with the experimental data and the results of other calculations are given.Comment: 25 pages, latex, 7 figures avialable upon request,submitted to PR

    Comparison of Yarrowia lipolytica and Pichia pastoris cellular response to different agents of oxidative stress

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    Yeast cells exposed to adverse conditions employ a number of defense mechanisms in order to respond effectively to the stress effects of reactive oxygen species. In this work, the cellular response of Yarrowia lipolytica and Pichia pastoris to the exposure to the ROSinducing agents’ paraquat, hydrogen peroxide, and increased air pressure was analyzed. Yeast cells at exponential phase were exposed for 3 h to 1 mM paraquat, to 50 mM H2O2, or to increased air pressure of 3 or 5 bar. For both strains, the cellular viability loss and lipid peroxidation was lower for the cells exposed to increased air pressure than for those exposed to chemical oxidants. The glutathione induction occurred only in Y. lipolytica strain and reached the highest level as a response to PQ exposure. In general, antioxidant enzymes were more expressed in Y. lipolytica than in P. pastoris. The enzyme superoxide dismutase was induced in both strains under all the oxidant conditions but was dependent on the cellular growth phase, being undetectable in non-growing cells, whereas glutathione reductase was more induced in those conditions. Hydrogen peroxide was the most efficient inducer of catalase. Both yeast cultures underwent no cellular growth inhibition with increased air pressure, indicating that these yeast species were able to adapt to the oxidative stressful environment.The authors acknowledge the financial support provided by "Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia" (Grant SFRH/BD/47371/2008)

    Enzymatic Degradation of PrPSc by a Protease Secreted from Aeropyrum pernix K1

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    BACKGROUND: An R30 fraction from the growth medium of Aeropyrum pernix was analyzed for the protease that can digest the pathological prion protein isoform (PrP(Sc)) from different species (human, bovine, deer and mouse). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Degradation of the PrP(Sc) isoform by the R30 fraction and the purified protease was evaluated using the 6H4 anti-PrP monoclonal antibody. Fragments from the N-terminal and C-terminal of PrP(Sc) were also monitored by Western blotting using the EB8 anti-PrP monoclonal antibody, and by dot blotting using the C7/5 anti-PrP monoclonal antibody, respectively. For detection of smaller peptides from incomplete digestion of PrP(Sc), the EB8 monoclonal antibody was used after precipitation with sodium phosphotungstate. Characterization of the purified active protease from the R30 fraction was achieved, through purification by fast protein liquid chromatography, and identification by tandem mass spectrometry the serine metalloprotease pernisine. SDS-PAGE and zymography show the purified pernisine plus its proregion with a molecular weight of ca. 45 kDa, and the mature purified pernisine as ca. 23 kDa. The purified pernisine was active between 58 °C and 99 °C, and between pH 3.5 and 8.0. The temperature and pH optima of the enzymatic activity of the purified pernisine in the presence of 1 mM CaCl(2) were 105 °C ± 0.5 °C and pH 6.5 ± 0.2, respectively. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study has identified and characterized pernisine as a thermostable serine metalloprotease that is secreted from A. pernix and that can digest the pathological prion protein PrP(Sc)

    Molecular genetic identification of skeletal remains from the Second World War Konfin I mass grave in Slovenia

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    This paper describes molecular genetic identification of one third of the skeletal remains of 88 victims of postwar (June 1945) killings found in the Konfin I mass grave in Slovenia. Living relatives were traced for 36 victims. We analyzed 84 right femurs and compared their genetic profiles to the genetic material of living relatives. We cleaned the bones, removed surface contamination, and ground the bones into powder. Prior to DNA isolation using Biorobot EZ1 (Qiagen), the powder was decalcified. The nuclear DNA of the samples was quantified using the real-time polymerase chain reaction method. We extracted 0.8 to 100 ng DNA/g of bone powder from 82 bones. Autosomal genetic profiles and Y-chromosome haplotypes were obtained from 98% of the bones, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes from 95% of the bones for the HVI region and from 98% of the bones for the HVII region. Genetic profiles of the nuclear and mtDNA were determined for reference persons. For traceability in the event of contamination, we created an elimination database including genetic profiles of the nuclear and mtDNA of all persons that had been in contact with the skeletal remains. When comparing genetic profiles, we matched 28 of the 84 bones analyzed with living relatives (brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, nephews, or cousins). The statistical analyses showed a high confidence of correct identification for all 28 victims in the Konfin I mass grave (posterior probability ranged from 99.9% to more than 99.999999%)

    Physiological fitness and health adaptations from purposeful training using off-road vehicles

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate fitness and health adaptations from a training program riding all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and off-road motorcycles (ORM) as the exercise stimulus. Participants (n = 58) were randomized to a control group (n = 12) or one of four experimental groups; 2 days/week ATV (n = 11), 2 days/week ORM (n = 12), 4 days/week ATV (n = 11), or 4 days/week ORM (n = 12). Aerobic fitness, musculoskeletal fitness, body composition, clinical health, and quality of life (QOL) were compared at baseline and following 6 weeks of training. In all riding groups, there were improvements in blood pressure (SBP = 9.4 ± 10.1, DBP = 5.8 ± 6.2 mmHg), fasting glucose (0.5 ± 0.7 mmol/l), subcutaneous adiposity (0.9 ± 1.1%), body mass (0.7 ± 2.7 kg), waist circumference (1.3 ± 2.5 cm), and isometric leg endurance (26 ± 44 s). All changes were of moderate to large magnitude (Cohen’s d 0.52–0.94) with the exception of a small loss of body mass (Cohen’s d = 0.27). Although changes occurred in the riding groups for aerobic power (2.9 ± 4.6 ml kg−1 min−1), leg power (172 ± 486 w), and curl-ups (13.2 ± 22.7), these changes were not significantly different from the control group. No significant alterations occurred in resting heart rate, trunk flexibility, back endurance, hand grip strength, long jump, pull/push strength, or push-up ability as a result of training. Physical domain QOL increased in all 2 days/week riders but mental domain QOL increased in all ORM, but not ATV riders regardless of volume. Ambient carbon monoxide levels while riding (<30 ppm) were within safe exposure guidelines. Positive adaptations can be gained from a training program using off-road vehicle riding as the exercise stimulus

    Physiological relevance and health cost benefits. Reply

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