24 research outputs found
Basin Model of Total Dissolved Salts Transformation in Water of a Small River (the Kirgizka River, Tomsk, Russia)
The basin model of total dissolved salt transformation in river water has been developed. It was tested in the Kirgizka River, the right tributary of the Tom River (Russia, Western Siberia, Tomsk). It was shown that the river system has the capacity of selfpurification and is characterized by rather stable salt composition. It is explained by the fact that the growth in dissolved salt concentration in river water is limited to some extent by, firstly, dilution of more mineralized groundwaters drained by rivers, and, secondly, relatively low solubility of some compounds
Порівняльна ефективність різних способів застосування аналогу гонадотропін-рилізинг гормону за стимуляції овуляції у кролиць
Modern reproductive technologies require artificial insemination (AI) protocols that are safe for the health of animals and do not violate their welfare. Stress factors arising in the reproduction process of industrial rabbit breeding negatively affect the sexual function and reproductive performance of rabbits and their offspring. In recent years, researchers have focused on alternative methods of ovulation stimulation, including intravaginal introduction of hormonal means of its induction. Therefore, the aim of our study was a comparative evaluation of the effectiveness of the intramuscular method of administration of the gonadotropin-releasing control (GnRH) analogue and its addition to the sperm dose for AI on Hyplus rabbit (n = 30), which were randomly divided into three groups. For this, buserelin acetate was administered intramuscularly at a dose of 1 μg per rabbit immediately after artificial insemination (control group). Experimental animals were inseminated with sperm doses with the addition of a GnRH analogue in the amount of 25 μg (experimental group 1) and 15 μg (experimental group 2). The influence of the method of administration of GnRH analogue on reproductive function was evaluated by indicators of the effectiveness of AI, fertility, and the dynamics of the progesterone level during pregnancy. A decrease in fecundity was observed in females; for example, in experimental group 1, the effectiveness of AI in terms of the number of rabbits was 64.3 %; in animals of experimental group 2 – 41.2 %, and the number of inseminations in this group of rabbits was 41.7% higher compared to control data. The fertility of rabbits of all groups was high, reaching the maximum value in the control group (10.42 ± 0.52 heads/female). Fertility according to live newborns in experimental group 1 was the highest among all groups of rabbits and was 9.67 ± 0.49 heads/female, which showed an increasing trend compared to the control. Also, in the animals of experimental group 1, an increase in the level of progesterone in blood serum was observed (on the 7th day of pregnancy by 13.2 %, on the 14th day by 14.3 %, on the 21st day by 16.4 %). In contrast, in experimental group 2, a significant decrease in the progesterone level was noted. Thus, 25 μg of GnRH analogue added to the extender is optimal. It is worth noting that there were no advantages of intravaginal administration over intramuscular administration in terms of reproductive performance. However, the number of live births and progesterone levels were improved.Сучасні репродуктивні технології потребують застосування безпечних для здоров’я тварин гормонів та таких, що не порушують їх добробуту протоколів штучного осіменіння (ШО). Стрес-фактори, що виникають у процесі відтворення промислового кролівництва негативно впливають на статеву функцію, репродуктивні показники кролиць та їх приплід. В останні роки увага дослідників зосереджена на альтернативних способах стимуляції овуляції, в тому числі інтравагінальному введенні гормональних засобів її індукції. Тому метою нашого дослідження була порівняльна оцінка ефективності внутрішньом’язового способу введення аналогу гонадотропін-рилізинг гормону (ГнРГ) та його додавання в спермодозу за ШО кролиць породи Hyplus (n = 30), яких випадковим чином було поділено на 3 групи. Для цього використовували бусереліну ацетат, який вводили внутрішньом’язово у дозі 1 мкг на кролицю одразу після штучного осіменіння (контрольна група). Дослідних тварин осіменяли спермодозами з додаванням аналогу ГнРГ у кількості 25 мкг (дослідна група 1) та 15 мкг (дослідна група 2). Вплив способу введення аналогу ГнРГ на відтворну функцію оцінювали за показниками ефективності ШО, плодючістю та динамікою рівня прогестерону протягом сукрольності. У самиць спостерігали зниження заплідненості, так, у дослідній групі 1 ефективність ШО за кількістю окролів склала 64,3 %, у тварин дослідної групи 2 – 41,2 %, а кількість осіменінь у даній групі кролиць була вищою на 41,7 % порівняно з даними контролю. Плодючість кролиць всіх груп була високою, досягаючи максимального значення у контрольній групі (10,42 ± 0,52 голів/самицю). Багатоплідність за живими новонародженими у дослідній групі 1 була найвищою серед всіх груп кролиць і складала 9,67 ± 0,49 голів/самицю, що показало тенденцію до зростання порівняно з контролем. Також у тварин дослідної групи 1 спостерігали зростання рівня прогестерону у сироватці крові на 7-у добу вагітності на 13,2 %, на 14-у добу – на 14,3 %, на 21-у добу – 16,4 %, тоді як у дослідній групі 2 відмічали достовірне зменшення рівня прогестерону. Таким чином, оптимальною є кількість 25 мкг аналогу ГнРГ доданого до екстендеру. Варто зазначити, що за інтравагінального введення переваг перед внутрішньом’язовим способом за репродуктивними показниками відзначено не було, хоча кількість живих новонароджених і рівень прогестерону були покращені
Non-sequential double ionization below laser-intensity threshold: Anticorrelation of electrons without excitation of parent ion
Two-electron correlated spectra of non-sequential double ionization below
laser-intensity threshold are known to exhibit back-to-back scattering of the
electrons, viz., the anticorrelation of the electrons. Currently, the widely
accepted interpretation of the anticorrelation is recollision-induced
excitation of the ion plus subsequent field ionization of the second electron.
We argue that another mechanism, namely simultaneous electron emission, when
the time of return of the rescattered electron is equal to the time of
liberation of the bounded electron (the ion has no time for excitation), can
also explain the anticorrelation of the electrons in the deep below
laser-intensity threshold regime. Our conclusion is based on the results of the
numerical solution of the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation for a model
system of two one-dimensional electrons as well as an adiabatic analytic model
that allows for a closed-form solution.Comment: 6 pages and 3 figure
Quantum load-matching
Quantum load-matching is a novel quantum mechanism first
discussed by X. Z. Li (Czech. J. Phys., 49 (1999) 985),
which, surprisingly, produces tunneling currents on the order of
unity even for thick tunneling barriers, if tunneling rates and
absorption rates are matched. We refine the qualitative arguments
of Li, provide quantitative analytical quantum load-matching
criteria in one and three dimensions and establish a link to the
Breit-Wigner theory of resonance scattering. We point out that
the basic idea of quantum load-matching can profitably be applied
universally in all fields of physics and technology that deal
with wave phenomena
Quasi-molecular resonances in muonic charge-exchange reactions
We present the first thorough theoretical
discussion of non-monotonic structure
in the temporal behavior of
X-ray fluorescence intensity
spectra of muon charge-exchange
reactions of the type
Our discussion is based
on semiclassical methods;
our results are almost entirely analytical.
We find
that the reported experimental maxima
of muon charge-exchange rates
are very close to the theoretical
limits. We identify
a new quantum mechanism,
quantum impedance matching, which
explains observed
inelastic transitions close to the Unitarity Limit.
We investigate the specific example of the reaction
in detail using
two-center Coulomb adiabatic potential terms.
We find that quantum impedance matched
higher-order partial-wave
resonances yielding muon-transfer
rates close to the
Unitarity Limit are responsible
for the remarkable non-monotonic structure
in the X-ray fluorescence spectra
The possibilities of implementing real-time programming code secured execution environments on GNU/LINUX operating systems
The relevance of the present study is confirmed by the need for implementing technologies of program code, controlled execution for general-purpose systems and for systems, which are used in critical information infrastructure (CII). Technologies for implementing secure execution environments are one of the modern security mechanisms for protecting against the exploitation of vulnerabilities and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of information. Approaches to the implementation of trusted program code execution and controlled software execution has been investigated. The advantages, disadvantages and limitations of the use of existing solutions are discussed. Aspects and methods for implementing this type of runtime environment, using the standard features of the GNU/Linux OS kernel are reviewed. A new method was introduced for implementing secured real-time code execution environments in the GNU/Linux OS family, expanding the capabilities of existing solutions for creating secure execution environments without using proprietary technologies. The obtained results can be considered for use in hardware-software systems and embedded systems under GNU/Linux OS