24 research outputs found

    Obtaining and Characterization of Hybridomas Producing Monoclonal Antibodies against Coronavirus SARS-CоV-2

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    The aim of the work was to obtain and characterize hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies to antigens of coronavirus SARS‑CoV‑2, promising for the construction of diagnostic immunochemical tests. Materials and methods. Recombinant nucleocapsid and receptor binding fragment of spike protein of SARS‑CoV‑2 were used for immunization of BALB/c mice. Antigens were absorbed on aluminium hydroxide gel and injected subcutaneously to BALB/c mice at a 7-day-interval. Immune splenocytes and myeloma cells SP2/0-Ag14 were fused by polyethylene glycol 1450. Cell cultures producing specific antibodies against nucleocapsid and receptor binding fragment were selected applying indirect ELISA in 96-well plates sensitized by desired antigens. Clones of hybridomas were obtained using the method of limiting dilutions. Production properties were studied through in vitro cultivation in 24-well culture plates. Immune-ascitic fluids were collected during the cultivation of hybrid cells in peritoneal cavities of BALB/c mice. Monoclonal antibodies were purified by affinity chromatography on protein A sepharose sorbent, conjugated with horseradish peroxidase, and tested for the possibility to be used in sandwich ELISA for detection of inactivated SARS‑CoV‑2 coronavirus strain “Isolate B”. Results and discussion. As a result of hybridization and selection of clones, hybridomas producing monoclonal antibodies to nucleocapsid and receptor binding fragment of SARS‑CoV‑2 have been obtained. During the in vitro and in vivo cultivation the clones maintained the consistent proliferative and antibody producing activity. The application of monoclonal antibody 415D12 as a capture one and 411D12 antibody conjugated with horseradish peroxidase as a detector antibody in ELISA allows for identifying SARS‑CoV‑2 coronavirus at a minimum concentration of 1·103 PFU per ml

    Great Thinkers of Antiquity and Sports

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    Цель настоящего исследования — показать, как происходит формирование личности на примере древнегреческой состязательной культуры, Олимпийских игр. С помощью исторического, биографического, компаративного методов представлено своеобразие агональной культуры древних греков как одной из форм общения людей с богами и высших форм общественной жизни. Доказано, что занятия самосовершенствованием, физическим и духовным, осуществлялось для того, чтобы добиться расположения богов и стать достойным гражданином полиса. На конкретных примерах биографий великих мыслителей древности прослеживается эллинистическая система воспитания и обучения, которая строилась на гармонии интеллектуального и физического развития.The purpose of this study is to show how personality is formed at the dawn of the ancient Greek competitive culture, the Olympic Games. identification of historical, biographical, comparative methods, represented by the peculiar agonal cultures of the ancient Greeks as one of the forms of communication between people and the gods and the highest manifestation of life manifestations. It is proved that self-improvement, physical and spiritual, was carried out in order to achieve the location of the gods and become a worthy citizen of the policy. On specific examples of the biographies of the great thinkers of antiquity, the Hellenistic system of education and training, which was built on the harmony of intellectual and physical development, can be traced

    Development of the Immuno-Enzyme Test-System for the Detection of <i>Legionella pheumophila</i>, Serogroup I

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    Developed is the highly sensitive and specific immuno-enzyme test-system, which is perspective for the detection of L. pneumophilia, serogroup 1. Isolated are the three hybrid cell lines that secrete monoclonal antibodies to specific epitopes of L. pneumophilia, serogroup 1 lipopolysaccharide antigen. Hyper immune rabbit sera, characterized by highly specific activity and specificity, are obtained using lipopolysaccharide antigen

    Modellierungskonzepte der Synergetik und der Theorie der Selbstorganisation

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    Mnay models situated in the current research landscape of modelling and simulating social processes have roots in physics. This is visible in the name of specialties as Econophysics or Sociophysics. This chapter describes the history of knowledge transfer from physics, in particular physics of self-organization and evolution, to the social sciences. We discuss why physicists felt called to describe social processes. Across models and simulations the question how to explain the emergence of something new is the most intriguing one. We present one model approach to this problem and introduce a game -- Evolino -- inviting a larger audience to get acquainted with abstract evolution-theory approaches to describe the quest for new ideas.Comment: In German, extended first version, final version Ebeling, W., & Scharnhorst, A. (2015). Modellierungskonzepte der Synergetik und der Theorie der Selbstorganisation. In N. Braun & N. J. Saam (Eds.), Handbuch Modellbildung und Simulation in den Sozialwissenschaften (pp. 419--452). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi:10.1007/978-3-658-01164-2 (in German

    Assemblages of Meiobenthic and Planktonic Microcrustaceans (Cladocera and Copepoda) from Small Water Bodies of Mountain Subarctic (Putorana Plateau, Middle Siberia)

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    The Putorana Plateau (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia) is one of the largest mountainous regions of subarctic Eurasia. Studies of aquatic ecosystems of this are far from complete. In particular, microcrustaceans (Cladocera и Copepoda) of the Putorana Plateau are poorly investigated, although they are one of the main components of meiobenthic and zooplanktonic communities and a target for monitoring of the anthropogenic influence and climate change. An open question is a biogeographical status of the crustacean fauna of the plateau. Additionally, it is unknown which environmental factors significantly affect benthic and planktonic crustacean assemblages? Based on the samples collected in tundra and forest tundra ponds in the western and central parts of the plateau, analysis of the composition of crustacean fauna and factors regulating the assemblage structure was performed. In total, 36 Cladocera and 24 Copepoda species were found. Of these, 23 taxa are new for the region, and four are new to science. Species richness of Copepoda is higher in the central part and on the western slopes of the plateau than in foothills, while number of the Cladocera species in contrast decreases in mountainous areas. Variations in meiobenthic assemblages are due to the research area, type of water supply and less affected by altitude above sea level. For planktonic assemblages the size of the water body and, to a lesser degree, by macrophytes species composition was significant. Almost 12.8% of microcrustacean species of the Putorana Plateau can be attributed to glacial relics. Crustacean fauna of the Putorana Plateau has a high species richness and distinguishes significantly from the fauna of both western and eastern regions of the Arctic. The specifics of faunal composition of the region are connected to the climatic features of Middle Siberia and the retaining of the Pleistocene fauna in some glacial refugia