95 research outputs found

    Correlation induced switching of local spatial charge distribution in two-level system

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    We present theoretical investigation of spatial charge distribution in the two-level system with strong Coulomb correlations by means of Heisenberg equations analysis for localized states total electron filling numbers taking into account pair correlations of local electron density. It was found that tunneling current through nanometer scale structure with strongly coupled localized states causes Coulomb correlations induced spatial redistribution of localized charges. Conditions for inverse occupation of two-level system in particular range of applied bias caused by Coulomb correlations have been revealed. We also discuss possibility of charge manipulation in the proposed system.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures Submitted to JETP Letter

    Non-Universal Behavior of Finite Quantum Hall Systems as a Result of Weak Macroscopic Inhomogeneities

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    We show that, at low temperatures, macroscopic inhomogeneities of the electron density in the interior of a finite sample cause a reduction in the measured conductivity peak heights σxxmax\sigma_{xx}^{\rm max} compared to the universal values previously predicted for infinite homogeneous samples. This effect is expected to occur for the conductivity peaks measured in standard experimental geometries such as the Hall bar and the Corbino disc. At the lowest temperatures, the decrease in σxxmax(T)\sigma_{xx}^{\rm max}(T) is found to saturate at values proportional to the difference between the adjacent plateaus in σxy\sigma_{xy}, with a prefactor which depends on the particular realization of disorder in the sample. We argue that this provides a possible explanation of the ``non-universal scaling'' of σxxmax\sigma_{xx}^{\rm max} observed in a number of experiments. We also predict an enhancement of the ``non-local'' resistance due to the macroscopic inhomogeneities. We argue that, in the Hall bar with a sharp edge, the enhanced ``non-local'' resistance and the size corrections to the ``local'' resistance RxxR_{xx} are directly related. Using this relation, we suggest a method by which the finite-size corrections may be eliminated from RxxR_{xx} and RxyR_{xy} in this case.Comment: REVTEX 3.0 file (38 pages) + 5 postscript figures in uuencoded format. Revised version includes an additional figure showing unpublished experimental dat

    Phase diagram of aggregation of oppositely charged colloids in salty water

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    Aggregation of two oppositely charged colloids in salty water is studied. We focus on the role of Coulomb interaction in strongly asymmetric systems in which the charge and size of one colloid is much larger than the other one. In the solution, each large colloid (macroion) attracts certain number of oppositely charged small colloids (ZZ-ion) to form a complex. If the concentration ratio of the two colloids is such that complexes are not strongly charged, they condense in a macroscopic aggregate. As a result, the phase diagram in a plane of concentrations of two colloids consists of an aggregation domain sandwiched between two domains of stable solutions of complexes. The aggregation domain has a central part of total aggregation and two wings corresponding to partial aggregation. A quantitative theory of the phase diagram in the presence of monovalent salt is developed. It is shown that as the Debye-H\"{u}ckel screening radius rsr_s decreases, the aggregation domain grows, but the relative size of the partial aggregation domains becomes much smaller. As an important application of the theory, we consider solutions of long double-helix DNA with strongly charged positive spheres (artificial chromatin). We also consider implications of our theory for in vitro experiments with the natural chromatin. Finally, the effect of different shapes of macroions on the phase diagram is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures. The text is rewritten, but results are not change

    Relation between Barrier Conductance and Coulomb Blockade Peak Splitting for Tunnel-Coupled Quantum Dots

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    We study the relation between the barrier conductance and the Coulomb blockade peak splitting for two electrostatically equivalent dots connected by tunneling channels with bandwidths much larger than the dot charging energies. We note that this problem is equivalent to a well-known single-dot problem and present solutions for the relation between peak splitting and barrier conductance in both the weak and strong coupling limits. Results are in good qualitative agreement with the experimental findings of F. R. Waugh et al.Comment: 19 pages (REVTeX 3.0), 3 Postscript figure

    Harmonic Solid Theory of Photoluminescence in the High Field Two-Dimensional Wigner Crystal

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    Motivated by recent experiments on radiative recombination of two-dimensional electrons in acceptor doped GaAs-AlGaAs heterojunctions as well as the success of a harmonic solid model in describing tunneling between two-dimensional electron systems, we calculate within the harmonic approximation and the time dependent perturbation theory the line shape of the photoluminescence spectrum corresponding to the recombination of an electron with a hole bound to an acceptor atom. The recombination process is modeled as a sudden perturbation of the Hamiltonian for the in-plane degrees of freedom of the electron. We include in the perturbation, in addition to changes in the equilibrium positions of electrons, changes in the curvatures of the harmonically approximated potential. The computed spectra have line shapes similar to that seen in a recent experiment. The spectral width, however, is roughly a factor of 3 smaller than that seen in experiment if one assumes a perfect Wigner crystal for the initial state state of the system, whereas a simple random disorder model yields a width a factor of 3 too large. We speculate on the possible mechanisms that may lead to better quantitative agreement with experiment.Comment: 22 pages, RevTex, 8 figures. Submitted to the Physical Review

    Universality in an integer Quantum Hall transition

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    An integer Quantum Hall effect transition is studied in a modulation doped p-SiGe sample. In contrast to most examples of such transitions the longitudinal and Hall conductivities at the critical point are close to 0.5 and 1.5 (e^2/h), the theoretically expected values. This allows the extraction of a scattering parameter, describing both conductivity components, which depends exponentially on filling factor. The strong similarity of this functional form to those observed for transitions into the Hall insulating state and for the B=0 metal- insulator transition implies a universal quantum critical behaviour for the transitions. The observation of this behaviour in the integer Quantum Hall effect, for this particular sample, is attributed to the short-ranged character of the potential associated with the dominant scatterers

    Theory of Exciton Recombination from the Magnetically Induced Wigner Crystal

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    We study the theory of itinerant-hole photoluminescence of two-dimensional electron systems in the regime of the magnetically induced Wigner crystal. We show that the exciton recombination transition develops structure related to the presence of the Wigner crystal. The form of this structure depends strongly on the separation dd between the photo-excited hole and the plane of the two-dimensional electron gas. When dd is small compared to the magnetic length, additional peaks appear in the spectrum due to the recombination of exciton states with wavevectors equal to the reciprocal lattice vectors of the crystal. For dd larger than the magnetic length, the exciton becomes strongly confined to an interstitial site of the lattice, and the structure in the spectrum reflects the short-range correlations of the Wigner crystal. We derive expressions for the energies and the radiative lifetimes of the states contributing to photoluminescence, and discuss how the results of our analysis compare with experimental observations.Comment: 10 pages, no figures, uses Revtex and multicol.st

    Explanation for the Resistivity Law in Quantum Hall System

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    We consider a 2D electron system in a strong magnetic field, where the local Hall resistivity ρxy(r)\rho_{xy}(\vec r) is a function of position and ρxx(r)\rho_{xx}(\vec r) is small compared to ρxy\rho_{xy}. Particularly if the correlations fall off slowly with distance, or if fluctuations exist on several length scales, one finds that the macroscopic longitudinal resistivity RxxR_{xx} is only weakly dependent on ρxx\rho_{xx} and is approximately proportional to the magnitude of fluctuations in ρxy\rho_{xy}. This may provide an explanation of the empirical law RxxBdRxydBR_{xx} \propto B \frac{dR_{xy}}{dB} where RxyR_{xy} is the Hall resistance, and BB is the magnetic field.Comment: 11 pages (REVTeX 3.0). Revised Version. Complete postscript file for this paper is available on the World Wide Web at http://cmtw.harvard.edu/~simon/ ; Preprint number HU-CMT-94S0

    Transport Through Quantum Melts

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    We discuss superconductor to insulator and quantum Hall transitions which are first order in the clean limit. Disorder creates a nearly percolating network of the minority phase. Electrical transport is dominated by tunneling or activation through the saddle point junctions, whose typical resistance is calculated as a function of magnetic field. In the Boltzmann regime, this approach yields resistivity laws which agree with recent experiments in both classes of systems. We discuss the origin of dissipation at zero temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Thermoelectric Response of an Interacting Two-Dimensional Electron Gas in Quantizing Magnetic Field

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    We present a discussion of the linear thermoelectric response of an interacting electron gas in a quantizing magnetic field. Boundary currents can carry a significant fraction of the net current passing through the system. We derive general expressions for the bulk and boundary components of the number and energy currents. We show that the local current density may be described in terms of ``transport'' and ``internal magnetization'' contributions. The latter carry no net current and are not observable in standard transport experiments. We show that although Onsager relations cannot be applied to the local current, they are valid for the transport currents and hence for the currents observed in standard transport experiments. We relate three of the four thermoelectric response coefficients of a disorder-free interacting two-dimensional electron gas to equilibrium thermodynamic quantities. In particular, we show that the diffusion thermopower is proportional to the entropy per particle, and we compare this result with recent experimental observations.Comment: 18 pages, 2 postscript figures included. Revtex with epsf.tex and multicol.sty. In the revised version, the comparison with experimental observations at ν=1/2,3/2\nu=1/2, 3/2 is extended to include the possibility of corrections due to weak impurity scattering. The conclusions that we reach regarding the applicability of the composite fermion model at these filling fractions are not affecte