6 research outputs found

    Влияние разбавителей разной природы на кинетику объемной усадки эпоксидиановых олигомеров при отверждении

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    Diane epoxy oligomers (EO) are the most widespread among epoxies, their production makes more than 70% from the general release. To improve the impregnation of fibrous filler to create a polymer composite material (PCM) to reduce the viscosity of the binder and to that end the low viscosity diluents. This article presents the results of investigation of the influence of the various nature diluents on kinetics and value of the ED-20 brand and the EHD chlorine-containing brand epoxy oligomers final volume shrinkage is surveyed at solidification with the different types of low-viscosity liquid curing agents. Kinetic dependences of volume shrinkage of epoxy oligomer for different types of diluents are received at various concentration and dependence of shrinkage to answering point of jellification and shrinkage to answering point of the beginning of jellification from concentration of diluents. It is established that using active diluents to 20% mass decreases viscosity of the epoxy oligomers, but the kinetics of shrinkage and final shrinkage practically don't change. Introduction of active low-viscid diluents in EHD brand EO to 20 wt.% practically doesn't change kinetics of shrinkage and value of final shrinkage and allows to reduce by 2-4 times viscosity binding that leads to the referred adjustment of technical characteristics polymeric binding and conditions of processing of systems on the basis of EHD. Final heat treatment of samples at an increased temperature practically has no impact on shrinkage, however its carrying out is expedient as it leads the glass transition temperature increase.Ассматривается влияние разбавителей различной природы на кинетику и значение конечной объемной усадки эпоксидных олигомеров марки ЭД-20 и хлорсодержащей марки ЭХД при отверждении. Получены кинетические зависимости объемной усадки эпоксидных олигомеров для активных и неактивных разбавителей при различных концентрациях. Установлено, что при использовании активных разбавителей до 20% мас. снижается вязкость эпоксидного связующего как на основе ЭО марки ЭД-20, так и на ЭО марки ЭХД, а кинетика усадки и конечная усадка практически не изменяются

    Influence of various nature diluents on volume shrinkage kinetics of the epoxy oligomer at curing

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    Diane epoxy oligomers (EO) are the most widespread among epoxies, their production makes more than 70% from the general release. To improve the impregnation of fibrous filler to create a polymer composite material (PCM) to reduce the viscosity of the binder and to that end the low viscosity diluents. This article presents the results of investigation of the influence of the various nature diluents on kinetics and value of the ED-20 brand and the EHD chlorine-containing brand epoxy oligomers final volume shrinkage is surveyed at solidification with the different types of low-viscosity liquid curing agents. Kinetic dependences of volume shrinkage of epoxy oligomer for different types of diluents are received at various concentration and dependence of shrinkage to answering point of jellification and shrinkage to answering point of the beginning of jellification from concentration of diluents. It is established that using active diluents to 20% mass decreases viscosity of the epoxy oligomers, but the kinetics of shrinkage and final shrinkage practically don't change. Introduction of active low-viscid diluents in EHD brand EO to 20 wt.% practically doesn't change kinetics of shrinkage and value of final shrinkage and allows to reduce by 2-4 times viscosity binding that leads to the referred adjustment of technical characteristics polymeric binding and conditions of processing of systems on the basis of EHD. Final heat treatment of samples at an increased temperature practically has no impact on shrinkage, however its carrying out is expedient as it leads the glass transition temperature increase


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    Aim. To estimate influence of thrombosis associated genetic factors on cardiovascular complications (CVC) occurrence in patients with stable ischemic heart disease (IHD) on the base of 5-year prospective survey. Material and methods. A total of 503 patients with the mean age of 59.4 years were enrolled into the study. The follow-up period was 5.4 years. Composite endpoint included the following cases of fatal and nonfatal CVC: death, acute coronary syndrome, ischemic stroke/transient ischemic attack, peripheral arterial thrombosis and revascularization of affected vascular system. We determined prevalence and prognostic value of mutations and polymorphisms in genes that encode blood clotting factors (factor V Leiden G1691A, prothrombin G20210A, ß-fibrinogen 455G> A), platelet GPIIIa receptor (C1565T) and enzymes involved in homocysteine metabolism (methylentetrahydrofolate reductase  (C667 T MTHFR) and A1298C, methionine synthase (MTR) A2756G, methionine synthase-reductase (MTRR) A66G and transcobalamin (TCN) C776G). Results. Overall incidence rate of vascular events made up 31.0%. MTHFR and TCN polymorphisms proved to be significant in regard to cardiovascular risk among all studied genetic indices. Carriage of at least C667 T one MTHFR polymorphic allele increased risk of CVC 1.64 times (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.2-2.3, p=0.003). Homozygous carriage of MTHFR 1298 AА and TCN 776 СС “wild” genotypes increased risk of CVC 1.63 times (95% CI 1.2-2.3, р=0.006) and 1.37 times (95% CI 1.001-1.89, р=0.04), respectively. Such genetic variants as MTHFR C667 T/СТ and 1298 AА impacted prognosis only given concomitant decrease in plasma folate level, which was observed in 56.1% of the patients. Conclusion. It can be recommended to test the presence of MTHFR C667 T, MTHFR 1298 AА and TCN 776 СС, and to simultaneously assess folate level in IHD patients in order to clarify risk of unfavorable cardiovascular events

    Анализ эффективности антибактериальной терапии у пациентов с заболеваниями органов дыхания в амбулаторной терапевтической практике

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the rationality of antibiotics administration and choice in patients with different respiratory diseases referred from outpatient departments to the city diagnostic center № 1 at Saint Petersburg. Two hundred and thirty five outpatient medical histories were analyzed. We revealed cases of unreasonable (in patients with bronchial asthma and exogenous allergic alveolitis) and irrational antibiotic administration (rare administration of inhibitor protected aminopenicillins, cefuroxime axetil, respiratory quinolones; use of aminoglycozides, co trimoxazolе and tetracyclines in therapeutic patients). Elderly and senile age, smoking and post tuberculotic lung pathology provided lingering pneumonia course. Eighteen patients with uncomplicated pneumonia (including lingering variants), exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and bronchiectasis were successfully treated by sparfloxacin.Целью данного исследования явился анализ обоснованности назначения антибактериальной терапии (АБТ) и рациональности выбора препаратов у больных с различными заболеваниями органов дыхания, которые были направлены на обследование и консультацию пульмонолога городского диагностического центра № 1 Санкт-Петербурга из поликлиник города. Проанализированы амбулаторные карты 235 пациентов. Были выявлены случаи необоснованного (у больных бронхиальной астмой, экзогенным аллергическим альвеолитом) и нерационального назначения АБТ (редкое назначение ингибитор защищенных аминопенициллинов, цефуроксим аксетила, респираторных фторхинолонов, продолжение использования в терапевтической практике аминогликозидов, котримаксозола и тетрациклинов). По нашим наблюдениям, затяжному течению пневмонии способствовали курение и наличие выраженных посттуберкулезных изменений в легких, а также пожилой и старческий возраст пациентов. 18 больных неосложненной внебольничной пневмонией, в т. ч. с затяжным течением заболевания, обострением хронического бронхита и бронхоэктатической болезни, получили в отделении курс лечения спарфлоксацином, применение которого оказалось успешным у всех пациентов